01 June 2010

Remember when Duckies went a-courting?

You may remember that a few weeks ago on Wordless Wednesday, I posted a photo of Mr. and Mrs. Wild Mallard, feeding in the back yard.

LongSuffering Spouse started hollering at me a little while ago, to come quickly. So I unfolded myself from my office chair where I was wrestling with an article, and lurched out into the kitchen to see what he was excited about.

Aha. Mrs. Wild Mallard had brought the children up to have a feed. You can imagine how proud we are, as proxy godparents (feeders of many wild birds around here).

Eleven babies. They're more than a week old, I would say, given their size; this is the first time I've seen her bring them up, and they knew just what to do.

And they also know to obey their mama when she says it's time to go back down to the pond, too.

I shot these pics through the bathroom window, so they're slightly obscured by raindrops (hurray!! for rain!!) and glass. But you get the point. I'm still grinning. So is LSS, who announced while I was downloading the photos that Mrs. Mallard had just put the run to a crow who was coming in for a feed too. She's sassy. I'm glad the courting paid off.


  1. It is such fun to see wildlife in the garden. We have baby song sparrows, and one cowbird being fed by a song sparrow in our garden now.

  2. wonderful pics Jodi. I hope they all survive. We've got less and less ducks around here so I'm not even sure if we'll see ducklings around here this year.

  3. I think a little more than courting went on :)
    Congratulations on the grand kids.

  4. Oh how lovely! The rain brought them out! Weather for ducks!
    Oooooh isn't the rain just FAB, lashing lashing and stair rodding over here at Telegraph. I am tingling all over at the thought!!!!
    TT x

  5. Great post, they're adorable!! We have ducklings here too, and it's so much fun to watch them. :)

  6. That is just too cool. We had ducks visit us for a couple of weeks but since we have no water they went away.

  7. Hi Jodi - oh my those pictures are wonderful. Critters. I love them. Even though my pesky chickens messed up my new perennial bed. I still love to see them wandering around.

  8. Oh my, Mrs Mallard has done very well for herself. I'm impressed she still has such a large brood. With as feathered as they are, I'd definitely say they're more than a week old, and thoroughly adorable too!

  9. Mrs. Mallard has to have a lot of sass if she's going to care for 11 children! :D

  10. Oh, I could watch them all day! There is a creek in the ravine a few minutes away where I go for my walks and I love seeing the duckies. Glad you are watching over the "god children". ;-)

  11. I can't imagine having that many children to look after. :) Enjoyed your photos!

  12. Hahaha Jodi, that's a big family to raise! So i am sure you will give them a hand, anyway they are your grandducklings, hehe.

  13. How proud you must feel with the godchildren coming in for a quick visit. Take care and have a wonderful day.

  14. I am a big fan of ducklings, and of course ducks. How lucky ducky, LOL for you to have such a brood hanging out near your place.

    Eleven is a pretty good batch to hatch, I am in a joking mood, so please excuse the rhyming.


  15. We also have several Mallard ducks with babies at a near by lake, they so cute..

  16. That is so cool. I would be extremely excited too. You have a lot to be proud of!

  17. A handsome family, indeed <3

  18. Wait until they get the bill!

    No? Okay, I'll get my coat...

  19. What gorgeous critters!! Looks like mama has them all ship-shape!!

  20. Jodi, what a wonderful follow up to your previous post! Sweet sight!

  21. Hi Jodi, Love the info about trees from 2007. Where can I find a Copper Beech to plant on my property? Either form - straight up or weeping.

    Also, my husband has talked about Indian Pears for decades! I thought I'd finally nabbed the source when I bought 2 Serviceberries last year...now I hear they may actually come from the Shadbush! Do these grow naturally here? Where would I find one to plant...Baldwin's?

  22. They are so darn cute! Thanks for the pic's!
    Have a pretty night!

  23. Oh they are so cute! You'll have fun watching them grow over the summer.

  24. Oh, I love baby ducklings! They're so fun to watch, particularly as they follow their Mama. I always wished my kids had listened to me as well:)

    Your post on foliage was lovely, Jodi. I'm finding more and more that I enjoy my foliage plants as much as the flowering varieties. I keep filling my shade garden with more and more shapes and textures; in fact, it's getting a little crowded in there:)

  25. They're adorable. You definitely should be a proud godmother to such an amazing brood, Jodi. :)

  26. YAY!!! I'm glad to see that the courtin' resulted in such a beautiful family already. Congratulations to the proud (proxy) godparents, too! :)

  27. What fun! You needed a photo taking break, now, didn't you?


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