27 January 2010

Wordless Wednesday: "They called me the hyacinth girl..."


  1. I love then unopened and still tinged green, as in the bottom row of your top collage, I wish they would stay that way!

  2. What a collection of photographs/hyacinths.

  3. Oh, hyacinth girl, those are lovely right about now in darkest Connecticut :)

  4. I wish I could have some of these in the house Jodi .. I love the smell but the boys sneez so much .. well, you get the picture " LOL .. the trade off is too much for me to put up with ;-)
    But they do smell like SPRING don't they ?

  5. I love the bottom one with all the different shades of PINK.

  6. Dear Jodi, Just when I become used to the splendid single images presented on your blog, you confound me further with these glorious montages. No words necessary. Happy Wednesday.

  7. I would add that you might be called a Hyacinth Wizard Jodi ... in how you grow and present them! Lovely as individuals and as a montage ... dazzling photography! ;<)

  8. I'll bet your house smells heavenly:) They are beautiful.

  9. I bet your office has a great fragrance to it! I get hyacinths for my wife every Valentine's day. I'd better start thinking about that...

  10. Your hyacinth collages are lovely. We call it 'water fairy'. I am trying to grow hyacinth in our hot weather for my Chinese New Year. The seller advised me to put some ice cubes into the water in the afternoons. It seems to be growing and I am constantly watching over it. Hopefully, it won't get mad over my nosey pokey and wither away!

  11. Whoops, I think mine may be a narcissus and not a hyacinth. The narcissus is the one with 'water fairy' name. Actually, I can't differentiate between narcissus and hyacinth now. The leaves and bulb look the same, so I'll wait for the flowers to bloom before I know whether its a hyacinth or narcissus.

  12. I love hyacinths -- their fragrance is unrivaled, and they are such a "hopeful" looking flower. :) Aren't these glorious days for the end of January?

  13. Oh, they are so beautiful...I especially love the pink.

  14. I can just imagine how GOOD it smells with those around you! I can't wait until I can kneel down on the ground and breathe in the fragrance of them here.

  15. Breathtakingly beautiful! Hyacinths are a favorite of mine & I think the fragrance of yours are coming through my computer screen as your photos are so wonderful. I won't see mine for months yet, but I wonder if they're out yet at my nursery ~ I'd better go check!

  16. Bet your office smells terrific, jodi if you like the smell of hyacinths! :( Sorry, like many lilies, a bit too heady for me ... will you still be my friend :) However, I do love them so that does not keep me from surrounding myself with their beauty. Plus, as you have creatively shown, they are delightful to photograph!

  17. Oooh! So jealous! :)) Went shopping for Hyacinth bulbs last weekend in high hopes of finding some leftovers. No dice. Therefore no bright bloomers indoors. :( Beautiful!

  18. I can just imagine the fragrance, positively intoxicating! They are lovely, I think I favor the light pink. We have those here in the ground and they return very well, better than the other colors, especially that heartbreaker Gipsy Girl!

  19. Mmmmmmmm - can smell them from here :) Thanks for sharing such cheering images with us Jodi. Here it's been grey for days and I am in dire need of colour - your photos did the very trick.

  20. They are all lovely and I know they make you smile when ever you catch a sniff! gail

  21. I love the pink! Wow, what a vibrant color!

  22. I remember an old saying from a wise man: "If you have two pennies, with one you must buy bread. With the other you must buy hyacinths for the soul."

  23. A well deserved title! Queen Hyacinth and very sweet smelling also.

  24. The pink is to swoon for! After my experiment with paperwhites I am smitten with indoor bulbs. Winter begone - I have flowers!

  25. Mmmmmm....I can smell the sweet hyancinth fragrance. Lovely photos, but the peachy pink one made my heart skip a beat.

  26. A beautiful medley of photographs. I'd just like to know why I have no luck with hyacinths. You may it look pretty easy. I will try again.

  27. The photos and flowers are so pretty I can almost smell them.
    I picked one stem of a narcissus today and it has a delicious scent, here in my kitchen.

  28. I'm not one of THEM.


  29. I cannot even imagine the sweet smell of them all...oh I love this! Kim

  30. Stunningly beautiful. I can smell them from here.



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