12 May 2010

Wordless Wednesday: Rhododendron Ramble at Rob Baldwin's Nursery


  1. I love the dark purple. So beautiful!

  2. Hi jodi,
    My daughter-in-law and I were just talking about Rhodies today. They grow very well here and as a result, they are in EVERYONE's yards. I have become a bit jaded to them, but realized today, seeing them through her eyes, how beautiful they really are and that I shouldn't take them for granted.
    Cenya (I changed my name)

  3. Hi Jodi~~ Although my garden is too small for many rhodies [and I detest deadheading them] they are awfully pretty, as your photos attest.

    Of course, I'm partial to the pink budded one. :)

  4. Cool plants! The white one is prettiest for me.

  5. That was pretty cool! I usually only see white ones or pink ones around here. And I have to drive inland a little to see them...rhodies don't do as well here as azaleas. I don't know why, as they're very related. Rhodies don't like the humidity as much I hear...

  6. The dark puruple is a beautiful color. Rodo's do not do very well in my neck of the woods, not enough rain for the sandy conditions. Have a wonderful day.

  7. Gorgeous. I would dearly love to grow them. Alas, they don't care for my alkaline soil. Hmmm... neither do I!

    Happy WW. :)

  8. Very cool. Rhododendrons are sadly non-existent in my garden. I need to rectify that condition!

  9. That last one is intriguing, I'd love to see it in bloom, it's such a rich purple color!

  10. Rhodies are extraordinarily rare here. It couldn't be that they detest our dry summers, wet springs, and wind all year long, could it? Even azaleas are a bit unusual in gardens. Just planted R. 'Mandarin Lights' last year and it lived, the true test of any rhodie/azalea in this neck of the woods;)

    Christine in Alaska

  11. I must agree the purple is great!

  12. Wow, Jodi I am really liking that blue-purple Azalea. Just lovely.

  13. Like tulips...sometimes the blooms, or...almost blooms...are just as beautiful as when in full flower. There is that bursting to beauty look..."I'm coming..almost there!!!" Just watch me they are saying))).

    Hope the wind has stopped for now!!

    Baldwins is on my list to visit.

  14. I love the paler lavender and white ones. I am a converted rhodi lover... never use to like them. I tend to favor the kind you show here... smaller blooms and more natives. Your photos make them look very tempting.

  15. Now that it's no longer Wordless Wednesday, at least in Nova Scotia, I thought I'd Identify all these delightful darlings for you.
    Top photo: Ramapo rhodo, a low grower;
    Second photo: Rhododendron russatum, a dandy almost-blue beauty that I like even more than 'Ramapo', it's in the subsection Lapponica, which means it's connected to my beloved R. lapponicum.
    The yellow is 'Wren' which to my mind is very much like another dwarf yellow flowered beauty called 'Nancy Steele', bred and registered by my dear late lamented friend Captain Dick Steele (his wife's name is Nancy)
    The pink budded beauty is 'Mist Maiden', a Yak cultivar with gorgeous brown indumentum ('fuzz') on the leaf undersides;
    Lastly, the gorgeous deep purple buds are of a rhodo called 'Purple Passion'. It's well named.
    I don't have all of these yet, though I do have a Yak hybrid that I just got. Purple Passion isn't that deep when it blooms, which is another reason why I love rhodos just before they bloom; they're like a whole nother plant.

  16. Oooo, the purple passion buds are beautiful! You've reminded me that I need to visit the Rhododendron Species Botanical Garden (in Federal Way, WA so it would be more than a quick visit for you to see;) while they're in full-bloom. Sure glad it's no longer WW so you could ID the plants for us!

  17. A huge rhododendron bed has always been on my wish list, but I never had one. Now I have a couple of small rhodos and a few azaleas. If I decide to ad more, I will most definitely look for something like Ramapo or russatum - gorgeous.

  18. Hi, Dialsmiley here, just visited Historic Annapolis
    Gardens....where , do you suppose, a person could
    find the rhodo that has those glorious blue leaves, currently in the garden....delicious place.


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