Sometimes, a little distraction is good.
As I watch the latest snow fall down outside my window, I’m supposed to be finishing up a couple of projects. But sometimes a turn of phrase just won’t come out the way we want it to, and a little diversion is needed.
We all converse with bloggers in different parts of the world from us. Naturally, we’re all in different time zones. Some are as close as one hour’s difference (Ontario, Rhode Island, Maine, etc are an hour behind me on Atlantic Standard Time) while others, like Stuart in Australia, are 13 hours ahead—well into tomorrow. Before I went looking up maps, I found a handy chart of times across the world, and that gave me some idea of what time some of you not in North America are on. Then I had to decide what part of what continent people were in. (I’m using Stuart for an example here because he’s about the further away of my bloggin’ buds.) I knew he was in Western Australia, but not exactly where Busselton was.
So naturally, I took the time to look it up. (I did say I needed a break, didn’t I?) Busselton is about 220 km from Perth, the capital of Western Australia, and home to what is said to be the longest wooden structure in the southern hemisphere, the Busselton Jetty, nearly two kilometers in length stretching out into the ocean. Just looking at it made me dizzy!
Now, this got me thinking. It’s been a long time since I took geography, but it’s a fascinating subject—especially when looked at through a gardener’s eyes. Look at Yolanda Elizabet, in Dinteloord, in the province of Noord Brabant, the Netherlands. Who knew (besides Europeans who are better travelled than us new worlders) that the Netherlands had provinces? I know a bit about Kate's neck of the woods because I've been to the Prairies (though not to Saskatchewan) but can YOU uickly locate her province on a map of Canada? And how many who don't live in the United States knew that Rhode Island, where Blithewold and Layanee are ISN'T an island? You see what I mean?
So I’m throwing a challenge out to all other garden bloggers to embark on something I’m calling Garden Bloggers Geography Project. All you have to do is write a post (or two or three, if you want—remember, my theory is rules are made to be broken). Tell your readers a bit about your hometown, your state, province…something that really tells us where you are in the world. What’s really special about your community? Pretend you’re trying to entice visitors to the region, and remember—what might be obvious to you isn’t necessarily obvious to even the blogger in the community next door. Use maps, photos, whatever you want, so long as it’s not too hard for people to load. (Not everyone is on highspeed, and videos can be frustrating for those on dialup.)
When you get your post done, come and leave a comment here in this post. You can also link back, or use the bizarre little graphic I’ve made up above (just don’t laugh at it); whatever you want to do to spread the word and join in the fun. We’ll give this project a deadline—the 29th of February, to acknowledge that this IS a leap year.
Now, in school, we got grades, or gold stars or detentions, if we didn’t do our homework. No detentions here, of course, but here’s a bit of an enticement. I’ll visit all the postings over the next couple of weeks, and select the one I like the best. And the prize, though it might not be screamingly relevant for some of you, will be a copy of my book, The Atlantic Gardener’s Greenbook. Now, if you’ve already got one, that doesn’t disqualify you—you can give it as a gift to someone else. Or sell it on EBay, or whatever you wish. I’ll contact the winning blogger, announce that person here, and mail the book off to wherever that day. How’s that sound for an enticement?
Ready? Let the projects begin!
Oh, I hope Stuart does participate, and that he tells us a bit about Georgiana Molloy! I'm planning to join in too.
ReplyDeleteTerrific idea, Jodi. I'm eager to see how the project will turn out. Of course I'll be happy to join your venture.
ReplyDeleteJodi, this sounds like fun. I hope the sightseeing pages that MSS (Zanthan Gardens) and I wrote for the Garden Bloggers Spring Fling site will count for an Austin post because we spent a lot of time on it, writing about and linking to our favorite places in town: Austin Sightseeing and Garden-Related Day Trips.
ReplyDeleteI look forward to learning a little more about the diverse places garden bloggers hail from.
Great idea, Jodi. It will be fun to learn about the other blogger's home space. You'll tell us more about where you are located, of course!
