04 November 2007

returning to normal November

A big bouquet of approval (in the form of an annual ice plant still flowering profusely) goes out to the technicians at Nova Scotia Power. Our power came back on precisely at 1800 this evening, and while there are still some thousands without power, the hardworking teams have restored a LOT of households over the course of the day. It was nice to be able to turn off the lantern, wash the dishes, and fire up the computer--and find the Internet working too!

First stop on my trip around our community this morning was one of the cottage roads. Cottages are huddled on the cliff that runs about 25 feet above the beach in Scotts Bay, and catch all wind all the time. Usually, when the wind is coming in hard off the water, there is a howling in the air, through the trees and wires. Trees on this shoreline are tough, usually spruce, and their rugged beauty also acts well as a weather vane.

We were about two hours past high water when I was taking photos, so the tide hadn't gone back out across the mud flats too far; the red mud obviously colours the water but it's still easy to see that this is not a place for canoes, kayaks--or even lobster boats today.

I keep forgetting to go down and take comparison photos of the wharf at high and low water, so that you can see just how much the water fluctuates. Alongside the wharf, there are some significant shoals of rocks, mostly basalt, and while they are exposed some of the time, at high water they're covered--making it essential that boaters pay attention when approaching the wharf.

By late afternoon, the last of the wind had expended itself, and a relative calm had returned to our hill. It was irksome to see the sun setting at not long after 1700 (5 pm) but it's a fact of November...
Not surprisingly, I got no gardening done this weekend, other than the cleanup yesterday, but the next sunny, not-too-windy day...I'll be back out with the hoe, the dibbler and the bulbs, putting next spring's promise into the cool, sleepy earth.


  1. Lovely photos--the sunset was especially beautiful. I enjoyed reading the gardening notes too and the seedheads---beautiful. I'll be stopping back often.

    I love cats too!

  2. I am glad you have survived the storm. What wonderful photos of the ocean waves. I also really enjoyed all the photos of the seed heads in a previous post.

  3. I really enjoy your blog, the photos are breath taking and I am a fellow photography, nature, and cat lover! Glad I found your blog! Keep writing and snapping photos!

  4. Happy to hear you survived the storm. I am even happier to know that you still have bulbs to plan. Me, too! Now I don't feel so far behind in that regard. Thank you!

    Carol at May Dreams Gardens

  5. I am glad to hear that you have electric. It would be a cold night without.

    Will look forward to seeing your bulbs sprouting next spring.

  6. Congratulations : you are on blogs of note (see your blogger dashboard).

  7. jodi - im glad you guys are OK! thanks for keeping us posted. also, that first picture of the ice plant is spectacular! I've never seen one before.

  8. magenta ice plants
    burning my soul at twilight
    the day escapes

  9. Greetings Jodi. You blog is like a living, breathing travelogue, transporting me to a place I've always wanted to visit. Happy you survived the storm and have power. Your photos are exquisite. I can practically hear the wind howl and feel the waves crashing upon the shore. Have a lovely week, dear. Debi

  10. Glad everything is fine, I was crossing my fingers for you when I heard the storm was heading up the Bay, instead of on the Atlantic side

  11. Annie sent me here, and I am so glad that she did. What beaitful work. I will be adding a link on my blog. Love your coverage of Noel.

  12. How I like your sea pictures! I hear the wind and the sound of the waves! There is "wanderlust" coming up...

  13. I'm glad your power is back on. I know when the power goes off I find myself wishing for something to do. Thank goodness it was not a horribly bad storm. I love the picture of the ice plants. They are so vibrant and peppy. Those are my next plant for sure.

  14. Muy Bueno su Blog.

    I am from Argentina.


  15. That iceplant must be a rugged one! Pretty. Glad the storm was not that bad there. It is nice to have a quiet weekend once in a while. What mystery are you reading??

  16. I like these pictures, but my favorites are the pictures of your adorable little cats!

  17. Hello from the bleak center of Indiana. I stumbled upon your site this afternoon after a long day of teaching at school. Your pictures are beautiful and in looking at them, I was instantly relaxed. They remind me much of my visits to Campobello and Prince Edward Island as a little girl with my dad. I am reminded that amidst a stressful time in my life, I must remember what is important. Thanks so much for your post!

  18. I'm glad to read that the storm has died down. We get them too in Autumn and I'm surprised we haven't had one yet. I'm not complaining of course because no storm means the leaves stay on the trees longer. I do not care for those bare branches, let me have autumn colour for as long as possible!

    Over here it is dark at 5.30 in the afternoon now, the days are really getting short. No real night frost yet, but it will come.

    As a rule we don't have power failures in very bad weather as all our power cables are underground.

    Years ago I stayed with my auntie in California and was amazed by all the power failures they had on almost a weekly basis. Unheard of in my country.

    Great pics Jodi!

  19. Hi and welcome to bloomingwriter...running behind here somewhat so my apologies for not posting replies sooner.
    Donna Alice, welcome, glad you enjoy--do you have cats too.

    Crafty, I bet you do interesting things with seedheads and pods, etc, given your many crafty talents.

    Queen Annie, hi and welcome, I'll be along to visit soon, since we share the same interests.

    Carol, glad you too have bulbs left to plant...we'll handle it one bed at a time, right!

    Lisa, we don't use electric heat, we have an oil furnace (which does need electricity to run) but also a really efficient wood stove, so we're all right. The people I worry about are those without secondary heat sources, like those in apartments, etc.

    blueblue, thanks for the congrats! It's been fun because I've 'met' so many other bloggers as a result!

    Gina, I think we'll have to form an ice plant club.

    Princess Haiku....that's just beautiful...I become more and more of a Haiku fan daily!

    Bay Hill (Debi) , welcome, and hopefuly you'll get to visit Nova Scotia one of these days.

    Nancy, I'm glad things weren't too rough for you either. We had heard Windsor had been hard hit but it was a weird storm, with pockets here and there.

    Larry, thanks, we Fundy dwellers are tough stuff, but there have been worse storms come through. Guess such sea-based storms don't plague Saskatchewan much, do they?

    Hi Dewdrop, glad you visited...I'll return the compliment sometime this week.

    Barbara, yes a little wanderlust happens to me from reading blogs from other countries...one of these days.

    Vanillalotus, yes, when the power goes out it CAN get boring--after all, can't garden in the stormy weather. I tend to read or nap, depending on the length. What bugs me is having dirty dishes in the sink, and needing to boil water to deal with them. How odd is that?

    Guillermo, welcome, I will visit your blog soon.

    Sandy, since Saturday I've read three novels--Mind Prey by John Sandford, Jerusalem Inn by Martha Grimes, and now I'm into Looking Good Dead by Peter James. Post on Ice Plants coming soon...

    Isabel, welcome, our kitties are adoreable--but sometimes very, very naughty. Which is what makes them adorable, I suppose...;-)

    Lookingup, hi and welcome. Indiana is a long way from here, for sure. I've never been to Campobello OR Grand Manan Island, but I do go to PEI occasionally. Glad you enjoyed your visit.

    Yolanda Elizabet, I hear you on the short days...the sun is setting here around 5 pm and by 6 it's pitch dark. We would be smart if OUR power cables ran underground too, but I bet power companies have seven good reasons plus a diagram why they CAN'T possibly do that....we don't have a lot of power outages up here, this is the first one in three years on our network locally that has gone on for more than 8 hours (and it only went for 11.5) But there have been longer and more frequent problems elsewhere.


Thank you for visiting and for taking the time to comment! It might take me a bit, but I will return the compliment whenever possible.
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