I love flowers, and I love fireworks. Because I'm on deadline, I couldn't spend a lot of time making up some photos to go along with this little post, so I made a popart work out of one of my favourite foliar fireworks, Astrantia. Why fireworks, you ask? It's a celebration. After all, it's not every day that a blog turns 4 years old. In spite of its sometimes frazzled owner, even.
Back in late November and early December, I was musing whether or not to continue blogging, for a whole bunch of reasons. But then I remembered why I started bloomingwriter back in the beginning—as a way of giving back to the gardening community around me, near and far—and how many blessings of friends and wisdom and fun have come to me across the miles.
Unlike some, I haven’t picked up any jobs/clients from doing this, but that wasn’t my intent. I work fulltime as a freelancer, and while it’s sometimes erratic in terms of projects and timely pay, a stint last year in a so called ‘real’ job convinced me that I’m meant to continue on as a freelancer.
Here’s part of what I wrote in my first post, four years ago today:
The blogosphere, and indeed my own gardening and writing world, have changed dramatically since January of 2006. I was on dialup back then, and it wasn’t until a year or so later that a local company invested in our small community and ran in highspeed internet: not only highspeed, but wireless highspeed. Whoo hoo! It took another year or so to get some glitches worked out, and the company further invested in new equipment to make things work brilliantly. Suddenly, I could post more photos, read more blogs, explore and increase my gardening knowledge dramatically. So thanks, Steve and the gang at Cross Country Television. You’re made of awesome.
Here’s part of what I wrote in my first post, four years ago today:
Words are a lot like seeds from flowers, grasses or trees. They get cast out onto the winds, or in this case, the Web, and we never know where they will end up or how they will fare. Some may tumble onto fallow ground, in which case they fail to germinate. Others land on fertile, prepared land, where they may flourish and bloom. Of course, not every word or every seed planted will prove to be a stunning rose. Some may be weeds. But that's one of the reasons that I connect gardening to writing, and writing to gardening. Both are facets of who I am, not something I just do. And while not every sentence I write is a rose of perfection, hopefully there aren't too many weeds.
The blogosphere, and indeed my own gardening and writing world, have changed dramatically since January of 2006. I was on dialup back then, and it wasn’t until a year or so later that a local company invested in our small community and ran in highspeed internet: not only highspeed, but wireless highspeed. Whoo hoo! It took another year or so to get some glitches worked out, and the company further invested in new equipment to make things work brilliantly. Suddenly, I could post more photos, read more blogs, explore and increase my gardening knowledge dramatically. So thanks, Steve and the gang at Cross Country Television. You’re made of awesome.
Over this week I’ll be putting up a couple of posts from the past, and also I want to float a discussion with readers about encouraging others in this garden-blogging community. That’s a talk for another day, however. For now, I just want to give huge bouquets of thanks to all of you who take the time to read, to comment, to link back, to otherwise be supportive of a fellow blogger. You’re also all made of awesome. Bouquets of lavender to y'all.

Post written by jodi (bloomingwriter)

Post written by jodi (bloomingwriter)
Happy Blogaversary! I didn't start reading blogs until 2007, so I look forward to reading for the first time some of your older posts. I'm glad you've rediscovered your blogging muse. A visit here is always a treat.
ReplyDeleteHappy Blogaversary my friend! I've only been reading Bloomingwriter for little over a year, but like to dip into the past when possible. I think I will do a bit of digging into yours if you don't mind. Amazing the technoligical changes that a year can bring forth. Here's to many, many more!
Happy Anniversary! I'm glad you decided to continue blogging, Jodi. Being a relative newcomer to this wonderful world, your blog is always one I visit for beauty and wisdom. Happy Happy!
ReplyDeleteCongrats on your 4-year blogiversary, Jodi! You have me beat by one month. You are so right---how different the garden blogosphere is today compared to back then.
ReplyDeleteI just upgraded from dial-up a few months back. Which coincided with my decision to start a blog. I don't know how I survived slow, slow dial-up for all those years! As a new blog reader, I have really been enjoying all the great garden blogs out there, yours included!
ReplyDeleteChristine in Alaska
Congratulations! Four years of plants and sharing, giving and getting.
ReplyDeleteA very warm congratulations to you Jodi! Four years is indeed a celebration worthy of fireworks. I too considered giving up blogging while on vacation last month. I soul searched and had to narrow down the three reasons I blog; which when I did that I realized I should continue and forget about the parts of blogging which are not so cool-I blog for myself, family and friends and if anyone else wants to check in that is fine but not a priority. Blogging is tough after so many years and it seems there are stages bloggers go thru, whether they admit it or not there are. And let's not forget the amount of work blogging requires-unpaid of course for most.
