29 January 2011

5 years of Blooming Fun...

Life is always entertainingly busy around these parts. Right after the holidays, people came back to work, looked at their calendars, and freaked out about the time, and bombarded me with “we need to get this done” statements. Those sorts of announcements  don’t bother me at all, as I like to be busy, but I’ve been so busy that I plumb missed my own blogaversary.

Somehow, I thought it was at the end of the month, not two weeks ago. Whoops. Well, at least it wasn’t my own anniversary, a birthday or something else of import.

Five years is a long time in the Internets, isn’t it? The blogosphere was a different place back then; most of us had never heard of Twitter, and Facebook was one of those geeky sites that most of us didn’t bother with. When I started writing my blog, I was still on dialup, and had it not been for the local company, Cross Country Television, which invested in my small community and a few others in outlying areas, we’d STILL be on dialup. Smartphones like the iPhone were a gleam in Steve Jobs’ eyes back then, and gathering-place websites like Blotanical and BestGardenBlogs hadn’t come into the picture.

There are approximately 345, 872, 917 or so blogs these days, on probably every conceivable topic, including on every aspect of gardening and plants. Blogs do come and go, rather a lot like plants; some take nicely to the soil, start off strongly, then dwindle and fall by the wayside, overcome by weeds or the demands of life. Others go steadily along, building a readership and in some cases, even better, a career—I can name at least half a dozen friends who started out with writing blogs and parlayed that into paid work of all sorts. I’m very proud of those people, as I’m proud of anyone who stays with this pastime for any length of time.

It CAN be a challenge to keep a blog up. It requires commitment, and ideas, and time to do the writing. It also requires, at least in my worldview, time spent getting to know others in the blogosphere, reading their posts, leaving comments for them, asking questions. But it pays off in so many ways, as the annual Garden Bloggers’ flings and Meets demonstrate: people start out talking across the ether to one another, and develop friendships across countries, oceans, continents. I have yet to get to one of the Flings, but maybe this year, although this could be a pretty busy year for me.

Over the past five years I’ve learned many things, both from reading other blogs and from keeping up the commentary here. I’ve learned how to grow hellebores, gotten brave about buddleia, and happily admitted that I don’t have time or inclination to grow vegetables. Not surprisingly, I still hate goutweed. I’ve ‘met’ many garden writers from around the world, been able to read their books and promote them in some small part. I’ve gotten to introduce readers to other bloggers, and encouraged more than a few to take up blogging themselves.

And when the muse has refused to visit me and I’ve thought it time to pack it in, I’ve been encouraged and supported by many kind and generous words, letters, and more, across the world. Especially over the past year, when I was writing my soon-to-be-released book, you’ve provided a comforting link across the miles.

So, thank you all for your wisdom, your photography, your advice and camaraderie and all other good things over the past 5 years (and 18 days, 600 + posts, and counting). As you can see, I’ve revamped Bloomingwriter’s appearance in keeping with the need to promote and celebrate Plants for Atlantic Gardeners.

The book isn’t out yet, but I’m going to give away a copy of it to someone who leaves a comment after this post. So poke your muses, please.

And here’s to many more years of blogging, gardening…and most importantly, friendships.

But far less goutweed.


  1. Happy Blogaversary! 5 years is quite a complishment! Congrats!

  2. Happy 5 years and congrats on sticking with it that long and congrats on the new book..mine is pre-ordered from Amazon and I am waiting patiently (well not really) to get it...love the new look for the blog as well!!

  3. Congratulations! I have been reading your blog for a couple of years now. Congratulations on the new look too.

  4. Congratulations Jodi! At one year behind you, I fully understand what you are saying. So much has changed since we first started blogging hasn’t it :-)

    However, seeing you and many others like old friends now (lol… no age joke intended) it is great that we can pop by when we have time to spend a while and enjoy our exchanges. I’ve had moments like you perhaps, but ultimately the creativity, sharing and internet social side makes it a great place to be part of.

