26 May 2010

Wordless Wednesday: Bee-peeking


  1. These look like some happy bees.

  2. Awww, sweet little busy bees!

  3. Bee-peeking ~ Bee-utiful, Jodi!

  4. Lovely bees. I'm not very good at identifying them yet, but I've been watching our bumble bees quite closely on the lavender, and we seem to have at least three different species that visit regularly. I've never really paid much attention to bumble bees before this year, but I had no idea there were so many different types!

  5. Busy bumblebees, I like the second photo. Great.

  6. Great play on words, lovely pics. :)

  7. What amazing photos! I've never wanted to cuddle with a bee, but they are so adorable!

  8. What a pretty bee! I've seen the most common species of native bee in my garden, though they are usually not so attractive as your little friend. But I'm living in hope of one day seeing a Teddy Bear Bee.

  9. Wonderful :-D Love these photos very much!

  10. Love the Bees !!! Nature's most valuable cross-pollenator and also the litmus test to the health of our enviroment ! May we ALL do our best to help them as they need us now more than ever before ! Pesticide Free Gardens with Lots of Flowers...some people are now setting up individual hives in their back yards...did you know that way over 50% of the world's bees have died...some areas hit harder than others...we must ALL do what we can and support your local Bee-Keeper !! Love your theme today !!!

  11. Bees are seriously cute, I petted one the other day and it remained sitting on my hand.

    Next time we have a meet somewhere in Europe I hope you will be able to come.

  12. Can't resist a bee photo! :D

  13. I've just started trying to take pictures of bees and insects - it sure is hard to get one that isn't blurred. Yours are cool.

  14. Hello,
    Love your pics of the bees. They look so busy (no pun intended)
    Thank you,

  15. Hi Jodi...have a scene alot of bumblebees this spring...this is a very good thing since the bumblebee is the best pollinator of the bees. Did you know that the honeybee is not native to N.S.! The bumblebees are slower buzzing around so that is what the plants like!

  16. What a lovely bee picture. Your shots are perfect. How they dance from one plant to another is an amazing sight to see.

  17. I especially like your bottom photo Jodi. I wondering about honeybees . . . I had been seeing more bumblebees around after a hard frost that came after a very early warm spring . . . there was no so much food early on and my wild honey bees disappeared. They are back now and I am glad for it. Do you see many honeybees?


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