Whew. It's a good thing I don't have to TALK today, as I'm a wee bit on the hoarse side. Not to mention wayyyyyy tired. The 4th Annual Saltscapes Expo was a huge success, due in no small part to all the effort put in to it by show staff, team and of course exhibitors. I only took a few photos because I was so busy and when I did get a chance to go around to booths, I didn't want to drag camera gear through hordes of people.
As the show grows, I expect to see more nurseries smarten up and have a presence at the show. This year, Baldwin's and Bunchberry were the only two nurseries, along with The Chester Gardener a very smart and talented garden consultant/designer/gardener from (where else?) Chester, on the south shore.

I suspect they're all as tired and hoarse as I am, because they were in their booths pretty well all day every day, except when staff or relatives/friends spelled them off for brief periods.

While I enjoy talking with people about gardening, I'm glad I'm not in sales. While I always say there are no stupid questions, there were a couple of exceptions, both having to do with the lovely, choice, and pricey weeping spruce at the top of this post. One woman asked, "Is that a plastic tree?" (to which I would have probably said something really sarcastic like, "no, this isn't WallyWorld!) But the best comment I heard was an older man looking at that same tree, and saying, "What's wrong with your tree? It looks like it's wilting!") I just looked at my friend who was manning the booth, and tried hard not to laugh. And actually fled!

This display of herbal jellies is from Grand Pre gourmet herb producer Tangled Gardens; Beverly has a wonderful garden with interesting plants and garden art, plus her products are awesome.

This frog mobile made of stained glass was a delight to look at but far too rich for my budget...plus I'd sooner put that sort of money into plants.

The same artist made these clever decorations for plant pots--and I planned to get one, but didn't get back before the show closed (ran out of energy, somehow...)

However, Pam Frail makes amazing jewelry, using silver, copper, semi precious stones and beads...so of course as I do everywhere I go, I succumbed to the urge to buy a pair of hers-with flowers and leaves, of course!

When I see art like this, I feel a real pang for my Dad--he would have loved these birds.

I've bought several of this company's designs as gifts for others, but I find the owner abrasive so I didn't bother to chat with him. Sometimes business owners don't realize that they really ought to be more positive to customers and potential customers, as well as wholesalers.

Although I liked this tee shirt, I didn't get a chance to find out more, because there was generally a flood of people around this booth.

