09 June 2010

Wordless Wednesday: An exultation of Lilacs...


  1. Dear Jodi, I can think of nothing more lovely than the sight and scent of lilac at this time of the year. Oh to gather armfuls and fill the rooms of the house, so perfect is the perfume. Your images are an excellent substitute.

    Thank you so much for the kind words and thoughts which you left on my 'Explanatory Note'. They meant, and mean, a great deal to me and I am so very grateful for your support at a difficult time.

  2. I am the ultimate lilac lover:) That frothy white one is beautiful. We never have butterflies when the lilacs bloom here. It is always so cold in April/May.

  3. Oh my goodness, I can smell that sweet scent from here, especially the white ones. Gorgeous, jodi!

  4. I am also lilac crazy, your post is beautiful! :)

  5. Hi Jodi.Your lilacs are so beautiful and the fragrance must be divine. I love the pink one. Do you have any that rebloom? I was wondering if they really did repeat blooming. LOL!

  6. No words are necessary for the pictures. The butterflies pictures are beautiful, but then I am partial to butterflies.

  7. Oh, how lovely! I wish we could grow lilacs in the south. Their perfume must be so intoxicating every day. As well, the butterflies seem to be enjoying them as much as we do. Thanks, dear!

  8. Gorgeous photos, Jodi. The third one down is so gorgeous set against a bright blue summer sky. :)

    Great new header design, by the way!

  9. Lilacs?! Gosh, it seems so long ago since my garden had blooming lilacs. What a wonderful perfume.

  10. What a coincidence that you've and I have both posted on Lilacs at the same time.

    When we first moved to our century-old house a very old Lilac still bloomed outside the window. In the old days they always planted them there so they could enjoy the fragrance.

  11. we put in a small lilac that came from a backyard being dug up. It's been here three years and no blossoms yet. I cannot wait til it blesses us with my favourite smell in the world.

  12. The lilac photos are beautiful Jodi..is that the divine Beauty of Moscow forth one down?

    I don't know how you manage to get those butterfly photos...I rush for the camera...but the butterflies won't sit still))) You are patient! I guess it is me..myself...who should sit still...mmmm

    All beautiful photos...love the blue sky..weather looks to change a bit tomorrow.

  13. Jodi, It looks as though your fog has cleared. What a wonderful combination of lilacs and butterflies, and I can almost smell the lilac scent -- well worth waiting for. -Jean

  14. Beautiful photos Jodi. I can almost smell those lilacs!

  15. I can almost smell the scent through my monitor! Lilacs always symbolize the true beginning of spring to me. Unfortunately, ours always bloom too early for the butterflies to enjoy.

  16. OMG those are absolutely stunning. I can just imagine that lovely fragrance after a good rain.

  17. The scent and looks of lilacs brings lots of memories from my parents garden. A friend living in Zurich Switzerland sends me every year photos from her flowering lilacs.
    Your Photos, with the butterflies completes the summer idyll. Very beautiful. Have happy summer days. T.

  18. Great photos! Our neighbourhood is full of lilacs right now and I am the weird lady burying her nose in her neighbour's lilacs. hee hee :)

  19. Hi, Jodi, My lilacs are long over, so it is wonderful to be able to share your lovely blooms. Stunning photographs. No words necessary. Pam

  20. Wow Jodi, beautiful lilacs. I love their scent on a still moist morning. I have one old shrub. I love your white one. So lush.

  21. I love the different colors and shapes of the blooms. Beautiful!

  22. I so miss the fragrance of lilacs. We are just too warm (although I've heard there is a recent introduction that might tolerate our heat).


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