08 January 2010

My first foray into Skywatch

The wonderful participant photos in Skywatch Friday always make me smile and think I should share a photo or two. I'm finally getting around to that today, although my photo is from a different day. This is the lighthouse at Chebucto Head, outside of Halifax, on a brooding, sometimes sunny autumn afternoon. Since the sky lately has been fraught with a bad case of the grey broodiness, I thought this was an appropriate one even if it was from a few weeks ago.

Being a by-the-sea-dweller, I spend a good deal of time looking at the sky and the water--when I can see them, of course. We don't have a lighthouse in Scotts Bay, but we can hear the horns across the Bay from us, and our ancient donkey also sounds like a foghorn when she's hungry or wants to come in.


  1. Goodness Jodi, so good to finally be able to communicate with you. I'm afraid I have been very distracted and wandering hither and yon in the blogosphere without real cognition or memory. I am afraid I have lost addresses, etc., but would love to communicate back and forth. Hope you are well.
    Hugs, Cathy

  2. What an interesting sky Jodi ... I always think looking up at tall lighthouses is so mysterious and you photo emanates mystery. Your sky is somehow otherworldly. Great photograph! I love your donkey! She 'sounds like a fog horn'... I just know I would love her. Is she a companion to a horse? Carol

  3. you have a donkey?!?!

    love the photo

  4. Lighthouse is always fascinating... and you want to switch back hundred years down the history book, when sailors tamed the wind.... ~bangchik

  5. Thanks for this post, Jodi. Despite the dreary weather, it brings back fond memories of the time I spent living in Chester in the mid-60's. Hank

  6. Hello Jodi,

    This is my first visit and I am glad I came :-) I love lighthouses and the sky is beautiful.

  7. What an evocative picture. Reminds me of Wuthering Heights somehow! Have a nice weekend!

  8. I have been a sky watcher ever since i was a child... enjoy the clouds the formations, an occasional V formation of the birds in flight, even the airplane and as an adult today.... I still haven't outgrown this childhood habit :):)

    Lovely snap... it must be beautiful to see the sea n sky meet and change colours with the movt of the sun n moon. Will try and pitch in with a snap of two nxt friday :)

  9. Interesting photo. I can almost see the heat waves in when looking at the sun. You haven't mentioned your donkey or horse in some time. I hope they are well.

  10. Interesting photo. I love lighthouses (who doesn't?!) and adore the moody setting of this shot. A by-the-sea dweller...I like the sound of that! Must check out Skywatch myself. Have a lovely day and stay warm!

  11. Awesome picture! Lighthouses make great photographs. Not many around here though, we're landlocked.

  12. its a beauty jodi~one of these days i hope to travel to nova scotia~i have always wanted to see it and your pics only make it that more inviting :D
    enjoy your day

  13. Lighthouses make wonderful photo subjects. An ominous sky adds a mysterious element to the photo. Gosh, I miss living close to the ocean.

  14. Nice first foray - the sky is continuously fascinating.

  15. I love the silhouette of the lighthouse in the sky. Great shot.

  16. Whenever I see a lighthouse, I always wonder how it is like to be able to climb to the top and observe the scenery below.Your picture looks like a mysterious night scene, quite romantic too.


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