13 April 2011

Almost Wordless Wednesday: Spring bulbs are a'springing!

Although much of North America has been revelling in bulbs for weeks now, we here in cool-spring Nova Scotia are just really getting going with bulbs in earnest. They are mostly the 'small wonders' so far--the glory of the snow, snowdrops, scilla, crocus and such--but they present such a brilliant and welcome blanket of colour wherever they are. They are a joy, and while we wait for spring to warm up and things to get going, we can use such joys.

Oh and by the way--we heard Spring Peepers on Sunday night here in Scotts Bay, and the night before in Yarmouth. So no matter what weather is hurled at us, spring is officially here in my books.


  1. Great shots! Gives us all inspiration that spring is here no matter what the thermometer reads! Thanks for sharing!

  2. So glad spring is springing for you, Jodi. You have waited SO long! Such gorgeous little flowers. I love them all & need to add more spring bulbs to my garden. <3

  3. YAY!!! It finally got to you! I always love your spring flower photos, Jodi, because it allows me to relive some of what we've just finished. The early crocus are done here, as are the snowdrops and some of the reticulated iris. But everything else is just getting going or still vibrant! I've seen honeybees quite a bit, as well as oodles of hover flies. No bumblebees yet, but I'm sure they're here, too.

    Happy Spring, my friend!

  4. Looks like spring has sprung! Happy April, Jodi :)

  5. I am right there with you on the bulb displays. We actually have some serious foliage growth finally yet not a bloom in sight. It is a test in patience and I'm failing miserably so far.

  6. Thanks for sharing your spring blooms, Jodi! I'm so glad to see that spring has arrived in Nova Scotia. Hopefully it will come to us soon in Alberta! There are a few signs - the robins are back and a few bulbs are peeking up in spots where the snow has receded - but spring is very late this year. The weatherman is predicting 5-10 cm of snow for tonight.

  7. The vanguard of spring is probably more appreciated than all the glory of everything in bloom.
    Those little dear things that give us hope, the little indestructible snowdrop lifting it's head high through a cover of snow, with it's cheerful touch of green, the splendour of the crocus above last years fallen leaves . . .

  8. Although you are in a maritime climate and we are in the high desert here in Colorado, our bloom cycle seems to be in sync: crocuses right now and recent depredation of the iris reticulata by snow.

  9. You have just dived into spring. Those shots are amazing, and so colorful.

    BTW it's freezing cold here, and has been for some time.

    Jen @ Muddy Boot Dreams

  10. Hi Jodi! Like Patricia in Colorado, my seasons resemble yours, though I'm thousands of miles from you. But since I'm two states north of her, so far all we've seen is the snowdrops. But they're a promise of things to come.

  11. Happy Spring arrival, Jodi! Hopefully this doesn't mean 'weed arrival' too! ;)

  12. You can't argue with the spring peepers. Beautiful spring flowers too.

  13. Great pics, wish I had biggerdrifts of color, rather then "specimen-like" clumps. I love all of the minor bulbs and my species Tulipa humilis groups have been showing full bud color for two days and i'll be bloging pics the minute they open. I'm so proud of them. I had a hard frost in my low-lying pocket on wednsday. When I got home from work, I launched myself out of the truck and ran to check on them. They were fine, now I have even more respect for the little guys.

  14. So many websites and blogs are posting images of their spring blooms. Almost makes me feel bad about not planting any. Oh well, the May long weekend is approaching and I will soon be in the mud planting my 2011 perennials and annuals!

  15. I wonder why when i see snowdrops, which was only once, i immediately fell in love with it just like when i saw pansies. How i wish i will see it again in person. Maybe it is very beautiful in a landscape if a few rounds of them will be encircled by those violet crocuses!

  16. JennTheYarmouthDetective18 April, 2011 19:15

    Dear Jodi,

    Thank you SO much for posting these pictures. I was from Dartmouth, and when I arrived to Yarmouth to stay, I was encountered to these pretty, though mysterious, flowers. I figured it was a sign that Spring had sprung, but I couldn't figure out the name of these guys! Through your blog I was able to identify many of the flowers.....Snowdrops, Crocus, Scilla, Glory-of-the-snow, and Marsh-merigold.

    It has been raining here like crazy, and these wee flowers are pollinating like their life is in jeopardy. We also have wild daffodils, and dandylions popping up everywhere.

    This mystery has been plaging me for weeks, and now I can safely say my curiosity is cured.

    As for the pics, I took some as well, but I wont post em. By the looks of things, Yarmouth has around 6 or 7 different varieties of the Crocus [the yellow, the purples, the blues, the hybrid-two-tones, the white].

    Thank you!


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