26 February 2010

Skywatch Friday: Still thinking about summer...

Thank you to all for the congrats and good wishes as I gallumph towards the deadline on my (second) book. I deeply appreciate them, and wish I could make more hours in the week for all the things I need to do and like to do. Although I'm missing the regularity of keeping up with people on Blotanical, and am sorry that Stuart's been having so many challenges in rebooting the site, there are deadlines that are glowering at me. So not having Blotanical to distract myself with supposedly means I can work that much more, right?

I'm actually (don't tell this to very many people) really glad that it's currently winter, because I can justify staying indoors for days on end working on articles, and profiles for the book, and sorting out photographs. This means I don't have to worry about the weeds overtaking the perennials or the shrubs needing pruning or where I'm going to put all the new plants I'm hoping to acquire this year.

That is, I don't have to worry about these things...YET.

But by the same token, I do look forward to the days of monarch chrysalises, and bees drunk on nectar, and yes, hummingbirds in search of the best of flowers to sip from, as shown in this photo for my Skywatch Friday offering. It's a hard call to make--so much to do, but only so much time in which to get it all done, and yet a longing to be able to dig in the dirt and rejoice over blooms and foliage and all the joys of fair weather. For now, I'll work like crazy, and enjoy the harbingers of spring that many of you are sharing. And sneak in to visit blogs on weekends.


  1. Ah, this photo makes me want to sit outside and have a glass of wine and listen to the evening birds and bugs. Perfectly summer :)

  2. Dear Jodi, I am so pleased for you about the book which in itself is very exciting as you watch it all come together. However, I do hope that it leaves you with some time to yourself - even if it is to do absolutely nothing!

    Enjoy a restful weekend.

  3. Isn’t it amazing what you can get done, without Blotanical distracting you. Poor Stuart.

  4. Jodi, Will be looking forward to your book n hoping it is available here in India as well. We see some colour variations in the sky only during the monsoon season, while the rest of the year its Blue :):) Winters is special here as, our seasonal flowers are in bloom, embellishing our gardens, this time of the year. Its Beautiful around in a riot of colours...

  5. Congratulations on your coming out book. We wish to look at them too, not only your photos here in your site. So winter is actually putting you pressure to finish early, that is a good thing to equate it with! Don't worry after a few more sleeps it will be gone. Happy weekend.

  6. I like this SWF photo with the alliums and pines silhouetted. It sounds like there is a big storm out East that might affect your area. Just as well since you have to be inside. I hope you get a lot accomplished this winter so you can play, I mean work outside this spring.

  7. Deadlines; the bane of many a life. Late nights, early mornings and too much cofffee. I hate them, but I love them too!

  8. I think we are all looking forward to your book Jodi! I understand the pressures, blogging is like gardening if you miss a season - it will still be here ready to welcome you back. Do look after yourself and take care that you don't do to much.

    Best wishes Sylvia (England)

  9. I get torn, too Jodi...I want the time to catch up on reading and writing, but I want to be outside gardening. We haven't your winter and I am way too wimpy to tolerate it! Have a sweet weekend...I do hope you have lots of sunshine and a break from the snow and blowing winds. gail

  10. Congratulations on the book contract, Jodi! I'm having trouble keeping up with blog reading these days, too, and I don't even have anything that demanding to keep up with. As much as I've complained about winter, it is a good time for many projects, as you say, without the "distractions" of the garden. But I sure am ready for some distractions!

    Enjoyed the previous post on the sea holly; thanks for clearing up some confusion for me--here we do see "Rattlesnake Master" in many prairie plantings, and I wasn't sure if I had misidentified it.

  11. I think you pick the perfect winter to write a new book. Especially if you lived here. LOL! White has become a permanent part of our lives I think. Best wishes on your book.

  12. Hi Jodi~~ No pressure to get to all of us. We know you're busy. Write when you can and take care of your Catchchildren.

    Out of curiosity, I'm wondering if you'd consider it too presumptuous to have a photo of your first book in your sidebar. I'd sure like to see it. Pretty please??? [Or am I missing it somewhere that's really obvious to everyone but me?]

  13. At least your deadline looms during the dreary winter months. Hopefully once your new book is off to the presses, you can take lots of time to enjoy all that spring will bring!

  14. Enjoying your sky pictures since all I see is white on white :) You must be getting very excited about your book ... you hardly ever mention Farch :)

  15. I hear ya, kiddo. Working on projects myself and never seem to be able to stay on top of my blogging buddies! Stay warm and good luck with the new book!


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