My first Garden Bloggers Bloom Day photo report kicks off with Quaking Grass (Briza)

Corydalis elata is reliably hardy here where C. flexuosa hasn't been.

Diabolo ninebark in flower. Coppertina is finished flowering, (because it's a new plant this year) and so is Nugget.

I love this double cranesbill, but I don't know which one it is nor where I got it! I think it came from a friend, though.

The alpinum sea holly is just barely starting to flush blue, but I love it in this green stage too.

I don't care if they're common. I adore foxgloves. All foxgloves. They volunteer casually in our garden.

Sunrise Echinacea is just starting to open up and be beautiful.

a delectible gold-foliaged veronica, Aztec Gold (I think.)

A couple of the heucheras preparing to bloom too.

Lady's mantle is a must-have plant, and I adore it whether it's in bloom or not. The leaves are marvelous, holding water like a necklace of jewels.

I have a variety of maltese crosses and other campions/lychnis. This one really caught my eye because it's like a Ragged Robin gone even more ragged.

Honeybells or honey garlic aka Nectaroscordum siculum.

okey Dokey cranesbill in flower. another plant I love whether it's blooming or not.

Shrubby potentillas don't rock my world the way the perennials do, but this is a memory garden plant, and partial proceeds from sales of this went to support breast cancer victims last year.

A brand new-to-me Campanula and it's too late for me to go out and find its species. Very low growing, ideal alpine garden choice.

This might be 'Dusky Salmon' maltese cross, but it's got lost label syndrome...

I'm hoping someone can Id this weigela for me. The label said Bristol Ruby, but I don't think the gold-green leaves are right.

I'm very partial to masterworts. This one has variegated foliage but at the moment it's mostly green. The flowers are charming.

We have a LOT of Jacobs ladder in various colours. The white is particularly fragrant and looks awesome in early evening.

One of these days I will likely remove this shrub because it's big, messy and taking up room where a more choice and finicky shrub could be. But it does look like happy yellow butterflies.

I HOPE this coreopsis doesn't turn out to be a dud like Limerock Ruby. This is a new-to-me cultivar called Sunshine Cherry (aka Cherry Lemonade--can never have too many names for new plants...) I love the red wine flowers and the bright lime-greem-gold foliage.

My gas plant has white, rather than pink flowers but it smells divine and has bloomed faithfully though it's not a large plant.

I know I found this at West River Perennials last summer--and that it's a lychnis...but that's where the knowledge stops.

Another astrantia--this one is Ruby Wedding and it's rapidly becoming a favourite plant too.

Hah. It's 0019 hours in Nova Scotia--so even though it's not Sunday in the US or most of Canada--I'm posting my report and going to bed because after picking 30 boxes of strawberries, jamming a good pile of them, picking up my new shrubs that arrived from Ontario (more next time) and cleaing up a small garden bed...I'm whupped. Happy Garden Bloggers Bloom day, friends, and I'll look forward to your bloom day report.
Ooooh... my "Plants of Desire" list just grew exponentially after reading your post. (Why don't I have any astrantias? Why have I kept putting off growing some of those eryngiums?)
ReplyDeleteI hope that Strawberry coreopsis proves much more reliable than Limerock Ruby--which is still a pretty plant, as an annual.
Thanks for all those wonderful blooms Jodi, I enjoyed it! And what fun to see that many a plant that is in flower in Nova Scotia is also in flower in the Netherlands. We're thousands of miles apart but or gardens could be right next to each other! (Wish they were).
ReplyDeleteBTW my blooms are up too.
Thanks for joining in the fun of Garden Bloggers' Bloom Day. I'm glad I'm not the only one who thought Limerock Ruby coreopsis was a dud. And if you could provide some hints on how to get foxglove to self-sow in the garden, I'd be forever grateful. It just does not do well for me and I love it so.
ReplyDeleteYou have a lot of beautiful flowers, I bet your garden is just amazing right now.
Carol at May Dreams Gardens
Jodi: Such a wealth of blooms and some unusual ones at that! I love the white Jacob's Ladder. They all look beautiful! It is raining here and all is breathing a sign of relief! Thanks for sharing your garden!
ReplyDeleteYour sea holly is adorable! And I love the fox glove too. I don't know why I keep passing that by when I'm plant shopping. Everything looks great, Jodi.
ReplyDeleteI just got 'Ruby Wedding' about a month ago, after loving my 'Oma' so much. I've always admired them and I'm so glad I finally have a couple.
ReplyDeleteYour white Jacob's Ladder is exquisite!
I've got 'American Dreams' coreopsis and I don't care for it. Too airy, leggy, spindly, whatever you want to call it, for my taste.
Beautiful flowering going on at your place, Jodi!
This is a lovely first bloom day, Jodi, with so many flowers that seem exotic in Texas. Astrantias, Alchemilla, Eryngiums and campanulas were part of my old Illinois garden, but not suitable here. I love to see them so fresh and pretty in yours!
ReplyDeleteHave to be geeky here; I find latitude interesting and hope you do, too. My old IL garden was around 42ºN, Yolanda's garden lies around 50ºN, and yours is near 45ºN. and those gardens had many plants in common. But my Austin garden lies at 30ºN, which makes big differences in everything.
Happy Strawberry days!
Annie at the Transplantable Rose
You did all of that in one day? No wonder you are tired. Beautiful blooms, every one.
ReplyDeleteLooking at your photos, I realize my sea holly is gone! I need to make a garden map.
Hi Jodi:
ReplyDeleteThe lychnis is Lychnis arkwrightii, lovely purply emerging foliage, and of course ...scarlet blooms.
Thanks, all, for visiting!
ReplyDeleteBSG: Got the name off the label: it's Sunshine Cherry coreopsis. We'll see how it fairs in a Nova Scotia winter!
Yolanda-Elizabet: glad to see you here and to see your posting, too.
Carol: I just leave my foxgloves to go to seed every year and try not to weed out the new seedlings too. I've lost second year plants sometimes because of winter wet, but there are always a few that hang on and selfseed.
Layanee: The white polemonium IS marvelous--it's starting to fade now and I was out deadheading after the fog lifted. Glad the rain arrived.
Gina: Interesting things happen as our gardens grow each year--we discover new things that we maybe didn't pay attention to before. I'm getting into sages this year, and wondering why I didn't before!
Kylee: Astrantias are another of those plants I'm just getting into the past couple of years. Isn't it fun when we discover something new we love?
Annie: I love the latitude comparisons! Isn't it interesting how we can grow similar plants across the latitudes?
Sandy: Oh, I'm a fool for punishment when it comes to the garden...yesterday was another hectic one but the results will be worth it!
Sharon: Nope, it looks like Arkwrightii but it doesn't have the purplish foliage early on. I had that and it went to sleep one year and didn't come back....;-). Maybe it's an Arkwrightii cultivar--I haven't gone looking too hard yet. I have another Lychnis out back that is equally new-to-me and sans label. Am thinking of sending both pictures to Lloyd Mapplebeck to see if he knows what they are. That's the problem with so many new cultivars--hard to keep up with them. But it's fun, isn't it?
Great post! I like the sea holly the best-wish mine would bloom that well, guess I better relocate it and see if it helps!