    I’ve learnt heaps from others too. I’ve discovered a whole new world visiting my garden but I am a gardener and plantsperson and the pull to chat more about plants just gets stronger after visiting you… maybe it’s time to play with the grown-ups now ;-)

    I’m delighted to have e-met you, your blog/blogs are inspiring and your commitment to supporting others in the blogging world the best. The blogging world would not be the same without you and I do hope you continue for some time to come :-D

    Wishing you all the best for year 6 on your blog and much success with your new book so it can support your travels to the gardens and places of your dreams. Until then, have a great weekend :-D

  5. Congratulations - I've been at it about a year, so am full of admiration for your five! I'll be on the lookout for your book, it looks like a good one!

  6. Well done Jodi, 5 years of blogging. I think I must of been around that long too. And you are soon to be an author of a published book. How I would love to be the winner of your give away. But if I'm not the lucky person I will be searching out your book at the bookstores, online or at the library. I'll be thrilled to tell others that you are an efriend of mine. Congratulations.

  7. Jodi:

    Yours was one of the first blogs that I discovered, and your gregarious, friendly outgoing personality was all the reassurance that a newb like me needed. Thanks so much for the kind and encouraging comments. Five years! That's rather spectacular I must agree!

    Its true, you've done so much to encourage and 'grow' the garden blogging community, and now, with a book to add [how you manage to juggle everything!] to your list of accomplishments and achievements..... you're a wonder woman for sure! Congrats once again..... while I'm commenting, please do not consider my name for the draw..... I've already put a deposit down for one with my local bookseller..... supporting the greater cause!

  8. Happy blog anniversary, Jodi. Even though I don't comment as often as I used too, I still read your blog and enjoy it very much!

    I still enjoy blogging but life has just gotten in the way and left me depleted of creative energy. Hopefully one of these days I'll get back to regular posting and visiting with my gardening buddies.

  9. Jodi, congratulations for being a pioneer in the garden blogsphere! I enjoy reading your posts. Best wishes for your book and many more years of blogging!

  10. What a thoughtful post. I loved the part about bloggers being like plants in the garden, with some thriving, and some not. I am one year into blogging (blogaversary tomorrow) and was initially inspired by your blog and by a discussion you generated last January about encouraging new bloggers. Thank you so much for that entry point into blogging, and a very happy milestone anniversary to you! (I like the new design)

  11. Happy Happy Blog Anniversary Jodi...So pleased about your book...where you find the time I don't know but it's all good!!!

  12. Hi Jodi - Congratulations. I really enjoyed your words in this post as in all others and how you set them up with such lovely pictures of spring and summer. You were one of the first persons to extend a hand of friendship and help when I started blogging. Thanks,

  13. Happy celebrations, I have just reached the first year of blogging so I am well behind you..and you are right that friends do encourage you when you feel like giving up as we all feel from time to time...may your next five years of writing go well too....

  14. I'm a newbie to your blog, but I can tell I'm going to have to enlarge my garden for the new species of plants I see in my future! I can't wait to get your new book!

  15. Jodi, one of your most beautiful posts, and I am so looking forward to seeing your book in the stores.

    Congrats on a milestone, a huge milestone, 5 years. Those of us with only a few years under our belt look at you with awe.

    Beautifully put, some do thrive, some do wither...

    Jen @ Muddy Boot Dreams

  16. Dinamarca Lorenzen29 January, 2011 15:28

    Happy 5th anniversary, Jodi. I am happy for you and especially happy for us, your readers.

  17. Congrats on the anniversary, Jodi! Well done.

    And now I need to know...what's the deal with buddleia? The fact that they die back to just about ground level every year? Or is there some other evil I need to know about?

    I've been torturing one for about the last four years, keeping it in a pot, plunged into a spot in the garden, and then often forgetting to water it enough.

    This year it will finally be planted in its permanent spot.


