08 March 2011

Winter begins to release us...and Amazing Reviews of my book

Pulmonaria is one of my favourite perennials for any number of reasons. The foliage is fantastic, the pink, blue, white or reddish flowers are cheery and beloved by bees. But most importantly to this colour starved gardener is the determination of pulmonaria. It is barely out of the ground before it is beginning to bloom, usually in mid April once the snow has gone and the soil has warmed up a little. Only hellebores and hepatica are ahead of it in my perennial plantings. However...
We are still more than a little ways from pulmonaria. Or snowdrops, or chionodoxa, or hellebores, or anything else. However, the snows have receded dramatically in the past couple of days, courtesy of some warm, wonderful weather that has brought spring into our step if not our actual calendars.

Spring always finds us. We hold onto that while we grit our teeth through the ides of FARCH.

I'd like to update people on my book's reception. There have been many splendid reviews and interviews done in the past few weeks, by people across the continent, all of whom have been been encouraged by the book's contents and cheerleading. I'm so delighted, because that's why I wrote it--to encourage other gardeners, of all experience levels. And I so appreciate the thoughtful way that each reviewer has approached the challenge of writing about Plants for Atlantic Gardens. So I'd like to share bits from the reviews, and link back to the writers whenever possible.
Those Battersby Girls at Toronto Gardens report, "don't be mislead by the title of Plants for Atlantic GardensJodi DeLong's new book from Nimbus Publishing. Atlantic gardeners aren't the only ones who will find this book useful."

On the west coast of the US, Grace Peterson concurs: "Truth is, Jodi’s book is relevant to gardens on both ends of the continent and all gardens in Zone 3 and above which is just about all of us."

The brilliant writer and all-thumbs gardener Steven Mayoff reports, "Most of all, Thelma felt the book gave her a palpable sense of optimism that her own garden will one day be everything she hopes it could be."

I love the way novelist and all around sparkly-fabulous writer Christy Ann Conlin approached her article, which was to examine why the book would speak to her as a novelist. 

Joan Levack, the smart, sassy and honest voice behind Box761, freely admits that she loves gardens but hates to garden. However, she is happy with this book as a way to helping her make a beautiful garden that will thrive.

Everyone's favourite writer and photographer from Hants County, Nancy of Leaping Greenly, considers Plants for Atlantic Gardens a must have reference. 

There are more, but I think that's quite enough for one post, but I'll do another one in a couple of days. I hugely appreciate the support and feedback I have received from people from all over--gardeners, horticulturists, writers, reviewers...I'm truly honoured and humbled by your support. I hope everyone who buys it is as thrilled as these reviewers are. 

Want to find out for yourself what it's like? Thursday, I'll be in Halifax to talk to someone at Haligonia.ca; to chat with Starr Dobson on Live At Five; and to give a talk at the Woodlawn Library at 7 pm in Dartmouth. Friday morning, they're making me get up early to be on Breakfast Television, then I'm switching to my favourite medium, radio for a chat with Norma Lee Macleod on Maritime Noon, before going to a signing at Chapters in Bayers Lake. Then back home to hubby, horse, and kitties. But I'll be back in the city for two talks at garden clubs next week. I hope you don't all get tired of me--and if you come to the signings and talks, please do come and say hello. They're a bit chaotic, but I do love talking with other gardeners. 


  1. Congrats on your book getting such a warm reception! Maybe it will make up for the snow that still sitting there. :) I can't imagine having all that white stuff each year. I'm hoping warmer days are headed your way!

  2. Thanks for sharing the reviews and hope you post more soon. Goodness you have a busy end of week ahead of you...but understandable. Enjoy every minute, even the early Breakfast Morning minutes)))).

  3. Jodi, congratulations on your new book! I would love to get my hands on a copy. Your persistence as a garden blogger has encouraged me to keep blogging.

  4. Good for you! Just out of morbid curiosity, what does wonderful warm weather mean exact for you right now? I'm betting I'd be shivering and cringing, but maybe not!

  5. The reviews convinced me, a must read. Congrats on the book and I will be on the look out for my copy. And good to see snow that is more than we have here. I was feeling a bit alone in this part of the gardening world.

  6. You deserve all the praise you're receiving, Jodi.

  7. The +15 we had here in the Valley melted all our snow. I can't wait to garden!

  8. Hey Jodi girl : )
    I did a post with mia culpa on the mis-identification of my own plant thank you ! I swear I don have Bunchberry some where in the garden though .. BIG sigh .. under the snow too .. and YES ! Pulmonaria .. I only have Moonshine in the ground but ordered Majeste so I can't wait to see what it will look like too !
    I am still hunting for your book: )

  9. Those pulmonarias will be blooming soon. I haven't seen mine break ground yet but I can hear them working their way up. I think I can.

  10. Congrats on the new book, and have fun with all the media blitz appearances! Be sure to let your west coast fans know if you venture out way for any presentations so we can reserve our seats early! In the meantime, guess we just have to make do with your book and blog (which we're happy to enjoy, always). Cheers!

  11. Beautiful photo of your Pulmonaria Jodi! Yes, you do seem a good way off from its blooms. We do not have quite so much snow as you. Wonderful that you are getting great support for your book! Congratulations! I love your reviews of your books reviews!

  12. Exciting times for you, Jodi! My copy just arrived - but haven't even had time to open it today!! :-( But never fear...

    I also love pulmonaria. Your photo was a perfect representation! Have fun with your signings and all the more reviews!

  13. Thank you all, dear friends, for your kind words of support. It's quite hectic here and I'm behind in answering comments and visiting other blogs. But you're all in my thoughts and I'll catch up soon

  14. Hi Jodi, in a little while you will be in spring, while we are approaching the dry season! that means happiness for you there, but hot and very humid tropics for us here. Plants grow profusely there, and many of ours die here. What a world!

  15. Jodi, Pulmonaria is a marvelous flowering plant~Pinks and blues in one flower is just about perfect! I am so very excited for you and the wonderful reception your book has gotten...Gail

  16. Hello Jodi,

    Newcomer to your Blog but I won't be a stranger as it's quite marvellous and feeds into my gardening fantasies which at this time of the year run rampant.

    I don't know the plant pulmonaria
    but will be looking for it when the garden centres open.

    I'm in a bit of a micro climate here in Eastern Passage (near Halifax) and the snow is all gone. Sadly the ground is frozen solid still.

    I'll be looking for your book as it looks quite wonderful.

    Congratulations. How exciting for you.

    Best wishes from the Passage,


  17. You're really my hero, Jodi! Loving that your book is getting wonderful reviews, but not surprised. It's a beautiful book. And you were awesome on Live at 5. I hope we are still able to connect in person on March 21st!

  18. Honey,

    You just don't get the fact that we all so admire and appreciate you, your blog, your garden, your book. Too humble girl!

    So proud of you,


  19. Just received dear Jodi's beautiful book ... and beautiful it is! No wonder it is getting wonderful reviews. Not only a resource for Atlantic Gardens but pleased to see similar growing conditions here in Michigan/Midwest. Filled with beautiful photos and fine writing, I agree it is a must for the garden library shelf ... I am delighted! You are a gem, Jodi ♥

  20. Glad to hear about the great reviews! As a fellow indie writer, I wish I could say that reviews don't matter, but of course they do!

    I'm trying to decide now whether or not to submit my book for review, and I wish I had your courage!

    I'm blogging about my attempt to self-publish my next novel. It comes out March 31st in paperback and tomorrow in ebook! Follow along at www.jakebabad.com


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