The Bliss Team over at Yolanda Elizabet's tagged our furball family to play Questions, so after some discussion, snacks, scraps and snoozes, here's what they have to say:
1. Name 5 favourite "Songs", real or cat-created

Mungus: 'What have you done now?' (by Within Temptation)
Toby "Wicked Game"
Simon Q: "Light on my Feet"

Nibs: "Hopalong Kittycat"
Spunky Boomerang: "I needa needa nap now!"
2. Name Five Favourite Toys:
Nibs: Anyone else. I can take them all! So what if I have three legs!

Simon and Toby: Flowers, real or silk. We're master flower arrangers!

Mungus: I can only have FIVE toys? What will everyone else have? Okay....BIRDS! If I could just open this window...

Tigger:Long blade of wild grass, or the horse's longe whip

Spunky Boomerang: Water!

3. Name Five things you like to eat:
Spunky: Cat food, or a little chicken, but I'll look seriously at you whatever you eat.
Thistle: Shrimp, please! Tail off.
Tigger: catnip, catnip, catnip, please!
Simon: Butter! Butter! I'll lift the lid off the butter dish. I'll sit and look at your knife. I'll knock the dish on the floor, but I MUST have butter!
Mungus and Simon: We'd like to try pan-fried squirrel, please!

Rowdy: Anything that I can get my teeth into. Except moles. I leave them for Mum to step on in the grass.
Nibs: I'm the littlest, and I have three legs. I get canned cat food all by myself, but don't tell anyone, okay? And I love barbecued potato chips!

Toby Soprano: Whatever comes out of the fridge is fine with me! Here, let me help you!

4. Name 5 favorite activities you'd like to indulge in:

Toby Soprano (with the babycats Spunky and his sister Mango): Sitting in a sunny window with friends.

The late, much lamented Quincy: Yoga while sleeping.

Toby and Simon: Playing Lazer Eyeball Tag with Thistle

Mungus: Want. To. Go. OUT!

Rowdy: Helping Dad rebuild the boat. Don't I make a handsome figurehead?

Spunky: Basic and applied napping on Mum's desk.
5. Name 5 bad habits
Mungus: What, me? Just because I open cupboards, bug Thistle, wake my parents up, try to go outdoors at every opportunity, chew on socks and plants...

Simon Q. Okay, Maybe I THOUGHT about knocking the tree over. But I didn't. Not yet.

Thistle: Me? I'm little, cute, and have no tail!
Toby Soprano: I'm the flying furball, the boss of this here family, and a good fluffy boy.

Tigger: Me? I'm the senior cat, perfectly elegant and well behaved. Especially when I'm intoxicated on catnip, or catmint.
Spunky Boomerang: Moi? Je suis always too tired to be bad. Well, mostly.
Nibs: Well, I never....I'm perfect, and I have only three legs! I'm disabled so I get special compensation, right?

Rowdy. You talkin' to ME?I go outside where no one can find me when I want to be bad. But I'm never really bad. Much. Well, except when I fight with others. So I'm territorial. Whaddya gonna do about it?
Simon Q: Who me? Would this face get into the butter dish?

You see why it's never dull at our house???