10 March 2010

Wordless Wednesday: "Orchids-come-lately, there's new kids in town..."


  1. Those are lovely colors for butterfly orchids which you call moth orchids, otherwise known as Phalaenopsis! And they wouldn't have been as beautiful if not because of your expertly taken photos!

  2. Dear Jodi, These are lovely and have brightened up an otherwise rather grey and chilly morning.

  3. What handsome new kids on the block.

  4. The second and fourth photos are my faves :D

  5. Beautiful flowers n Beautiful shots!

  6. Handsome faces on those 'new kids in town', jodi. The 'pick-size' miniature is adorable!

  7. Love the new kids!! And the size comparison to the guitar pick is fun! Such a tiny princess! I think I like them all!

  8. Mmmmmmm....eye candy!

    Love that pick, too! Lucky you!

  9. Those blooms are just spectacular, jodi, and should see you well through Farch. :) The pick is way cool, too!

  10. The orchids are wonderful, Jody. I have never attempted to grow orchids, but I do love them.

  11. Very nice! How's the snowdrop count coming along? gail

  12. Jodi, I so enjoying seeing that someone has a talent for growing these lovely flowers. And that someone is very good about sharing photos of the gorgeous blooms. :)

  13. What beauties! It looks like a guitar pick in the last picture, I tried to read what it said but couldn't tell. Is that orchid named after a musician?

  14. Wow! Beautiful. That second photo especially was breathtaking. :)

  15. So pretty! I'm not sure I'd ever try my hand at growing these, but at least I know I can pop over here and enjoy them to my heart's content!

  16. I especially love your second photo Jodi! The background is so gorgeous as is the orchid you are focused on. I enjoy seeing the size of the small bloom with the guitar pick... I have a tiny Dendrobium that has even smaller blooms ... two or three would fit on your pick. Good color combo too. I trust you are feeling tip top these days! ;>) Carol


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