ReplyDeleteIn all the posts I've read of yours and all your comments I've seen of yours I've yet to find a weed, your words are always lovely. Here's to many more years of blogging and freelancing for you!!
Hello Jodi,
ReplyDeleteAs a new follower of your blog, I am looking forward to reading more as you continue blogging. Congratulations on 4 years!
Happy Blogiversary, Jodi! I love your astrantia fireworks pop art. -Jean
ReplyDeleteJodi, we're blessed that you began blogging and continued on the journey. Happy Blogaversary! (You're 'The Bestest')
ReplyDeleteHappy Blog Birthday Jodi! I am so glad that you decided to keep blogging, for your words do indeed fall on fertile ground, germinate and unfurl into wide smiles. You inspire! Many Happy Returns! Carol
ReplyDeleteHappy 4th blogiversary! I've really enjoyed your blog and have learned so much! I had to have Echinacea 'Green Envy' when I saw it on your blog, so you've added to my garden as well.
ReplyDeleteI love your quote from your first post, it's just amazing what putting some words out on the web can do to change people for the better (hopefully).
aloha jodi,
ReplyDeletehaving just met you virtually only recently, i'm looking forward to visiting some of your past and appreciate your outreach to all the newbies including myself...congrats on the 4th anniversary....wooow!
Oh congrats on your fourth anniversary. Most of us just celebrated our 1st. I am so looking forward to many more years of reading blogs.
Congratulations on your blogaversary, Jodi! Four years is pretty amazing. As I told you when you were considering taking a break from blogging, you were one of the first blogs I ever read, and I've always thought of you as the gold standard for garden blogs. The excerpt from your first post is proof of the quality of writing always evident here. Wishing you many more years of blogging!
ReplyDeleteI just realized I have missed your last several posts; a nasty cold put me behind in reading for a few days. I won't comment on all of them, but oh, do I love those blue poppies! I was looking through a seed catalog last night and noticed they offered these for sale, but with the caveat about their growing needs. They did mention the Pacific Northwest as another place suited for them. I guess I'll just have to continue to drool over yours:)
Congrats on 4 years of blogging Jodi! That is an incredible achievement. I'm sure you've been thru many ebbs and flows during that period of time but hopefully the rewards outweigh everything else. I say make it work for you ~ we'll love it no matter what!
ReplyDeleteps the fireworks astrantia art is very cool!
I look forward to reading some of the older first posts, too, dear Jodi. Thanks for hanging in there and getting back into the swing. We remember when you posted about getting high speed internet that was reliable. Hooray for your continued blogging, what a treasure you are! :-)
Cheers on your 4th Blogiversary, Jodi. That's a true milestone. I really enjoy reading your blog -- for the prose, garden insights, Canadian and cold weather perspective, and, of course, the cat stories! Here's to the next 4 years!
ReplyDeleteI'm glad I've found you, but am so sorry to have missed the past 4years!
ReplyDeleteI'll have to do some digging (no pun intended)
Happy ANNIVERSARY!!! I am so happy that you started blogging because you truly inspire. Your writing is amazing... and that TOBY KITTY is adorable!
ReplyDeleteEnjoy your Day!
Happy blog anniversary too you. I've been blogging since 2003. I started a new gardening blog a few weeks ago and I've been overwhelmed by all the great people I have met in the gardening community. I'm looking forward to reading your future posts.
ReplyDeleteHappy Blog Birthday, Jodi.
ReplyDeleteOddly our Blogs are twins: my first post was on 13th January 2006.
Have always enjoyed your writing and the slightly odd names you have given your cats.
Congratulations, and may you be loaded with more awesome inspirations, health and wealth. More power to you so we keep on receiving your posts and photos. Thank you very much.
ReplyDeleteCongratulations on your 4th anniversary. Like you I find blogging very rewarding. Looking forward to reading more!
ReplyDeleteHappiest of blogaversaries Jodi! What a delight it's been to get to know you through your writing...Keep warm...gail
ReplyDeleteCongratulations. Four years is no small feat!
ReplyDeleteCongratulations! I appreciate your blog and the help it gives me with my novice gardening.
