For this cool, windy first day of May, which also happens to be the date for the monthly Garden Bloggers Muse Day post, (and a big, warm Happy Birthday to Carolyn Gail, founder of GBMD and an inspiration with her youth and energy!) I traipsed outdoors to have a look around part of the garden.
As the wind chilled me to the point I decided to go back indoors and build a fire in the stove, an old song by Three Dog Night slid into my head. It appears that my MUSE is more MUSICAL than poetic this month. I give you first, Pieces of April...
We knew no time for sadness, that's a road we each had crossed
We were living a time meant for us, and even when it would rain
we would laugh it off.
I've got pieces of April, I keep them in a memory bouquet
I've got pieces of April, it's a morning in May
That sounds rather melancholy, which I'm really not--just very, very tired. My one day off turned more or less into three, although medical appointments etc don't really count as day off material, do they? I think it's good, sometimes to take a step back from things we're passionate about, whether that be gardening, blogging, reading gardening blogs, or yes, even working.

And I did take mental health time...from doing some gardening to riding my boisterous horse, who was pretty well behaved though he attempted a couple of moves that should only be made by Lipizzans or dressage horses. My knees aren't engineered to having him do piaffes (trot on the spot) or other airs above the ground! After all, it's not the flying through the air that hurts...it's that sudden thud at the end when gravity takes over and you're no longer above, but ON the ground.

My garden is definitely showing more pieces of April (or February or March) than of mornings in May. Things are certainly coming, and we've had some nice warm days, but then a cool day or two puts growth into stasis. Despite that, it's exciting to see new growth and awakenings each day. The pulmonarias always tickle me, because they're barely out of the ground before they're flowering.

The other song that ran through my head as I traipsed and shivered around the garden was "Someday my Prince will come...." in this case, Helleborus 'Ivory Prince'. The cool weather has slowed his approach, but slowly, slowly...it's starting to open. And the wait will be worth it, because we have multiple buds.

