04 July 2016

To our American Neighbours--Happy Independence Day!

 Yes, I know our neighbours to the south spell neighbours as 'neighbors'. That's not the point...

Wherever you are today, whether travelling or at home, celebrating with friends and community, on vacation or at work (not everyone gets a holiday), 

Here's wishing you a joyous, safe, and peaceful Independence Day!
Three  cheers for the Red...


And blue!


  1. Just wouldn't want to be travelling to North Carolina ! lol

  2. Thanks so much Jody. Your hot colors match the holiday beautifully.

  3. Hi, Jodi, It was nice to have you drop in at Toronto Gardens, and it has been a while since I've been here. Great pix. I'm looking forward to seeing a greater variety of colourful things (brown and white don't really count) in my garden soon. Unsure if you're updating your sidebar, but if you have a chance could you change our blog address in your blogroll to our custom URL? It's www.torontogardens.com -- that way, it will actually update. Thanks! Counting the days till spring!


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