03 February 2010

Wordless Wednesday: "The Perfection of the Morning" Habitant River at the Aboiteaux


  1. Dear Jodi, As always I am so struck with the intensity of your photographs which convey an atmosphere beyond words.

  2. Wow does that look cold and angry.

  3. A natural wonder, Jodi! The steam rising makes it magical and mysterious.

  4. Incredibly powerful image. g

  5. Perfect image for Wordless Wednesday!

  6. Is that ice? In the river? Wow. Look at the contrasts - white trees and black ice and white water and black trees. So much to dive into here. The This is amazing bit of imagery, Jodi, thoroughly being enjoyed by this southern gal.

  7. Hi Jodi. What a pretty photo of the frosty trees.
    I am late with this but I think the idea of helping new bloggers is such a great one. I like the idea of sponsoring new ones on the blogs also. I still remember how wonderful it was and still is to have others reach out to me. It was a very informative discussion that many said what I was thinking so I have nothing to add to the discussion but feel it was a wonderful and much needed one.

  8. Gorgeous... if a bit menacing. (Perhaps I feel that way because I'm not so friendly with ice, though.)

  9. Makes my hair stand on end. Is it cold in here, or is it just me? Excuse me while I put another lap cat on.

  10. Stunning, stark and oh so cold!

  11. Perfecto-Mondo ! .. I remember some VERY cold Nova Scotia winters .. and yes I had to walk to school in waist high snowdrifts ! LOL
    That is a gorgeous picture Jodie : ) .. I like Diane's comment of having to put on another lap cat .. too funny !
    Joy : ) Brrrrrr !!

  12. he hee Jodi - now I realise what some of the commentators meant when they say they came from Jodi's place - I clicked to see the new blog of the week - and its mine!

    Thankyou so much..... that was a wonderful compliment (((Hugs))) Rosie

    and a lovely landscape picture too.

  13. Oh, I just had to click on this photo to see more - fabulous texture and light! A stunning composition. :)

  14. so beautiful! love the light!

  15. Lovely, Jodi, but it does look so cold!

    Just got back from visiting Rosie's blog--thanks for introducing me to her!

  16. Hi Jodi~~ What a shot! I love the river and trees lining the river.

  17. WW is a problem for those who don't understand what they are looking at! I take it that it is ice, but why is it all jagged? Is it breaking up and being carried along?

  18. Your picture is proof of the beauty of winter, even though it looks awfully cold :^)

  19. Beautiful, and very familiar, jodi. :)

  20. A cold pure beauty.
    I love Wordless Wednesdays too, and often do them on my blog. This week the photo I chose is the OPPOSITE of this photo!

  21. Hauntingly beautiful Jodi! I love the touch of the pure black crow.

  22. Gorgeous!! Now I'll go back to your SkyWatch Friday post and finish reading your explanation. :)


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