25 August 2010

Wordless Wednesday: Fogflora, or my garden in the mist


  1. That first photo is utterly breathtaking. I love the bright colours of the flowers against the darkness of the barn and fog.

  2. Hi Jodi,
    I love that title... Fogflora. And it makes for a mystical background to all your beautiful flowers. I imagine it to be a magical place there in summer.

  3. Beautiful pictures. I can almost feel the moisture on my face. I love how you caught the clematis flowers almost in shadows

  4. The fog is so magical in your garden. Of course all the wonderful plants help too. I am stunned by your clematis. It looks so happy. Mine down here is burned and dried up. Price we southerners pay I think. Lucky you northerners!

  5. Goodness. I can't keep up with these memes--now there is both wildflower and wordless Wednesday, neither of which I have kept up with. But I do enjoy the gorgeous images that both are producing.

  6. Jodi girl .. these are master pieces : )
    You have brought back memories of my childhood and loving the fog for its spooky mystery .. I can almost smell it now .. that fresh salt air with the touch of dampness .. and how it would make the woods and plants look almost ethereal .. it would send shivers up my spine but I so loved it all.
    Gorgeous pictures girl ! almost .. Halloweeny !!!!!
    Joy : )

  7. Magnificent -- those early morning fogs make for wonderful shots. :)

  8. Just beautiful, Jodi! I love to see our garden in the morning mist of fog, too. It seems to make the colors pop.

  9. Eerily beautiful, I love the droplets. How wonderfully cooling.

    Jen @ Muddy Boot Dreams

  10. Thanks for your comments, everyone! Susan in the Pink Hat, that is Clematis integrifolia 'Caerulea', the bushy blue bell clematis. I planted it about ten years ago and it just blooms its head off for weeks on end.

  11. Just absolutely stunning, I love the light, the colour stands out so amazingly.
    Thank you for yesterday.
    The gardener X

  12. Fog + Flowers = Fabulous Fotos (Beautiful, jodi)

  13. Beautiful, dreamy shots. I can almost feel fall in the air...

  14. looks like its approaching the season of mists and mellow fruitfulness with you too Jodi. Love that 4th photo with the clematis

  15. Looks like dreamy is the word for these photos today, very nice!

  16. Jodi, Excellent photos~I like the look of your blog these days~The campanula is delightful~gail

  17. Your garden is ever so lovely in the mist! I looked at the photos a bit oddly, thinking, "When did I last see a misty day?" You see, we are so dry here in summer time, and misty days are left behind once spring leaves.

  18. Hello Jodi, I agree with others who have said you can almost feel that you are there in these photos. You have really captured the still and quiet feel of a foggy morning! Beautiful!

  19. love this blog! just dicovered it- great phots an dwirting...please check out mine -


  20. Hi Jodi dear, I discovered Fogflora last year quite by accident. It really changes the whole feel of the garden doesn't it? Your photos are ominous and beautiful. The first one is Ligularia blossoms I believe. I just plucked them off my plant. I probably shouldn't have done that.



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