03 November 2007

Weather update and seedhead quiz...update

Update: 1233 Atlantic Standard Time, and I'm in the beautiful town of Wolfville, about 20 minutes from our houses. After going through the whole night without losing the power--though the internet service from the wireless tower in the Bay quit around 2200--the electricity quit around 0630 this morning. Since I'd been up most of the night reading, watching television or listening to the radio, it seemed a good morning to just sleep in for a while. Longsuffering spouse got a small generator from a friend to run the basement pump every few hours, and while I've been down in the Bay taking photos, there hasn't been time to transfer them to the computer. Whenever we get power back at home, I'll do that.

Reports from around the province have indicated that though there's been some damage, no one has been injured to speak of. Hopefully no one is stupid enough to go hang out on the rocks at Peggy's Cove or Lawrencetown beach. Despite NS Power saying it could be days before we see our power connected, I'm not worried about it. It's been 3 years--the ice storm in November of 04--since we have had power out for more than a few hours. Something about our transmission lines and the part of the grid we're on; during the Great Ice Storm of 98, the power was on in the Bay (population about 145 yearround) 18 hours earlier than it was in Canning and surrounding environs, and even parts of the larger towns and cities. So we're fine, high and dry (except for the basement at times) and I'll post photos and updates when I can. Meanwhile, I hope everyone else along the seaboard and through Atlantic Canada is doing well also--Noel is a large and sprawling system, and lived up to the forecasters prognostications.

But the storm is passing, and hopefully in a few more hours, the waters around Cape Split will look more like this than the moiling, churning waters we currently see out in our Bay.

earlier post....:

So far, at 2015 ADT (we're an hour ahead of the eastern seaboard), we up here in Kings County haven't had anything to get concerned about, although there have been power outages in other parts of the province. We did a bit of rapid-fire garden cleanup this morning, putting away the adirondack chairs, dumping containers of annuals that were spent anyway, taking down any garden art that might choose to go airborne...it began raining around 1430, and has been steady since, but the wind and rain have so far been your average, ordinary Fundy squall. Higher waves on the other side of the province, but we'll see what high water, around midnight, and the wind shift brings.

We're prepared for things if they do get excited, and meanwhile I'm amusing myself making my friend Charmian's awesome Double Trouble ginger cookies, and half-watching television, half reading a book--and not a gardening book, but a mystery novel.

And speaking of mysteries...here are the answers to the seed quiz: In order of the photos in the previous post....
Salmon coloured Maltese Cross
Rudbeckia 'Herbstonne'
False yellow lupin, Thermopsis
Hosta 'Golden Tiara'
Rosa multiflora
Yellow giant knapweed, Centaurea macrocephala
Asiatic lily, cv unknown
Diabolo Ninebark (Physocarpus)
Gold tiara Clematis (someone got this correct!)
Monarda 'Bluestocking' (Bee Balm)
Dictamnus, or Gas Plant (the star shaped empty seedpods)
Echinacea purpurea, purple coneflower--this really IS a purple one, not orange, white, yellow or green
Bittersweet vine

Now, for those of you further down the coast and also in Noel's path--we hear that parts of Maine etc are getting some of this weather--stay high and dry and safe...we'll check in later.


  1. I knew that first seed head was a sunflower! I 'r' smart! ;-) Thanks for the seed quiz, and glad you are not in any danger.

    Carol at May Dreams Gardens

  2. I thought of you this evening as I was watching the weather report showing high waves and wild winds on the Eastern Seaboard. Sounds like you may be spared a real pounding, or at least I hope so!

  3. Hi Jodi, very nice blog. Enjoyed reading it.
    Also gave me some ideas, for the flower section in my blog..
    Great job...


  4. There were several seedheads I see fairly often but just coudn't conjer up the name. Fun post.

    I hope you are still sitting in a warm house with electricity flowing, munching cookies and blogging.

  5. This is a great site, we're huge cat fans, our own Burmese, "Chynna", gave it two paws up!

    We invite cat lovers, and everyone, to visit our own site at http://www.ouradoptionwish.com

    Best always, Karen and Doug

  6. Jodi, I was surfing last spring and found your site. Thought I had bookmarked it but was not able to find it at all until now. I live in Oklahoma in the US of A but I was born near Toronto in a little hamlet called Unionville. Looking at your site reminded me of all the times my father and mother took me to Nova Scotia in the 50's and early 60's as a child. My parents being teachers, I was able to have proper holidays back then. The eastern provinces are truly beautiful and have a kind of untamed quality to them. I also have the great good fortune to have a copy of your lovely gardening book. By the way, I have 4 four-footed children myself and always have loved horses.
    Anyhoo...just wanted to tell you how much I enjoy you blog. Thanks for your wonderful discriptions.

  7. Dear Jodi,
    I with you with my thoughts and hope you are safe and the weather gets quite soon.

  8. So glad to hear that your are literally weathering the storm well. Your photos are gorgeous! Here's to getting your power back up soon. Cindy at Rosehaven Cottage


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