24 February 2010

Wordless Wednesday: "Days of Future Past"...Summer will come again


  1. Oh so beautiful pacifiers for those in the cold climes while waiting for your spring. The pupa and the newly emerging butterfly are real symbols of hope. That Danaus (monarch) seems to be lazily waiting for its body also to get warm. Here they fly fast from emerging because the surrounding is very hot. How was your skiing!

  2. yup, I am definitely ready for the summer, bring it on!

  3. Oh yes I meant to say, not only is it a pleasure reading your blog, it is also a pleasure posting on it. Stupid word verification system, the bane of my life.

  4. Oh, wow. Look at that monarch coccoon and emergence. I'm drooling. Can't wait for butterfly season!

  5. Great photos! The monarch coming out of its chrysalis is a special shot. I can't wait for that warmer weather.

  6. Thanks, Jodi, for the shot of color on a gray day. -Jean

  7. Never mind summer, I would just be happy for spring!!!!

  8. Just look at all of those gorgeous blooms. Summer will come again but I am so impatient ;-)
    Beautiful pictures of the butterflies beginnings Jodi.Love the water drop .

  9. I had to enlarge the first one so I could see each plant. I love all the color! I've never been lucky enough to find a chrysalis here, your picture of it is so pretty with the water drop on it.
    I can't wait for summer.

  10. Looks like Paradise to me, jodi! More snow today ... Yippee :(

  11. I've been looking back at my past photos also...just for a pick-me-up! These are beautiful! Thanks for sharing!

  12. Thank you for this, Jodi. As we're returning to winter temperatures tomorrow (well, winter for *us*) after a brief springish moment, I needed the reminder. :)

  13. Beautiful reminder of a warm summer day! Thanks for the warmth....

  14. The photo of your garden in summer is beautiful. Take heart, summer will return! The chrysalis and butterfly are wonderful too :-)

  15. What amazing photos of the butterfly and chrysalis! And love the summer garden photo too. Here on Vancouver Island, the other coast, we've been short of snow for the Olympics, but, like you, are still looking forward to the full lushness of summer.

  16. Very pretty. Of course, now, you have me all bummed out that planting season is still 3 months away. At least for me. :)

  17. What a stunning chrysalis. And the colourful blooms are wonderful.

  18. What a fantastic photo of a freshly emerged Monarch! Sadly, my butterflies will be finishing for the year soon, but at least I can visit here when they are fluttering about your garden.

  19. Hey there Jodi girl .. Blotanical is still MIA .. I'm trying to catch up to my happy gardeners on another path ? .. Snowing here .. YUCK !
    So seeing this makes me warm and fuzzy ? haha
    I don't know what else to do to entice butterflies to go through their life changing cycles .. I have all the plants they love .. maybe they don't like ME ? ;-)

  20. Hi Jodi~~ A delicious photo of what's to come. This is medicine for the soul.

  21. What a beautiful "HOT" photo - can't wait until I can look outside and see a sight like that again!

  22. I enjoy your blog and gave you the Beautiful Blogger Award today.
    For more info see my blog,

  23. We're all ready for planting season... I'm antsy to get my first garden planted! :)

    Love all your pics here, that first one is just gorgeous, bursting with color.

  24. Hello,
    I see you like words just like me:-)

    It's a pity that Google translates my blog so poorly, I can see that most of my carefully chosen words will be lost in translation;-) Luckily photos are universal.

    (I tell you this in advance, should you visit:-)

    Im a garden designer in STOCKHOLM, SWEDEN looking for garden bloggers to be inspired from, and you seem to have a inspiring soul:-)

    Have a nice day, cheers from Hillevissan

  25. I love seeing those caterpillar pods... very cool.

  26. We're nearly half way through Farch, jodi! And isn't today just the epitome of "Farch" weather? Yuck.

  27. What a gorgeous, overflowing garden! I love it!

  28. I love the mix of texture and colors, and of course, the monarch just joining the world...can't wait until it's no longer a dream' about it!

  29. Everyone sure needs spring, no - this year it seems as if people just want to jump into summer and a warm, warm day - after such a cold winter. On a side note, I went to a seminar yesterday on climate change, and was shown the most fascinating map about our year's temperatures (globally) thus far in 2010 - and while the southeastern US was cold, the average temperatures in the northern US and much of Canada was still slightly above average. The global temperature average: 1.1 degrees above normal. (See? Scattered too).


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