The town of Shelburne, Nova Scotia, is proud of its Loyalist roots, and is celebrating the 225th anniversary of the Loyalists landing this year. It was really fun to watch these reenactors dancing, though I wonder how they would have done rocking out to American Idol's David Cook? (yes, he's my pick to win...rockers always get my heart!)
And with that...I'm off to putter around the garden a little bit. More when I feel a bit more rested!
I really enjoyed the expo yesterday, and felt so at home! It was definitely was my kind of place. I found so many vendors and exhibitors to talk to, very helpful and informative and glad to answer questions and discuss local history and the intricacies of their trade or craft.
ReplyDeleteI liked your colour in the garden presentation as well, despite the interruptions (Sunday afternoon). I'm so used to your blog writing, it was really interesting to hear it all in your own voice, and see the reactions of the audience. My mother liked it as well. I would have said hello, but I had more to see, and you looked pretty busy. Maybe some other time!
Having been to the expo, I can imagine how exhuasted you must be (I lost my voice too!). Hope your time in the garden recharges you!
Sounds like such a fun time. I love shows like these - all the different booths, and you can see really unusual items. I think you are so right about more nurseries showing. This time of the year people are really ready to see and buy plants.
ReplyDeleteGlad you enjoyed yourself.
Oh my. Now if I could just be the 'color' commentator.
ReplyDeleteWhy yes it is plastic. It's a new hybrid using living polymers. But you will have to bring in the tree every fall or the limbs will break off because they get brittle if they freeze in winter.
There's nothing wrong with the tree. It's just shy and you're staring at it. (then shout out - "Hey this guy thinks this tree is wilting" and watch him do the same)
But I really wouldn't say those things in public. I wouldn't want to embarrass anyone. I save them up for my customer's in private.
Glad you can rest your voice and yourself now, Jodi. Thanks for showing us the show! I love to look at art, especially when you can speak with the artist about their work, even if you can't afford it. Nurseries are missing out on sales, they need to be sure and have bags for people to take home their damp purchases too. That tree was gorgeous. Do you have anything like that in your garden?
ReplyDeleteI adore these shows. So much to see and buy! They're especially welcome when you're thinking about gardening but can't actually do much because of the weather.
ReplyDeleteI usually have to set a limit for myself.
Robin at Bumblebee
What a fun looking show. I hope more nurseries and garden centers sign on in the future.
ReplyDeleteI loved the pictures on your blog. Especially the evergreen under the title. Good luck with your show.
ReplyDeleteDo hope you got a chance to 'putter' around your own garden, Jodi. As the woman with many talents, a quiet moment surrounded by what we love the most quenches our thirst.
ReplyDeleteLooks like a fun weekend, but I hope you do get some much needed rest. I'm sorry you didn't get to investigate the chocolate T-shirt booth--I'd like to think my obsession with chocolate is actually healthy.
ReplyDeleteYes, David Cook is my favorite, too! (Especially after Michael Johns got voted off--what are these people thinking??)
Ha! Thanks for the great overview--wish we'd all been able to come hear you and poke around! And what a gorgeous tree! Of course, it would have been nearly impossible to refrain from responding, especially to the plastic person (WiseAcre's response was great). What *are* they thinking?!!
ReplyDeleteAfter such a long busy weekend you deserve a day or two of rest. It looks like a nice event.
ReplyDeleteI'm headed over to your link at Tangled Gardens now--the lighting behind the herb jellies is something I just have to do. I love that kind of stuff. Sounds like you had a good time. I'm noticing too that the shows around here have less garden centers showing up. I loved your picture show and story about the event. I hope you get some fans from the lectures. We're glad to have you back.
ReplyDeleteSarah, you should have come up and said hello--I'm never too busy, was just planning to leave with my son for some food and yakking! Glad you enjoyed.
ReplyDeleteBeckie, this is a really entertaining show,unlike anything else around here. As you say, this is the time we're looking at plants and plant accessories, so why more nurseries and garden centres don't come--unless they're too busy and understaffed, of course.
WiseAcre, you made me laugh out loud. You're one of my heroes, for sure...I could see saying things like that, too.
Frances, no, I don't have anything quite like that spruce--YET. (Bwah hah hah!)
Robin, I hear you on the limits. I did just that, only indulging in earrings for me, and some treats for husband, son and mother.
Melanie, I too hope that more nurseries-and landscape designers, etc--get involved. It's a smart show and has a really broad appeal.
Soup Down, welcome! The show went well, and now we're recuperating--and planning for next year.
Nancy, yes I love Tangled Gardens stuff--and her garden best of all.
Joey, I did putter today--whoops, make that yesterday--and even RODE MY HORSE! I'll be lame in the morning, but a happy lame.
Rose, I think a chocolate obsession is very healthy. and yeah, isn't David Cook amazing? I too liked Michael Johns but I suppose an Australian couldn't win AI, even if he had lived there for a few years. I think he'll do well, regardless.
Ourfriendben, yes, WiseAcre's comment is brilliant--and as for what they're thinking, the answer to the question is...nothing at all. Brains are unused. ;-)
Lisa, I've enjoyed most of Monday off and am taking my mother shopping on Wednesday--probably for plants as well as other things--so I'm having a bit of a break this week.
Anna, thanks for the welcome back! I have about 100 people's emails from the show, and will be sending them plant lists from my talks, so it was fun for them as well as for me, even if I am still a bit tired. Maybe if I went to bed before 3 am....;-)
Your expo looks really interesting. My local show is in two weekends time and I am really looking forward to it and saving my pennies ready. Hope to post a nice blog after
ReplyDeleteThe reenactors' clothes seems to be well made. If you sneak up on them on a private party you'll probably see some of them rocking out to David Cook - preferably late in the night after heavy consumption of alcohol ;-) . Been there, done that medieval style - well except for the alcolhol since I'm a teetotaller, but at a moment like that noone recognise a sober anyway...
ReplyDeleteInteresting post! Nice photos :)
ReplyDeleteJodi: When I go to these shows, I am the one 'selling' or trying to at least and, trust me, there are a few stupid questions but we never say that! I had one woman walk up to a 3000 lb. pallet of stone, pick one stone out of the thousands on it and ask if she could get them all in that particular color. I said, " Of course if you are willing to go to the stone yard and pick them out and put them on the pallet'. She gave me a really weird look but...WHAT WAS SHE THINKING? That was years ago and I am still thinking of her. LOL Wish I had been there for your talk.
ReplyDeleteJodi, this looks like a positively marvelous show. I LOVE those kinds of events. The booths there appear to have all manner of things that would draw me, and my pocketbook, in! I wish I could have heard your talk. Lovely - thanks for sharing!
ReplyDeleteThanks for the tour. It's so nice to see events all over the world right here in my own garden room at my computer! Get your voice back while puttering around in the garden with your "quiet friends."
I can relate to the tireness felt after a craft show as I just stopped working at them last year. I know how bone-tired one feels after a 2 to 4 day event!
ReplyDeleteThey are such fun though, with so many interesting things to see, and the people are wonderful (mostly!) :)
I'm glad you had a good time, but happy for you to be able to rest and potter in the garden now.
I can't wait until our weather warms up again. We had snowflakes in the air today!
LOL, on the "Chocolate Booth". I swear I detected a note of understatement there and maybe someone who studiously avoided it in reality?
ReplyDeleteI worked next to this guy who opened up a literal Chocolate Store in Santa Cruz, California. I really regret that I have forgotten his name because it was a creative idea and he was nice. He made it all himself and it was incomparable. Man.......that stuff should have been against the law.
Oh you have been very busy. Take time to "smell the roses" and relax.
ReplyDeleteI'm enjoying your blog.