ReplyDeleteI love your blog, Jodi! It's one of the first e-mails I open each day because your words and photos are a breath of fresh air and begin my day with beauty. Congratulations to you on the 4th anniversary of your blogging adventure - may you find fulfillment in knowing you're enriching so many lives by sharing your words and your wisdom.
ReplyDeleteGod bless and keep you... :)
A very happy 4th anniversary to you, Jodi! I didn't find you right away but know it's been a few years.
ReplyDeleteIt's been fun learning about Nova Scotia as well as gardening, and I still remember the enormous geography project you hosted a few years ago... thank you for expanding your readers' world, speaking so elegantly and sharing beautiful flower photos.
Annie at the Transplantable Rose
Wow, four years blogging is quite a milestone. Congratulations! :)
ReplyDeleteHappy 4th blogiversary Jodi, how time flies. Love the firework astrantia and thanks for the lovely bouquet.
ReplyDeleteVery glad that you hung in on there when the going got a bit rough, what would we do without our Bloomingwriter?
4 years! Kudos!
ReplyDeleteHappy Anniversary! As one of your new followers...I so enjoy reading your stories...appreciate your knowledgeable wealth of plant information...your eye candy pics & your perspective on gardening and love of our perrrfectly furry friends...wishing you lots of creative future blogging and hope to catch up on your past archives! May the Sun always shine down on you and inspire you to keep your connections alive & growing!
ReplyDeleteCongrats on the milestone, Jodi -- here's looking forward to the next four. :)
ReplyDeleteGeez... have I known you that long? I began blogging in May, 2006 - I believe you were one of the first blogs I started to follow, though you may not have known that. It took me a couple of years to loosen up the brain cells and realize how important it is to leave a comment when you visit.
ReplyDeleteIf it's any consolation... I'm a prof. writer, too. Haven't landed a single gig by doing this but that's okay... I love blogging for the simple reason that nobody can edit my work.
Happy Blogoversary!
Happy 4th blog birthday Jodi! I am glad you continued blogging because I have just found your blog for the first time. I love your first post that you wrote. Have a happy day!
ReplyDeleteHappy 4th Blogaverssary! I still have a long way to go before my first one. I have just found your blog and I have been enjoying it since. Your have an extremely good quote in your first post. I can relate to this quote and I agree with you 100%.Now, I am looking forward to more...more...more :))
ReplyDeleteWhere has the time gone, Jodi? It certainly passes fast when you're having fun and that's what we've been doing visiting your blog. You've given us four years of delightful posts.
ReplyDeleteCongratulations on reaching this milestone . The garden blogging world is fortunate to have you and we look forward to many more wonderful musings.
When I started doing this, I didn't tell anyone for months, and was only accidentally 'found out' because I was naive and didn't realize that when you put a link in a post, that the person would know it - I was doing it just for my own reference. Silly me. My sense though - for all of the gardening folks - is that there is such genuine joy in our observations and hard work that there is a need to share it with others that understand such obsessions.
ReplyDeleteI love messing about on the computer with my photos too - see examples on my wepage where I have a Google album of some of my pictures.
I've split the URL as Blogspot cuts it off. I started doing this sort of thing when I was an ICT consultant to our LAs primary schools - even very young children achieve great results. They also love do something similar to photos of themself and creating David Hockney style self portraits
Thank you to everyone for your kind, funny, supportive and thoughtful comments and congrats! You demonstrate exactly why we blog...such a great community across the miles. I'm lucky to have you in my life, even if most of us will be unlikely ever to meet, at least until I win that lottery...
ReplyDeleteHappy fourth blog anniversary Jodi! So glad that you decided to continue blogging. It's always a treat to visit here.
ReplyDeleteCongratulations Jodi!
ReplyDeleteI found you almost straight away when I first timidly entered the blogosphere at the back end of 2007. Quality is quickly found!
I've valued your comments, support and encouragement ever since :)
Happy bloggeburtstag! May there be many more!
ReplyDeleteYou have a gift with words and photography. I don't know how you got the image in the blooming fireworks, but it's awesome! Congratulations on 4 years of blogging.
I could never make a living at writing, but have said on my blog that I like to talk, and that's what I do. I always enjoy reading blogs from real writers like you. I myself have been real busy helping my daughter move, and haven't been on the computer much. Sometimes I think about taking a blogging break, but haven't so far.
I enjoyed reading these sentiments. Since I've starting blogging and writing about gardening, I've felt a great sense of fulfilliment. As gardeners, we have all these thoughts that sort of went nowhere. The blog is a great forum to spill these grand thoughts!