  18. Congratulations on five years of enlightening both experienced and novice gardeners (like me). Wonderful to be able to write about something you so obviously love!

  19. Happy blogaversary, Jodi! So glad to have made your acquaintance on line and looking forward to meeting you in person. You are a wonderful support to other writers and things like that do not go unnoticed. :)

    All the best with your new gardening book!

  20. Congratulations Jodi on your 5 years in the blogosphere. You've always been there for me and other new bloggers as we started our journey in the world of garden blogging. Thankyou so much for all the encouragement you have been to me through your comments and sharing my writing with your readers.

    This winter when at last the snow started its retreat and I found my garden trowel I thought - now I kinda know what it feels like to have a Novia Scotia winter like Jodi does LOL

    May you have loads of success with your new book and another good year of blogging.

    Rosie x

  21. Congrats on 5 years of blogging and on the publication of your book. I enjoy blogging too, and the friendship aspect of it, and I have a book published also; when I first held it in my hands I did a happy dance, and I can imagine your joy.

  22. Happy Blogaversary Jodi! Great photo of the Eryngium (that's what it looks like anyway) and bee. Congrats on 5 years, and cheers to many best-sellers for you!

  23. Meaningful thoughts for those of us newer to garden blogging. I wish I had started sooner. Good garden blogging is no different than tending a real garden; lots of amending, seeding and weeding, but mostly perserverance. Best of luck, well there's no luck, just hard work involved, anyway best of everything with the book.

  24. Congratulations Jodi, I have had you in my favourites for a few years now and one of the first bookmarks I copied to my new computer.

    Love your photos and all the great info on Nova Scotia Gradening as well as elsewhere.

  25. happy blogaversary Jodi, it's 6 years since I started blogging and like you I was on dial up then, as you say things have changed I wonder where we will be webwise in 5 to 6 years from now, Frances

  26. Jodi

    I have been pondering starting a blog for the past 4-6 months. My problem is procrastination. Also I am worried that if I start, I won't keep it up. I guess I'll never know until I try.

    Jane Blackburn

  27. 5 years Jodi that's amazing! I'm thoroughly impressed and can only hope that I manage to continue anywhere near as long as that.

  28. Happy blogIversary, Jodi! You were among the first bloggers to support my blog, and I thank you for that. Most of all, I thank you for your wonderful, educative and entertaining articles with loads of useful information and great photographs. All the best to you and your garden,

  29. Happy Blogaversary Jodi! 5 years! Wow. In fact I think that your blog is the first blog I discovered on Blotanical when I joined just over a year ago!

  30. Happy blogoversary to you! What an accomplishment 5 years on. That really does take determination! I celebrated 2 years this year with the Dandelion Wrangler, with the year before on my first blog What Grows Here. Now I have moved and changed again, this time to my own domain, that finally amalgamated both blogs. It's amazing how we change and evolve over the years. Much like the plants!

    I agree whole hardily that the greatest thing I've gained by blogging has been the people I've met, online and in person. I've learned new things. I have stretched myself and endured great personal growth. Learning from shared experiences and from you all. Thank you for being part of that kaleidoscope for me!

    Good luck on the book! I'm thrilled for you, and look forward to snatching up a copy of my own.


  31. Congratulations Jodi on getting the new book published. It must be a good feeling to have it all done and in print now. Also happy Blogiversary. I so enjoy reading your postings and seeing your beautiful pictures.I hope your book launching is very successful.

  32. Congratulations, Jodi! I've been reading your blog for a long time, but maybe not quite 5 years. I look forward to another 5 years of posts, and more!

  33. Jodi, I can remember when I first started my blog. You were such help with several of my struggles. I so appreciate you being here. Your writing is an inspiration. I would sorely miss you if you weren't to be found here. Congrats to 5 years of wonderful blogging and best of luck with your book. I know it will be a success.

