27 October 2010

Wordless Wednesday: A little light reading...some great books (I hope!)


  1. A really nice selection, right up my alley . . . anything to do with plants polar bears or the arctic.

  2. Chaotic Gardens sounds like a good read to me. I loved Miriam Oslers A Gentle Plea for Chaos. It looks like you won't have to go to the library this winter.

  3. I should explain the pile of books, for those who aren't on Facebook...one of my regular writing jobs is to review books for our provincial newspaper, the Halifax Chronicle Herald. As we near Christmas, I do several 'roundups' of recommended books for science/nature and for gardening. But I also am covering several of the categories for the Governor General literary awards, for fiction and non-fiction. Plus I have several reviews/interviews to do. So I have more books to read than usual...and some of them are very, very good.

    I generally only review books I really enjoy, because there are too many good books out there that deserve reading, and why waste time on a negative review?

  4. Jodi, I must say I'm feeling quite envious of your pile of books. I'm at that point in the teaching semester when I don't have time to read much of anything other than assigned reading for my courses. (Why did I assign so much of it??) I'm making piles of books to look forward to at Christmas. Enjoy your reading! -Jean

  5. A huge pile of words for wordless Wednesday ... wonderful, Jodi, and would love to dive into that stack! Besides a car/truckload of new plants, new books are good as it gets. Have fun :)

  6. Oh Jodi,

    That pile of books looks like the building blocks to heaven! I want them all.


    Sharon Lovejoy Writes from Sunflower House and a Little Green island

  7. I love my books Jodi. I've just bought 2 more and can't wait to dig into them. Bizare botanicals looks interesting along with that polar bear one. Enjoy :)

  8. I have a stack of books - a mixture of educational and fiction - that has grown throughout the year, but I haven't had time to read them. I guess I'm waiting for the really cold weather we've been promised this year to dive in and fill my head with more stuff.

  9. Reminds me I have books on hold at the library--I'd better go pick them up!

  10. My reading pile is much more fictional - though equally varied. Not as high either - which means I should go out and buy some books!

  11. Hi Jodi, I just did a review of Bizarre Botanicals. Great read. Not that I need anything to entice me towards more plant purchases...

    I hope you've got a generous deadline. :)

  12. My pile is a little different, but I love always having such a pile by my bed and by my reading chair.

  13. I have a nice collection of gardening books that I add to on occasion, but now that I'm blogging, I find it difficult to get much book reading done. I used to read at lunch, but lately, I've been getting on a computer at work during my break, which is what I'm doing now. I hope to get some reading done this winter.


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