10 October 2009

The fruits of MY labours...

I've mentioned before that autumn isn't my best time of year, as the daylight shrinks and the garden winds down. Normally I do something to sort of prepare for the coming of winter, a yearly ritual like putting the garden to bed, filling the woodshed, and so on. It's amazing how it fortifies one's mind and soul.

This year is no exception, and thanks to my longsuffering spouse's generosity and loving support I've had a wonderful rejuvenating interlude. More about that soon, I promise. And now I'm really, really, REALLY busy with work. For which I'm extremely grateful to editors and other clients, believe me. But it's meant very much limiting my time with my blog and more importantly with visiting other friends' blogs. I figure the next two weeks are going to be insanely busy and then after that will return to the normal rhythm of work.

A couple of other little things are happening: I got a new, compact digital camera for work purposes (the kind with really good resolution that you can stick in your purse and just go with so I don't have to drag my DSLR everywhere I go) but also need to have the time to really work with it and get to know it. Unfortunately, the weather has been nothing short of hateful for the past week or so, at least when I've been home. Rain, fog, and drizzle, followed by fog, drizzle and rain. Not so conducive for good photos in the garden, at least not when it's also blowing a gale of wind.

So thank you for the concerned comments/emails/facebook PMs I've received in the past few days. All is well here, and more than well. I ask for everyone's patience. I'll visit and comment whenever possible, and post once I clear a few of the urgent deadlines off my desk. Meanwhile, let's all pause a moment to envy the art of perfect relaxation as done by Mungus.


  1. Good to hear that all is well on the home front.

  2. Mungus certainly knows how to get rid of stress. And he's found the perfect spot!

    Glad to know you are well and all is right with your world.

  3. Kitty cat yoga position - "the contented feline". :)

  4. Hi Jodi! It's good to be busy, it means you are needed! Don't worry, do your business, we won't forget you! Good luck with your new camera. Don't lose that manual. I did, and now, I learn all the functions by trial and error. Your cat is a pleasure to look at!

  5. Now that is one relaxed cat. I don't think you would want to see me sprawled that way in front of the fire .... unless covered by an afghan. :)

  6. It's good that you are enjoying your work. That is a gift. We all need to learn the art of relaxation Mungus is demonstrating!

  7. I'm in the same boat, Jodi, madly busy 'til November, then praying for a break. I'll keep that fabulous photo of Mungus in front of the woodstove in mind when the stress is close to killing me! In the immortal words of Tony Bird, "There's a bright dawn"...

  8. As we've discussed before, you and I are two blessed women, with the men we've got. So glad you got to take your break and I know you had a marvelous time! ;-)

    Mungus - you and my kitties must be related.

    *hugs and love*

  9. So glad to hear you are getting work. I look forward to all you put on paper also in our Maritime gardening articles! Fall is my fav. time of the seasons also...just wish it would last through to say February!!! ( :

    Will Mungus save a spot for me...looks like there's room for a few of us!?!

  10. I intend to try out that pose as soon as I shut my mac off! Good luck with all your work! Adorable kitty! Carol

  11. Good luck on your many projects, jodi. Do hope you take time to taste the harvest and enjoy today ... Happy Thanksgiving!

  12. Ah, to be as relaxed as Mungus. Good luck on your work and get back to us soon.

  13. It's good to be busy, and a new camera is such a fun toy to learn. Stay warm.

  14. Jodi~~ The weather is "nothing short of hateful." That's a good one. Sorry that it's true. I hope you enjoy your new camera as much as Mungus is enjoying the woodstove's warmth.

  15. I know how you feel! Not to worry, when you write it, I will read it. Enjoy the respite.

  16. A compact camera is a great idea! :) I sure do love those sunflowers. Glad to see your post again. The weather has turned just plain mean, hasn't it? Hopefully, there are some nice, sunny, WINDLESS days ahead.

  17. Glad to hear you have work! Hopefully you'll get to relax a bit in front of that stove yourself, we are having hateful weather too but it's the first of the season down here so sort of welcome at this point. hang in there. maria

  18. oh how I wish I could relax like that cat!!! I found you on blotanical and am glad I came to check you out!

  19. Mungus is too cute. What a priceless photo - and you're right, he definitely has the art of perfect relaxation down pat! : )


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