16 June 2010

Wordless Wednesday: Slippers for the Lady of the House?


  1. Beautiful photographs. I recently went to help my daughter in the garden and in the little strip of woods between her house and a very busy road she has ladyslippers. It seems a most unlikely place so they are a particular joy.

  2. Nice! Are they in your garden or out in the wild?

  3. The yellow one is especially beautiful! Is this a native Nova Scotian? Lucky you!!...MMMM..."Lady of the House"....I'd chose the Pink slippers for everyday wear and the yellow ones for special occasions...)))

  4. Love them! There's something exotic about orchids - as if they were only to be found in a tropical climate.

  5. The pink ones are at my sister's place; her property includes some woodlands which she leaves undisturbed, preferring to let the native plants such as these bloom and flourish in peace.

    The yellow one is native to parts of Nova Scotia (also Newfoundland) but this one was growing at Bayport Plant Farm. There was only one there, unless I missed the colony that was growing there in other years. The place was such a mess since the Captain died, I won't be going back there again, I'm afraid.

  6. Oh I SO love this. I am hoping that the Lady's Slippers in front of our cottage are in bloom when we arrive (maybe the last of the stragglers?)

    All joys,

    Sharon Lovejoy Writes from Sunflower House and a Little Green Island

  7. Slippers fit for a queen, I'd say. Wonderful, Jodi!

  8. Oh, To see Lady's Slippers in the wood . . . lovely! Your photographs are beautiful Jodi!

  9. Those are absolutely stunning. In my limited experiences, that is the first time I have seen an orchid that isn't in a pot.

  10. Fantastic... I just planted my first... a yellow one a few days ago! Larry

  11. These are fantastic. I wish I could grow them. I just don't know where I would put them so they could florish.

  12. Ahh, what a beauties! and to see them growing like that in Nature! Thank you very much for showing them and sharing

  13. That reminds me... I'll be up in Nova Scotia in about two weeks. It'll be nice to see the plant life with renewed eyes!

  14. Lovely photos & garden! I love Orchids & tropical plants, I can't grow them in our climate...Perhaps in a pot, someday :)

  15. Lady slippers look like they have come through time from some ancient forest at the time of the dinosaurs. Exquisite!

  16. Jodi, these orchids are lovely! Very nice photos.

  17. Gorgeous photos! Although I've found TWO native orchid species growing here this spring, I have yet to find the Lady's Slippers. Lucky you!

  18. Beautiful pictures. They look exotic yet at home in their surroundings!

  19. Gorgeous shots, Jodi. (I'm sorry to hear that the Captain's place isn't being kept up. :( How sad.)

  20. OH my, yes...I'll take those slippers! Lovely!


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