09 February 2011

(Almost) Wordless Wednesday: The Keeping of Bees...

“The keeping of bees is like the direction of sunbeams.Henry David Thoreau


  1. Ah, bees. I am looking forward to their return this year. Bees and butterflies. And sunshine. And flowers.

  2. Now I am goung to be thinking about that quote for the rest of the evening :-)

  3. Dear Jodi, What a lovely reminder of summer. I am ready! P x

  4. A lovely photograph, and a wonderful quote too. I wonder if Thoreau meant the bees were radiant like sunbeams, or that they can't be kept, any more than sunbeams can be directed...hmmm...as an about to bee beekeeper, I'm going to have to ponder on that.

  5. SOME day the bees will be back! Now sure won't be it! (Come on Spring!!) Picture perfect quote!

  6. Thanks for reminding me summer will be here soon enough.
    Great shot !

  7. Wonderful quote! I don't keep bees although my garden does host them by the dozens. I've always wondered what honey from my garden would taste like. The label might read "Overtones of rose of sharon and lavender, finished by the sweetness of deutzia and sweetspire."

  8. Greetings from Southern California, USA

    I added myself to follow your blog. You are more than welcome to visit mine and become a follower if you want to :-)

    God Bless You, ~Ron

  9. Lovely, Jodi. Great textured photo!

  10. And that's a fluffy little guy isn't it? I'm seeing honeybees on my Viburnum bodnantense 'Dawn.' I thought they slept this time of year but apparently not when there's food to be gobbled up.

  11. Hi Jodi, haven't been here for quite a while, already missed a few posts. But that bee looks different at this angle, when its abdomen is hidden by those whitish hairs. Is it really a bee? Or maybe your species are much different than ours!

  12. Ohhh, I like the photo....Congrats on your book Jodi--shared it on my wall.


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