19 February 2012

Bouquets of Thanks...

It's been just over two weeks since my last post, though it seems like an eternity of things have happened. When one's world explodes, it's hard to pick up and put it all back together again. But since I'm the sole supporter of my world now, I have to keep working, keep focusing on the future, even as I grieve. It's not easy, but people do it all the time. And I will as well.

While grieving and functioning at the same time are not easy tasks, the process has been and continues to be made somewhat easier by the outpouring of support from friends and family, colleagues and associates, both as near as next door and as far away as all over the world. Your notes, emails, comments here, letters, cards, gifts of food and offers of help, are so deeply appreciated by me, by my family. Thank you, dear friends, dear family, for your love and support. There aren't enough words to share all my appreciation. It's both humbling to have such wonderful friends and amazingly comforting.

The way forward from here isn't clear to me yet, but I'm working, and tending my health, being nurtured by kittens and trying to figure out how to keep body and soul together without my beloved soulmate Lowell. I may take a bit more of a hiatus here from the blog but I am working on bloominganswers.com as well as planning out projects for the coming months. I'll drop in to visit other gardeners when I have time & spirit, just as I drop in to visit friends when I have enough emotional strength to do so.

The days are getting longer, and some days there's a definite hint of winter's surrender in the air. Forward we go together, friends. There is strength in numbers.


  1. So glad to hear you are hanging in there despite it all Jodi. I can't imagine. Big Hugs.

  2. It was good to see you posted. I know it will be hard, I have watched friends go through losing a husband. Your words reflect wisdom and patience, hang onto those. And the kitties of course!

  3. I cannot imagine what you are going through. I wish you inner strength. Take care of yourself. My thoughts are with you.

  4. I am so sorry for your loss. I hope you continue to feel well-loved and supported.

  5. I only just now found out about your great loss. I am so very sorry. May every day bring you strength and courage to continue forward, and may flowers ever bloom in your soul.

  6. I have been thinking about you alot lately but did not know what to say. I can't imagine what you must be feeling. Sending you a gentle hug and know I am truly sorry for your loss. Pamie G.

  7. Jen, I continue to send you prayers of peace and strength. Finding that solace in the garden and work has helped me. We are here when you need us :)

  8. Jodi, I have thought of you many times through the past two weeks and the shocking way your universe changed in a flash. I am glad spring is coming and that there are kittens there who need you, and who you need in return.

    Consider yourself HUGGED.


  9. Sorry for your loss Jodi. Hang in there.

  10. Thank you....what are friends for! Keep strong for yourself! Ericka

  11. I'm so very sorry, Jodi!!! Our thoughts and prayers are with you.

  12. Time is on your side and will be for a while. Take care...

  13. I think of you every day. I feel your strength, like the slowly wakening sap in the trees, is starting to flow through you.




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