11 January 2012

Wordless Wednesday: Dreams of Warmer Days

Mostly wordless, except to invite gardeners to join the discussions at bloominganswers.com And warm thanks to all who have already joined and are participating.


  1. How interesting that the spirit of post yearns for warmer days yet the cool-tones of the images echo the cold weather outdoors. That's very clever!

  2. Hi Jodi, you are back, Happy New Year! I love green and greenish flowers, but we lack them in the tropics.

  3. I've been meaning to check out your site, so I'll do that now. Welcome back--your images are beautiful!

  4. Your beautiful flowers are indeed inspiring dreams of warmer days, especially after a very cold day here. Is winter almost over?

  5. Just 68 more days until spring and you have us dreaming of warmer weather with these shots.

  6. Thanks for the reminder. I'm off to go check out bloominganswers.com


    Eastern Passage

  7. Aren't you inspiring today?!! However, our snow just arrived. Pretty crazy, as it's very late!


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