ReplyDeleteFrances at Faire Garden
Well, golly gee how can I NOT participate in this project? I'm increasingly in awe of your, and others, seemingly boundless energy. Do you guys ever sleep? Maybe you don't have teenagers at home. Hm. Whatever the reason, I'm in awe. Oh, I said that...
ReplyDeletexo - Debi
Hi Jodi! Great idea! There are a lot of posts in the last weeks. Some posts with a lot of snow and ice, others with Spring flowers. I always ask me, where is this blogger living? This is a good chance to see it! Let the project begin!
ReplyDeleteHave a good weekend Wurzerl
This is a great idea Jodi !
ReplyDeleteI am curious to see what everyone has to say .. great diversion from this weather .. although I may be absent .. finished painting the bathroom, but the kitchen is next .. I'll do my best to keep up though !
Joy .. painting my way through winter ? JEEZ !
Hi Jodi,
ReplyDeleteA great idea! I already write about my home town - it's another thread alongside garden and allotment happenings. As a result I've tagged Chippenham, so you can see the bunch of articles I've done already. It's a quirky place and one that's undergoing quite a few changes, so I'm also doing a series of articles under the banner 'Changing Chippenham'. I also have links in my sidebar to our local newspaper, a map of Chippenham and a town guide. Nevertheless, count me in and I'll do a 'special' for your project too!
Thanks for stopping by and adding a comment on my snowdrops earlier, it's much appreciated.
Alright! I will definitely get onto that! Would love to tell people where I live and such!
ReplyDeleteHi Jodi -
ReplyDeleteI'll write a post today if time permits. I think you and I are further apart (in time) than Stuart and yourself. I'm in Sydney and there's a 3-4 hour time difference from here to Perth (I'm ahead).
So as I write this post it is 10:24AM (Saturday 9th Feb) here in Sydney and 7:24PM in Hallifax, Nova Scotia (Friday 8th Feb).
I've written something up quickly:
David of Sydney.
I stopped by to visit and say hi. I was reading a summer blog by a New Zealander and confess to geographical envy. -Although, Ca has been fairly nice these last few days and shouldn't complain.
ReplyDeleteFantastic idea jodi. I would love to participate - but not today, way too much to do. I shall get into something next week.
ReplyDeleteKudos for the challenge.
What a great idea. Here's my blurb about my Ohio garden: http://www.motherearthsgarden.com/my-garden-zone/
ReplyDeleteI'm in jodi. I love this idea. I had so much fun putting together the post. maybe I'll become a travel writer. ha ha. Looking forward to reading yours.
ReplyDeleteHere's my contribution, from the east coast of Australia:
(Thanks to David of Sydney for the link!)
What a superb idea ! I am in Florida - yes I know, an unfair advantage.
ReplyDeleteAlthough my writing skills leave a lot to be desired, I love gardening. Having my fingers in the dirt creates a serene atmosphere for me and is very therapeutic (sp?) Come visit
Florida Gardening.
Very good idea :) I am in :)
ReplyDeleteIf Carolyn Gail hadn't gotten there 1st, I would have been trumpeting the charms of Chicago. I'm so hoping that we get the Summer Olympics, but the biggest negative factor is that people in other countries know Chicago only from the movies - "Oh, Chicago! Bang, bang!" Most of them, when they visit the USA go only to the coasts: New York, Florida, L.A., San Franscico.
ReplyDeleteOf course, I don't even live in Chicago anymore, so maybe I'll take a shot at life in the 'burbs instead.
Hi Jodi,
ReplyDeleteI've gotten my post on Chicago up, in case you haven't noticed.
Glad to see so many of you are planning to join in ( and I'm sure others will too.) When I get better organized I'm going to make a post announcing who all have posted their links...might need to get some help from one of you more websavvy types. I've already read the new posts up and enjoyed them immensely--and Stuart, not to worry, you've got til 29 February to do your post!
