30 December 2010

Everyone loves a garden centre sale...

Is there anything better than a sale at a beloved garden centre? Especially when the sale is 50 % off EVERYTHING, from pots to plants, from ornaments to bird feeders...
That's the case right now til closing on New Year's Eve at Den Haan's Garden World in Middleton, here in Nova Scotia's Annapolis Valley. Oh, boy...since I had been given some money as a birthday present, I knew I would have to go treat myself. And I did!

After several days of rude weather coupled with achy legs, I made time to make a sojourn out to Middleton this morning. I'm so glad I did. Their prices are always reasonable, but at half-off, you really get a lot of bang for your buck. Like these Rex begonias. Although I crave and adore flowering plants in the house all winter long, the foliage of these gorgeous plants is such that they don't NEED flowers to be jaw-dropping.

I brought home the two varieties in the photo above, and here's a closeup of the subtleties of one of the begonias' foliage. Exquisite, isn't it? They like moderately moist soil and medium (not too bright) light, average home temperatures to do well, so they're ideal for my office, where they now reside. But because it's been some years since I've tried a Rex, I went in search of good information, and found a terrific article at Fine Gardening, of course.

I never, EVER get tired of or bored with African violets. There are just so many different bloom types and colours to delight the eye. I didn't bring any home today, only because LAST time I was out there, a few weeks ago, I picked up several. They mostly always do well for me, as long as I keep the cats away from their velvety leaves, which otherwise start to look like cats after a couple of weeks.
If something has lavender on it, I need to have it, and this little china set of salt and pepper shakers will do nicely on our always-flowery themed kitchen table. I'd love to find a teacup, teapot, or vase in this particular pattern. Since I received LOTs of lavender products for Christmas from my wise family (from Beach Lane Lavender, now Seafoam Lavender Farm, here in Nova Scotia, and from Bleu Lavande, near Montreal, plus I have dried florets and other lavender-themed stuff all around the house, I should always be serene. Hmmm. Maybe I need to go put some lotion on to achieve a little more serenity...
Den Haan's always has an excellent selection of cyclamen at this time of year. I've confessed before how I have a fondness for the foliage as much as for the blooms, and they fascinate me because it seems most every flower colour has a different foliage colour. You'll have to wait til next time to see the cyclamen I bought today, but I'll give you a hint--it echos most perfectly the orchid that longsuffering spouse gave me!

I have had an orange hyacinth-glass for years, and its cheery colour always gives me pleasure while I'm waiting for its bulb to come into bloom. Today, I decided to add the red, blue, and green glasses to my collection. I wish I could find a purple one, which would just make the perfect addition--or should that be 'purplefect'? I have some hyacinth bulbs that are just waiting to be water-forced into blooming, so in a day or so these will be gleaming happily away in one of my office windows.

This is 'Blushing Bride' amaryllis, of which I have one, though it's not currently in bloom. We're rapidly approaching the season of many blooming amaryllis, of course, but I never EVER get tired of looking at their magnificent, stately flowers.
I resisted the urge to pick up a 'Picotee' amaryllis bulb today, but the more I look at this photo, the more I'm tempted. Tomorrow's the last day for Den Haan's sale, and they'll be closed for a couple of weeks from New Year's to mid-January to do inventory and prepare for spring...so maybe I should go back tomorrow and get a bulb. What do you think, fellow enablers? Hmmm?


  1. Ooooo, those begonia leaves are gorgeous. I'm not into amaryllis - yet - but that Picotee looks very elegant, and a good reason to return tomorrow. Sorry to add to your temptation, but that's my honest opinion.

  2. Fellow Enablers indeed..You made me laugh!! I loved it. Yes, go back tomorrow..Picotee wants Jodi (think of it like that)))).

    Plantcrazy.ca in Chester is 50% off all Christmas plus lots else. Got a perfect angel for the tree. Second visit planned...looking for succulents.

  3. That hibiscus screams summer and warmer temps. I love begonias. These are so beautiful. I hope you have a bloomin' beautiful new year Jodi.

  4. I would head back tomorrow. That Picotee looks lonely!

  5. Two of my favorite words: "nursery" and "sale," especially when they're in the same sentence. What fun, Jodi!!

  6. So cool that your Garden Centers are open now. Ours have all closed down for winter. Funny isn't it?

    Looks like you made a good haul.

    Jen @ Muddy Boot Dreams

  7. I am in a quandry; plant early or plant late. As we're away for february, I am loathe to visit garden centres now. But what if everything has been sold when we return?

    Plus, it's all cheap now.

    Oh, bum!

  8. Love those sales! I forsee a 'Picotee' in your future. :)

  9. Are you kidding, Jodi? As a fellow Amaryllis whore (yes, I did just say that), you know you WILL go back and get that 'Picotee'. I'm betting you'll find something else you didn't notice before and come home with that, too. :-)

    I'm always amazed at your ability to keep those lovely cyclamens alive. I just can't. They're like poinsettias for me - lucky if they look decent more than a month after I bring them home. I'm sure it has to do with watering, but I've not been able to get it right, despite many attempts.

    Happy New Year, dear Jodi!

  10. What a fun way to spend birthday money! I like the lavender salt and pepper shakers!

    Happy New Year, Jodi!

  11. What fantastic finds!! I also love a garden centre sale (who doesn't?). Although sometimes I come home and wonder where I'm going to put everything/everyone. I am very fond of the S&P shakers, they are charming. You're right a tea set would be lovely in the same pattern.

  12. The Rex Begonia's have such fabulous foliage.I love the Blushing Bride amaryllis. Gorgeous! I have Picotee in with a Red Lion amaryllis. They were so pretty last year together. All leaves this year but I will try again to get them to bloom next year.Your new glass hyacinth jars are so pretty. Great buys there lady. LOL!
    Happy New Year!

  13. Hmmm, how long do you think it will take me to drive up there for that sale? Wow, 50% off everything sounds like a blast to me! Love that Rex Begonia.

  14. Hahaha everything is lovely on sale day! You got nice purchases, and lavender motiff is my favorite too. I also have amethyst bracelet to go with it, however lavender flowers are not many in these parts, so i envy yours!


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