06 January 2010

Wordless Wednesday: To drive the cold winter away


  1. It looks like we are the only ones who don't have any snow! I want some snow! I am loosing my identity, since I used to live in a country with 5 white months!
    Yellows and oranges around the white - what a contrast! You stay warm Jodi!

  2. Oooohhh....how warm! I jst came back inside and my feet feel frozen:)

  3. Nice arrangement of color to brighten the winter scene. Hope you visit my Wordless Wednesday, and let me know what that bush is that I've had in my backyard for years, still with the red berries in the snow.

  4. That orange was very toasty: thanks! What was the orange flower on the right (in the middle)?

    Christine in Alaska

  5. I love your bright and cheery blooms Jodi! I wish we could drive the cold away... alas... three months of its chilling winds to go. Your post lightens the day though. Thank you! Carol

  6. Those hot colors warmed me right up! Love'em.

  7. wordless wednesday...why didn't I think of that?
    I'm not ready for yellows and oranges
    I'm enjoying winter's stillness of color

  8. Yes, I feel warmer already! Good thing, too--our forecast is for 6-8 inches of snow over the next 24 hours.

  9. What a wonderful collage -I love the contrast between the warm orange flowers and the cool snow scene. Beautiful!

  10. I'm all the warmer thanks to your yellow!

  11. Hi Jodi, Orange makes the garden glow, I wrote once a post and it really does let the snow covered garden glow. The winter landscape is very beautiful, so still and white.

  12. Thanks for identifying that cotoneaster plant on my blog!

  13. Hi Jodi - love the golden yellows. That must your home in the middle. Very nice! - Gloria

  14. I'm normally not a big fan of collages, but I LOVE this one! Such contrast - perfect!


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