01 October 2010

The October Country...

"I saw old Autumn in the misty morn/ Stand, shadowless like Silence, listening to Silence." ~ Thomas Hood.

"There is no season when such pleasant and sunny spots may be lighted on, and produce so pleasant an effect on the feelings, as now in October." ~ Nathaniel Hawthorne

"My lonely spirit thrills to see the frosty asters like smoke upon the hills." ~ Bliss Carman

"Autumn is the mellower season, and what we lose in flowers we more than gain in fruits." ~Samuel Butler

"Bittersweet October. The mellow, messy, leaf-kicking, perfect pause between the opposing miseries of summer and winter."~ Carol Bishop Hipps

"Summer ends, and autumn comes, and he who would have it otherwise would have high tide always, and a full moon every night." ~Hal Borland

"Every green thing loves to die in bright colours." ~Henry Ward Beecher

"There ought to be gardens for all months in the year, in which, severally, things of beauty may be then in season." ~Sir Francis Bacon

"Heat lingers As days are still long; Early mornings are cool while autumn is still young."~ Po Chu-i.

"The stillness of October gold /went out like beauty from a face." ~ Edward A. Robinson

"May we make wise choices in how and what we harvest, may earth's weather turn kinder, may there be enough food for all creatures..."

"...may the diminishing light in our daytime skies be met by an increasing compassion and tolerance in our hearts." ~ Kathleen Jenks.


  1. Beautiful pictures to accompany some wonderful quotes. Have a great weekend.

  2. There's something about that first photo that makes it feel like an underwater scene. Maybe it's the "air bubbles" in the background. Very nice, either way.

  3. These are really lovely photos! L

  4. Really excellent quotes and photos~happy October Jodi!

  5. beautiful photographs and quotes. So much color in plants, that even corns can be so colourful. Food for the masses and food for thought too. ~bangchik

  6. Those photos are gorgeous. I love the apples and the indian corn. pretty.

  7. What a wonderful post. I love the quotes and the photos that accompany them. Just lovely!

  8. Jodi, you have captured all that I love about fall in this post and then some. Happy October to you...

  9. Lovely photos with meaningful quotes. I particularly like the one with 3 corns and the quote that goes with it. We don't see such corns over here.

  10. What a wonderful post. You certainly have captured the spirit of autumn.

    Thank you for showing me my favourite season of the year while I revel in the dynamism of Spring.

  11. Lovely images and words Jodi. I particularly like the last quote. May October bring you great joy. ;>)

  12. Wow, these are wonderful pictures and quotes! I love all of them. I also love the lively colors, the compositions and the perspectives of the images.
    Really great job!

  13. Dear Jodi, What a wonderful Ode to October. The quotations are beautifully accompanied by your captivating images which have caught the mood, tints and tones of the season so well.

    Have a mellow weekend!

  14. That top photo is especially gorgeous.

  15. A beautiful autumn post, Jodi. Happy October :)

  16. Jodi, such a lovely post! Gorgeous images, as usual. I can only imagine the beauty you see there!

  17. such a wonderful post & tribute to Fall ! LOve the 1st photo of the Anemone...you have captured it so beautifully in that morning Light ! Your quotes are inspiring with hopes of a better world if people would only learn to appreciate the important things in Life 'A Natural Healthy Enviroment' and 'Compassion' for All things ! I always treasure Nature's Amazing growing process... tiny seeds planted, tended to with LOve and Care...will provide a Harvest for the Many...~ Enjoy the bounty !

  18. Magic post Jodi!! I just need to add October and November, then I can indeed bring you flowers every month ;>)

  19. Gorgeous pictures Jodi and wonderful quotes. The berries are so bright and pretty.
    Have a wonderful weekend.

  20. I find it strange that you did not quote me. Hmph.

  21. Lovely post Jodi. Those barberry berries look like they're ready for the holidays! Your apples look delicious too!

  22. I normally have to be dragged kicking and screaming into Autumn (mostly because Winter lies in the shadows). Your post makes me think it might not be too bad after all!

  23. Blogger wouldn't allow me to post comments yesterday, but today's another day! I LOVE each and every photo here, Jodi. The first image basically knocked my socks off, and I was practically naked by the time I finished reading and perusing. Scrumptious!

  24. Such lovely images, Jodi, and the perfect quotes to accompany them. I can definitely relate to the Carol Hipps quote:)

  25. Ah, the beautiful anemones, asters, wild and tame, bees, berries, last roses, apples, wild sunflowers..and leaves, glorious autumn colour! There's certainly beauty to be found in Autumn but we do cringe at the thought of frost, don't we, Jodi?
    Endless summer...if only...
    But life goes on, the seasons change and that's the way it's meant to be.
    Love those quotes and your photos are truly beautiful. The first one is magic!
    Enjoy this bittersweet season.

  26. Oh, in so many ways you have fed my soul. Beauty in the photographs and the quotes.

    Jen @ Muddy Boot Dreams

    PS, I love your comment above, I feel that same way. I usually don't comment on my blog, but visit the blog of those who comment, or email them back.

  27. Some wonderful images and wise words to start a new month. Thanks Jodi.

  28. That barberry is amazing -- are they evergreen? Wonderful post.


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