05 May 2010

Wordless Wednesday: The rain-washed spring garden


  1. I love the photos, especially the first one! Is it a solomon's seal? Larry

  2. Are you not supposed to comment on wordless days?

  3. Everything looks so fresh after the rain. Happy Spring!

  4. Beautiful - love the ferns just starting to unfurl.

  5. It looks so still and peaceful. :)

  6. Beautiful, jodi! I especially love those dear little forget-me-nots. Many years ago, when I was just a little girl and my parents bought the house they currently live in, the perimeter of the house was awash in blue where a former resident had planted f-m-n's in a garden and they spread like crazy. I always thought them to be such a treasure, even though they grew where no one really wanted them. 30-some years later, they still spring up between the patio stones and under little used stairs. :) Nice memories.

  7. I am mesmerized by blue flowers. They are so scarce in our hot summers. We have just had our first summer rain a while ago, and everything is so lush green yours very beautiful. thanks.

  8. I love the dark rich colours of the garden after a rain. Beautiful!

  9. I can't comment since it is "wordless Wednesday," so NO COMMENT!



  10. Lovely to hear your bees are busy! (saw your comment on wiseacre) Val

  11. Happy (belated?) WW! As usual, I'm a day late on everything. Who, pray tell, is featured in picture #3?? Scary! Those blues are quite breathtaking. :)

  12. And now I just want a plate of buttered fiddleheads with a little vinegar *sigh*. :)


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