Oh, aren't these lovely? Such a wonderful sample of spring, these teeny tiny daffodils, with their sunny fragrance and happy blossoms. If only they were growing outside. Let's go out and look around, shall we?

Ooops. Well, maybe not. A little storm blew in yesterday although it took til today here in the Valley to get really going. And as always, it has to be ruder, harder, colder and more enthusiastic on the mountain. Maybe 50 feet before this little whiteout session, the pavement was bare. Here, not so much!

Remember we looked at the side garden, still buried in snow but at least showing signs of melt a few days ago? That lower bed is where the hamamelis, the hellebores and the galanthus all live. Somewhere under the six or eight or ten (it's hard to tell) inches of new snow that came down and blew around this morning and early afternoon.

No, Longsuffering Spouse doesn't have to shovel the entire dooryard. He did, however, have to shovel out the doors of the barn so as to get the plow out. I just sighed deeply and went to town, in search of something springlike.

They aren't very big, these teeny tiny daffodils. But they're obviously all I'm going to get to experience for spring flowers for a while yet.
At least I can laugh about it all. Which I do, regularly!
ReplyDeleteI am truly aching for you right now! We have had brown grass for a couple of weeks now, but the air has been very cold. I am so glad that you are able to laugh, and those darling yellow blossoms will hopefully convince you that sooner than later you will have gardens filled with wonderful bounties for all to enjoy.... don't give up hope!
Jodi, I just remember the bone-chilling winds we had this time last year as we buried my great-uncle, and the snow seems soft and gentle in comparison. But yeah, the news from the Peter Coade tell us it's sticking around for a couple days does not give me cause to celebrate!
ReplyDeleteHi Jodi, thank goodness for laughter, and memories of blooming seasons past, for they will remind you of what will come to your place eventually. And it will be marvelous. The tiny daffodil is very sweet, just like LSS.
You poor baby. What a cruel trick Mother Nature did to you. Gave you a taste of spring then sent Ole Man Winter in for one more hit. At least I hope it is the last big hit for you. Love those tiny daffs. I have some that are that small but they are all yellow. They reproduce like crazy too.
ReplyDeleteI feel bad for you, Hopefully spring will come very soon. We just had 74 degrees the other day, but living in the flat lands it sure gets pretty windy and rainy. At least the Daffodils are springy! ;)
ReplyDeleteHi Jodi, Just wanted to thank you. After viewing your blog today, I was inspired to start my own. I have admired your regular article in The Sunday Harald for many years.
ReplyDeleteI live just up the bay, so I understand your frustration after our short spring warm-up came to an end yesterday. My earliest species crocus just bloomed a week ago here so now i'll have to dig them out of 12" of snow to see them!
So sorry you were swept under again by the white stuff. I know it gets to be just agonizing to wait for spring to show up, but it is on its way. Just keep buying little plants in the grocery store and the nursery to keep yourself going. It's just the medicine you need.
ReplyDeleteJodi, so glad you have your sense of humor yet. I would be throwing a tantrum. Those tiny daffodils are delightful and I am planning on finding some this fall. I think they would look so sweet by the back door-the one everyone uses of course. A very springy welcome. Surely spring will show up one day soon in your gardens.
ReplyDeleteJodi, I hear you. Although we don't have snow we are many weeks behind schedule. Someone had better send Mother Nature a new calendar.
Yes you sure do have a sense of humour. There really is nothing more you can do. Mother nature sure does like to throw us a curve ball just when we are starting to get our hopes up. I'm just waiting for our next blast of winter, since we have had hardly no snow since the beginning of March.
ReplyDeleteOh my, Jodi! These late winter storms are very hard to take, aren't they? On the other hand, you know the snow isn't going to hang around long now. Warmer temps will prevail...eventually! I hope it's soon for you.
ReplyDeleteThose teeny daffs are the ant's pants :) Wish I had some. Thanks for sharing yours :)
Keep your chin up!
Jodi~~ I suppose laugh is about all you can do. Laugh or go completely crazy and that wouldn't be advisable. Your little jonquils are cheery. I'm mentally sending a heat wave your way.
ReplyDeleteI love the idea that you carry a plectrum in your pocket for measuring narcissi. Class!
ReplyDeleteI bought some just yesterday also! No snow here, just cold. I really do feel your pain. Enough already!
ReplyDeleteI'm sorry that winter is still holding on up there! How long do your snows come through the spring?
ReplyDeleteOkay, Jodi. I give up, looks like you are going to have snow forever... Just pack a bag and load up the kitty children and come stay with us for a while.--Randy
ReplyDeleteIt's good that you have a sense of humor, Jodi:) I just visited Nancy's blog and saw the snow you're having--I'm so sorry. We've been lucky so far in the Midwest, but further west they've had so much snow the last few days. I guess someone forgot to tell Mother Nature that according to the calendar, it's spring!
ReplyDeleteHang in there. Soon, very soon, you will be able to play outside.
ReplyDeleteWhoops, sorry jodi! If it makes you feel any better, I have yet to work in the garden ... it's pouring rain and more expected throughout the weekend. Good for the garden but I'm getting itchy to play outside! Enjoy your Tete-a-Tete Daffodils ... I have many planted outside, somewhere!
ReplyDeleteOops! I suppose laughing at it is the only remedy for a Spring-sick gardener's heart... Brrr!
ReplyDeleteI'm very impressed that you can be so philosophical about all that weather. We only have to see a snowflake here in London and you'd think the world had come to an end. I hope spring comes very soon for you.
ReplyDeleteWow, that weather looks brutal... :(
ReplyDeleteOh no, not more snow! You poor thing. It made me shudder just to see it. I've lived most of my life in Michigan, so I know a little bit about snow. I'm in central Ohio now, and believe it or not, there's a big difference in the amount of snow we get compared to Michigan. Thank goodness!
ReplyDeleteI'll be back when it's hot and muggy so I can see what cold weather looks like. But no....I would not trade my summer heat for your bitter winters/Spring. Looks too blustery. I bet you don't have as much mildew up that way or all the pest that send us running for cover on a summer day.
ReplyDeleteSo see---there is a reason you live in such a pretty place. I don't own a pair of boots, a winter coat, or have a snow plow. But I do have a $300 electrical bill in the summer.
Jodi, They are precious, tinier then a guitar pick precious! I love that you call this a little storm..This snow would shut down the city of Nashville for days! maybe even the state gov't...we are the capital! Thank you for the laugh thinking about that~~and I am glad you have such a wonderful sense of humor to keep you and Longsuffering company. Gail
ReplyDeleteOh Jodi, I sure wish that nasty weather would bypass you a few times! This is ridiculous! I really feel bad for you! :-(
ReplyDeleteWhat most impressed me was your comment at the end that you went to town. If we ever got a snow like that in Austin, we'd be shut down for a week. Brrr!
ReplyDeleteLaughing is good, Jodi. And just think of the beautiful flowers IN YOUR HOUSE! :-) It will be Spring up there in good time. And I'll be watching.
ReplyDeleteI hear ya...
ReplyDeleteI have a foot of fresh snow with 30 inches more in the forecast...
Somewhere underneath this big, white mess are some pretty signs. I just wonder how long it will be before we get to see them. :(