The only problem with both 'Pieces of April' and 'Someday my Prince' is that they're earworms (not to be confused with EARTHworms) that embed themselves in my mind and repeat over and over and over and over...I like them the first few times but after that feel like taking a vacuum cleaner to my brain. The cure for earworms is a trip either into my musical library or a visit to You Tube ((or iTunes) for a dose of GOOD music.....
Just goes to show you that a somewhat aging gardener who is passionate about Bach and Chopin can also appreciate rockers who are also emo enough to weep in public for their critically ill sibling. (and not discuss it, either. Just weep.)
Okay, maybe I AM a bit melancholy here...nothing that WARM sunlight and my Hellebore opening fully won't alleviate. We all have days like this, don't we?
May you be cheered up by even more flowers blooming soon. Your ivory prince isn't very ivory, in fact a much more beautiful color right now anyway. And your sweet horse trying to give you some excitement, I can picture you in my head astride him. How very wonderful.
ReplyDeleteCome and restore your soul in the peace of the garden at Barleycorn :)
ReplyDeleteGreat post!
ReplyDeleteI'm so glad you got to have some downtime (even if it was to go to medical appointments). I had to giggle at your use of the term "earworms". Hubby uses that term all the time. :)
ReplyDeleteCindy at Rosehaven Cottage
Your pieces of April are so pretty. It is amazing that they bloom with no stem! And your Prince is just as lovely. I am falling more and more for helleborus. I am just going to have to get some. Hope you got 'some' rest at least.
ReplyDeleteSorry to hear that your first day of May was chilly, Jodi. It was nice and warm in Chicago :)
ReplyDeleteThanks for this great posting on GBMD. I hope you are feeling better soon.
It's OK to be a bit melancholy, Jodi. Gardeners are passionate people ... that's why we are gardeners. The changing seasons flood us with memories. Hugs from another 'passionate' gardener.
ReplyDeleteI thought Joey said that well. I didn't know you had a horse! It sounds like a Zorro kind of ride. Kinda like opposite of your feelings today. The horse was trying to jolt that feeling right out of you. Never heard of the term Earthworms in your head but I've certainly had them. It's annoying after awhile.
ReplyDeleteAnd no..dr's appointments don't count for days off. Days off mean you don't have to leave the house or get out of your favorite jammies. You don't have to do anything but watch a candle burn.
Jodi, Hmmm. . . I apologize if this is a duplicate. . . if so just delete the first comment. Now I have Pieces of April and Jeremiah Was a Bullfrog in my head!
ReplyDeleteDavid Cook is my favorite on American Idol. His rendition of that song was so heartfelt, and gave it a whole new meaning.
I hope your weather warms up soon, and the sun shines and radiates it's warmth on you and your lovely garden very soon.
Jodi, Someday your prince will come, I mean bloom. I think it is funny you wrote about your "Ivory Prince". I just bought one of those yesterday and planted it. It has such beautiful leaves and stems. I hope it takes and next year Ihave a nice bit plant with lots of blooms.
ReplyDeleteJust thinking of you bouncing around on your horse makes me ache. Ha... I have thought lately that I would break if I got onto a horse.I am so stiff now days.
There is so much to do in the garden right now I don't know what to do first.
I hope fresh air and garden work leads you out of the winter doldrums into the frenetic joys of spring.
Nice pictures...the only thing I have blooming so far are the crocuses, and my puschkinias, of course. They're my early birds. I love the hellebores, though. They're on my list to get this year. They are simply stunning.
ReplyDeleteThanks for sharing. And I'm right there with you on Mr. Cook.
Ha ha, earworms! Yes! That's such a perfect name. Sometime I just *can't* get a song out of my head.
ReplyDeleteI can so relate to needing time away from things, even things I enjoy get too overwhelming sometimes. Breaks are a very good thing.
Happy first day of May :)
The 100% guaranteed earworm cure: sing all the verses to the "Theme from Gilligan's Island." (It doesn't leave you singing it.) And now for my current 60s earworm: Itchiecoo Park (spelling?), the line "It's all too beautiful."
ReplyDeleteI can't remember who wrote it, but your horse experiences remind me of the line, "I'm not afraid of falling, I'm afraid of hitting the ground."
It's weird that my Pulmonaria have just started blooming. Otherwise, my garden looks to be a couple of weeks ahead of yours.
Oh, I remember those horseback days. When your horse feels so good she wants to fly. Such lovely power and strength combined with grace and beauty.
ReplyDeleteHappy May...may it be filled with warmth and beauty.
I love, love, love that song... "Pieces of April" ... and it takes me back to my high school days.
ReplyDeleteJodi, I hope you're healing and feeling refreshed soon. This is just such an exhausting time of year. Be kind to yourself as much as it is possible, okay?
Hugs to you!
Hello there Jodi, sorry it's been so long since my last visit :-D
ReplyDeleteToday is May 3rd - another day closer to your maeconopsis flowering! Hope you are feeling brighter today :-D
We have had it cold here too with so many hail stone showers. I am not surprised that the cold days have taken their toll on you and not feeling well too. Hope you are in better health soon.
Onwards and upwards - we are all wishing you well :-D
Wishing you a great weekend :-D
ReplyDeleteIt’s been so many years since I’ve been on a horse I probably couldn’t walk for two weeks if I rode one. I use to love to go riding in the woods. Reading your post reminded me that I use to do so many things that I no longer seem to have the time to do. I hope you are enjoying the spring and breathing in everything as is comes back to life and put on a beautiful show, just for you.
Jodi, Great post! I'm behind in reading, and I'm so glad I didn't miss reading this one. Hope you can get a "real" day off soon.
ReplyDeleteI didn't know about David Cook's brother, so this was very interesting. David Cook rocks!
I've had quite a few medical appointments myself lately, no fun that. And I gave myself 3 days off from blogging eventhough I love it, so we were on the same page lately.
ReplyDeleteSo your horsie has airs above the ground, eh? The hard part is the landing, you are not wrong there.
Thanks for the vid, that guy can sing. Music = emotion!
Hi Jodi, I'm behind with reading, also. Cataracts make reading such a strain my eyes go out on me and I have to give up, Grrrr! I want to read, and read, and read.
ReplyDeleteI could just picture you and your horse. I think it was feeling 'spring' joy and wanted to kick up its heels. My dad would say it was full of itself.
I have had many days such as the one you describe. I just sort or float around a bit disconnected. Eventually (days?) my spirit and body speak to one another and slip back in gear. Maybe at a slower speed, but at least going. I always thought 'a lost weekend' was one when I was sick.
I may be the only one who is enjoying the long, cool spring. This garden does best with that. The flowers seem to be brighter, and they last longer; they go by too fast as it is. Some springs we go from winter straight to hot summer weather. I hate it when it does that.