ReplyDeleteWhat a distraction indeed. I decided to make a post about Austin, Jodi: http://www.penick.net/digging/?p=435. Enjoy the virtual tour!
ReplyDeleteI've written a post about a snow sculpting contest in the suburbs of Chicago. I guess that fits in this theme. http://mcgregorsdaughter.blogspot.com/2008/02/when-life-gives-you-snow.html
ReplyDeleteI posted on Uppsala today, you can read it here
Great idea!
Great idea! We have written a post to show where in the world is TopVeg!
Hi Jodi!
ReplyDeleteI'm up for this-- just as soon as I get enough breathing space in my schedule to write a nice, meat-y, link-laden post. It's been a while for me, and I look forward to sharing our corner of the world (love your corner, too!)
Thanks for hosting!
Lisa B
Well I can't wait to see what people have to say about their place in the world.
ReplyDeleteI've just posted mine at:
I hope you can figure out how to use the image in your sidebar - unfortunately I'm not much help.
Jodi, I've posted about my garden in Indianapolis. Thanks for offering this great idea. It was a lot of fun to put together a post to showcase my city.
ReplyDeleteCarol, May Dreams Gardens
What a fun idea!
ReplyDeleteSince I live closer to two other states than I do to most of my own, I put in links to towns in four directions from here at the center of the universe in the 'Where in the World?' post on my blog.
Secrets of a Seed Scatterer is my garden blog.
Hi! I while my blog is not always about gardening, it is one of my big passions. I hope you include me in the project. I live in Merida, in the state of Yucatan in Mexico. You can read my post about the geography project at http://theresainmerida.blogspot.com/2008/02/gardenbloggers-geography-project.html
I posted a bit of the NW today before I knew about this project. I'll share more real gardening stuff before the end of the month. Fun project! Thanks -paula
ReplyDeleteI had been thinking of doing a post on where I live because I get so many questions about that from fellow bloggers. So count me in! Great idea Jodi, thanks!!!!
ReplyDeleteFaire Garden's geography project is complete Ms. Jodi, it took longer than expected to find something to write about. We live in a sleepy place and kind of want to keep it that way, more cows than people.
ReplyDeleteFrances at Faire Garden
I've just finished my geography post. It's at
Great idea, I've enjoyed reading the posts so far!
Thanks for the fun idea. I've posted about the caribbean in "Islands in the Sun"
ReplyDeleteI've really enjoyed this post and here is mine!
I am glad to post about where I live. Every place is unique, as is each of us. Thanks for this challenge.
ReplyDeleteThis is me-
This is a lovely idea Jodi and I am enjoying reading other peoples' entries. VP above has got my home town pretty much covered, so I shall enjoy being a visitor round the world.
ReplyDeleteGood idea. I'm in Tallahassee Florida I have been writing a series on the red berries present in this area in the winter from the good to the bad --check it out
ReplyDeleteMatt Cohen
It has been lovely to read about other people's homes. Here is mine: http://chookiesbackyard.blogspot.com/2008/02/where-in-gardening-world-is-chookie.html.
ReplyDeleteThank you for the great idea!
Great idea Jodi, mine is done. It's been fun reading them!
I did a post about gardening in northern Canada - on my blog "Northern Exposure Gardening".
I'm going to have to read garden blogs from Australia and Texas to warm up now!
What fun. I have posted about my rural New England town and my garden. I hope you will all come visit me. As I will you :-)
It is so much fun to read where all our blogging friends come from. I have added a post about my location.
ReplyDeleteJodi .. I had to break mine up into 3 posts .. they read backwards .. hum .. some what like my mind today ? Feb 16th .. now supper time !!!!!
Joy ................. phew !
I've been incorporating gardening into my other blog but there is too much to say so I just started a new one about gardening in Colorado.
Hi Jodi,
ReplyDeleteThis is a great idea. I'm really enjoying going through other gardeners blogs from around the world.
Here is my post:
hi jodi, I just renamed my post - will be easier to understand.
