16 February 2013

On the Mend...and planning for the future

I'm happy to report that my knee-replacement surgery DID go ahead last week. I got back home on Monday and am faithfully doing my exercises, walking with a walker but soon going to a cane, and looking forward to the spring. Between the cats, who act as nursemaids, and the flowering plants in the house, like this Paphiopedilum (lady's slipper orchid), I'm feeling pretty cheery most of the time and much encouraged at how much less pain I have!

While spring is still a long way off in my garden, covered as much of it currently is in snow, my friend Alice of Ouest-ville Perennials posted on her Facebook group this morning about snowdrops being up and blooming in her West Pubnico garden.
 If you haunt websites, including nursery pages on Facebook, the way I do, you know that many of the nurseries are starting to show off the new plants they'll have this year. While 'Golden Lotus' strain of hellebores has been around for several years now, these plants are exploding in popularity, and it does my heart good to see more and more people growing them well, and more and more nurseries carrying even more different colours and forms of these early-blooming stars.
 In a different growing situation this year, I look forward to having some plants do well in the ground that previously either sulked, or did well in containers, such as Camassia, also known as quamash or Camas-lily. I have new bulbs arriving this spring from GardenImport, one of my favourite mail-order places, and I'm going to try the white one as well as the blue-flowered forms.
As regular readers know, I am very partial to plants that encourage pollinators, be they bees, butterflies or hummingbirds. Being in a new garden space, I don't know yet how many hummingbirds routinely come here, but if I plant out plenty of plants like this 'Bolero' agastache or hummingbird-mint, they should show up here like they used to where I used to live.
While I'm gaining in strength and flexibility every day, I can't sit at my desk for too long at a time, and that time is coming to an end for now. So I'll wrap this check-in post up with a new echinacea, 'Pineapple Sundae', which I am really looking forward to trying this year. There are hundreds of new varieties being rolled out this year, and while availability will vary with where we live, there should be lots of exciting new plants wherever you are. I'll be posting more about new plants in the weeks to come. What are YOU looking forward to trying this year? 


  1. So glad to hear that! And with spring coming, hope you'll be getting out and about and enjoying the longer days.

  2. Echinacea 'Pineapple Sundae' - is simply gorgeous! I've never seen such variety yet!

  3. Be diligent with the exercises Jodi, they are the key to recovery. You had your surgery at a good time of the year, as you will be fully recovered by gardening season. I had mine in May, 2011 and really missed out on gardening that year. But I made up for it the following year. Keep positive, keep exercising and you will improve daily.

  4. Wishing you a speedy recovery. I understand about sitting at the computer for very long. My feet and ankles swell terribly if I don't keep moving. Beautiful post.

  5. So glad your knee operation went well, and that you are well on the way to recovery. Take care, so that you will be fit as a fiddlehead when gardening time arrives. :)

  6. Great to hear the surgery happened and you're feeling well. Sounds like this should leave you enough recovery time that by spring you'll be up and raring to go. I'm looking forward to a big tree order this year. I've planted a lot of natives over the last couple years and this year is all about pretty ornamentals. I'm hoping to add Gingko, tulip tree, and paperbark maple among other things.

  7. Hi Jodie: Your lovely photo of the Lady Slipper, at the beginning of this post, inspired me to comment. I am now reading a novel my mom gave me, entitled A Twist of Orchids, by Michelle Wan, an Ontario author (one of her "Death in the Dordogne" series). One of the main characters, Julian, is "an English botanist, freelance landscaper and orchid enthusiast who is searching for the rare Cypripedium Incognitum, an orchid that he saw only once in a ..." Given your need for quiet recuperation time, I thought you might like a book recommendation, with a horticultural flair.

    Wishing you a speedy recovery!

  8. I hope the newer and different forms of hellebores will soon be available at more reasonable prices. I love the varied colors of the single forms that I have in my garden now but would love to have some of the doubles, as well as some lovely golden ones. I'm glad your surgery went well! Wishing you a rapid recovery and happy gardening when spring arrives, Deb

  9. Glad to hear you are on the mend, Jodi. And your timing is perfect as you should be well on your way for spring gardening.

  10. So glad to hear all went well...sending you a gentle hug! Pamie G.

  11. Thank you all for your kind thoughts and good wishes! Monadnock, thank you for this book recommendation, I will look for it!

  12. Glad the knee is improving and that cats are company and not obstacles !
    I'm just looking forward to being in the garden and digging in the dirt. I love the wet smell of the earth in the spring. It makes me giddy with joy.

  13. Good to get your knee surgery is finally behind you! You'll be on your hands and knees in the mud once again I'm sure. I've purchased those Camassia from Garden Import years ago and they are multiplying slowly but good, a nice late spring flowering bulb. Take care!

  14. So glad to hear you are on the mend so take it easy. I am not trying anything too exotic this year but will try a few new veggies in the garden.

  15. I just plain looking forward to my usual gardening this spring! I don't need anything special to make me happy. But I really am looking forward to taking Master Gardener training, I've been waiting for years to do so! Glad to hear your knee is doing well. I'm struggling with mine, but they say I am too young for replacement yet.

  16. Glad your knee surgery went well - wishing you are speedy recovery!
    I love looking a flower catalogs (or on-line) and finding new things to try to grow!
    Lea's Menagerie

  17. Glad that your surgery went well and you are recovering nicely! Nice picks for your new gardens. I also love attracting pollinators! This year I am looking forward to a lot of new edible plants, many of which I have never tried growing before so it should be an adventure for me. Good luck with mending and sowing! :)

  18. Great news, Jodi! By spring you'll be in fine gardening form. -Jean

  19. It's great to hear your knee replacement surgery went well! Now your knee just needs to 'bloom' once again and you should be up and running again. Ensure that you also use some ibuprofen cream for the pain - it really helps.

  20. So great to hear you are feeling well with kitties in attendance. Some old friends of yours were saying nice things about you on twitter, just in case your ears were burning! Take care.

  21. You must feel very relieved to have this surgery behind you. Take care and don't overdo. You want to be fit for when Spring breaks through. I'm not really sure what to think of that new Echinacia. I've not had the gteatest luck with any of the double pompom types so far. You'll have to keep us informed as to how well it performs for you this year. Take care.

  22. I'm so happy you are healing so well, Jodi. You will be ready to get out in the garden when spring finally arrives in your area. Will look forward to seeing what's growing out there--it will be full of surprises! I know you will miss many things about your old garden...but it will be exciting to make new discoveries as you forge this new life of yours :)


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