  34. I'm one of your longtime readers but because I don't have a blog I don't usually comment. I hope this works. Because of you I've learned that I can grow nice plants in my yard. I've also found a voice within myself regarding writing. Just keeping a gardening notebook for now but who knows, maybe one day I'll take up blogging too. Anyway this is just a thank you and wishes for a successful book launch and et cetera. All the best, Caryl.

  35. Happy blogaversary Jodi. Yours was one of the first blogs I 'found' after I started to blog and I value your encouragement through my 3 years of blogging.

    Good luck with the book - it deserves to do very well indeed and I know the winner of your draw is in for a treat ;)

  36. Jodi, Happy Blogiversary. I'm glad you decided to stick around because you'd leave a huge gap if you decided to pack it in. Many happy (for all of us) returns of the day.

  37. Popping in briefly to thank each and every one of you for the thoughtful comments you've left here. You're all presents to me, much cherished. It's a great delight to me that I've been able to encourage others in their gardening or blogging journeys, and I hope to be able to continue doing that for some time to come.!

  38. Happy Anniversary (belated!) Jodi.
    I've met many new friends through blogging...it has been especially helpful for connecting to people after making our move from Ontario to Nova Scotia. Looking forward to your book!

  39. Your "tinkering under the hood" netted some stupendous results, Jodi. A hug congrats for the book and the blogiversary.

  40. CONGRATULATIONS Jodi!! I love your new header and your book cover! Five years blogging . . . Happy Anniversary! From a friend who shares your hatred of goutweed! Fabulous photos and text!

  41. Congratulations! Here's to the next 5 years:)

  42. Wow, wow, wow, Jodi, five years! What a fabulous inspiration you are to all of us, both in the garden and in the blog-o-sphere. It is always a pleasure to read your well-written posts, and I just know your book is a winner, too.

    Congratulations on both these wonderful achievements. :)

  43. Happy Blogaversary, Jodi! I'm so excited for your book, and I love the upgrade to your site. Very professional. :) Keep entertaining us and guiding us with your gardening expertise for another five years! Oh, and batten down. AGAIN. ;)

  44. Congratulations indeed! As you said, 5 years on the internet is practically an entire era! I'm with you on growing vegetables...just not my thing, not where there is so little room and so many amazing flowers to plant!

  45. Congratulations on five years of blogging and on your new book! You are an inspiration. One of my dreams is to publish a garden book, but where to begin? I enjoy your blog so much; I know your new book will be wonderful.

  46. Congratulations, Jodi! Your opening paragraph could've almost been written by me. You just reminded me that I too forgot my 5th blogiversary. So, to celebrate the occasion, I went back and read my very first post from January 14th 2006. Fun!
    Yes, five years seems like a very long time on the Internet. We were 'baby bloggers' together :)
    I was on dial-up for the first couple of years too. We had to be very patient, didn't we?
    It really is amazing how much we learn from fellow bloggers and fascinating what we learn about this big wide world we inhabit.
    But the best part is interacting with all those wonderful gardeners out there. No wonder we love blogging!

    I'm excited for you on your upcoming book release! The cover looks beautiful.

    And your photos on this post....glorious, as usual. Thanks for sharing those wonderful blooms :)

  47. Congratulations on five years of blogging. I'm inspired by the discipline it takes to formulate your thoughts and put them in words! The greatest inspiration is your AMAZING gardening feats. Looking forward to seeing your book!

  48. Congrat's on your blogoversary Jodi. You've travelled many miles since the start of Bloomingwriter and covered lots of fertile land during the journey! Am awaiting my review copy...do you know when it will arrive? Am looking forward to reading it and announcing it, as well. Glad to be your cyber friend, Jodi.

  49. Jodi, you have, indeed, come a long way since our paths first crossed about 10 years ago! Your commitment to your blog and your passion for gardening have served you well and I am so delighted for you that you've built this fine following of people who love your writing, AND that you've grown your photography skills to such a high level AND that you've created this beautiful book that showcases your fine talent and heart. I am so very proud of your achievements and honoured to call you a friend.


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