ReplyDeleteNew link:
Ewa in the Garden: Where is EWA in the GARDEN?#links
Done. Thanks for the fun!
ReplyDeleteI finally got my assignment done! Well, you know me - The Queen of Procrastination! Thanks for doing this, Jodi. Fabulous idea and I've enjoyed reading about all the different areas!
ReplyDeleteI'm being a slow-poke. I intend to work on this in the next day or two. Don't leave without me! ;-)
ReplyDeleteWow, what a response. I have a geography post ready.
ReplyDeleteThere we are! I found the right place! here's the post: http://yardisgreen.blogspot.com/2008/02/garden-bloggers-geography-project.html
ReplyDeleteWow! Sorry!
This was a great winter writing idea! I've posted about where we are here.
ReplyDeleteVery fun idea and a great project for sitting out an ice storm! Love your blog by the way - keep it up! Here's my post from Kentucky!
Jodi - my homework's done :)
I've learned a lot by reading some of these, mostly about other areas of my own state! Thanks for coordinating this.
ReplyDeleteI'm in.
Please visit:
Hi Jodi,
ReplyDeleteI'm fairly new to blogging, and a novice gardener too. Your geography project challenge was just the thing to get me to jump in and get my feet wet in the blogosphere. What fun!
We have finally done the Homework, and put ourselves "on the map".
ReplyDeleteHere is the link to the post.
Sharon & Bill
Okay, I finally got my actual post done on the Northwest Chicago 'burbs a/k/a the Fox Valley. I just can't figure out how to get the logo on it. Oh well!
ReplyDeleteCount me in, Jodi! Thank you for the idea and for hosting!
ReplyDeleteHi Jodi, I managed to get a post done before the deadline, in spite of having doubts that I would, which is why I didn't commit earlier. So here I am, letting you know my post is up! Thanks! This was a great idea!
ReplyDeleteHi Jodi, I debated about posting, as ours is a busines blog, but the only rule I found was no rules, so I hope I made you deadline
ReplyDeleteGreat idea Jody, I almost missed it. I'm looking forward to reading all those posts.
ReplyDeleteJodi, I got my post done yesterday, but almost forgot to come here and let you know. This was a great idea - thanks!
ReplyDeleteHi Jodi,
ReplyDeleteLast minute Annie here - Pam's post on Austin was so fine that I wasn't going to write, but with everyone having such a good time I had to chime in.
Here's my Austin geography post. Thank you for thinking up the project.
Annie at the Transplantable Rose
Jodi, my post is finally up (just in the nick of time) and can be found at
All too often I am driven by deadlines... I found that this one was no different. But I think I made it - just in time. Thanks a bunch for the fun - I found it to be an introspective time as I contemplated my writing. Have a great day and weekend. Hubby and I are off to enjoy a weekend at one of Florida's great beaches.
ReplyDeleteMeems @ hoeandshovel
I didn't know about this project until today. But I managed to get my homework done anyway! You can find it at: http://thebrendablog.typepad.com
ReplyDeleteBrenda Kula
In under the wire.
ReplyDeleteMy contribution:
Jodi - I am so tech-impaired! I couldn't even figure out how to do the link thing. Thanks for coming up with this - it was so much fun to read about such different places.
ReplyDeleteYou inspired my first blog post, thanks.
ReplyDeleteWhere in the Gardening World am I? - Melbourne, Australia
Sorry I'm so late, but I just noticed this great idea and did my homework.
Am I the only one close to new york city?
I have enjoyed reading these!
Thanks, garden fool.
Hi, Jodi, I'm a bit late for participating and I thank-you for extending your deadline.
ReplyDeleteSorry to hear about your ailments. Cold weather cannot possibly be good for you. Hope you get well soon.
Here's my link for my blog http://utahvalleygardens.blogspot.com/
Greg W
garden fool link correction:
Phew - just made it. Thanks for granting the extension Jodi. my post on Milan is now up :