05 May 2009

Travels and Adventures and Seedlings

Got anything on this weekend coming? Maybe you'd like to pop down to the Harrison Lewis Centre in East Port L'Hebert for the 'Tree-dy Saturday' seedling exchange/sale. You can find out more about the Centre at their website, and I will tell you more about it in the not-too-distant future. I haven't been there yet, and won't get there this weekend because of a previous commitment, namely a talk at Bunchberry Nurseries in Upper Clements for the Magnolia festival, as mentioned before. 

I haven't updated for a few days and haven't been visiting many blogs this past week or so but with rather good reasons. First, this past weekend, I was away in beautiful St. Andrews, New Brunswick, for Charlotte County Blooms, an annual event that takes in gardeners from the local area. I'd been invited to speak here several years in a row, but it's always been the same weekend as Saltscapes Expo. This year, they changed the date, and I was sooooo happy to come to one of my favourite Maritime communities. 

The morning speaker was the inspiring and affable Betty Kennett of Hampton, NB, and she entertained and educated the crowd of 200+ gardening enthusiasts. In the afternoon, it was my turn to (hopefully) be entertaining and educational too. What a LOT of hard work put in by everyone who organized this fabulous event, and by all the exhibitors at the trade shore part of the day. My garden hat is off to them all. 

This young artist creates fabulous sculptures from wood: from Celtic designs to pea pods! His work is gorgeous, although I don't think I'd put it outdoors in my garden. I'd have it in my office where I could always look at it while I was working, regardless of the season. 

Longsuffering spouse went with me to St. Andrews, which was awesome because he got to drive on this rather long trip, while the weary gardener, garden writer and editor slept. And we were put up by wonderfully gracious and friendly hosts at their home, Tatterscot, right on the main street in St. Andrews...

Where their back yard is actually their front yard because it looks out on the sea. And I mean RIGHT. On. The. Sea. Well, the lower Bay of Fundy, and to be exact Passamaquoddy Bay, the lower end of my own Bay of Fundy. So they know all about gardening by the sea, and they do it very well. 

This photo was taken at mostly low tide, and I don't have a good photo with me of what the scene would look like at high tide...because most of my photos are back home in Scotts Bay with my external hard drive. I'm in Liverpool again. 

Well, I'm in Liverpool a lot these days. Because I took on a new challenge a while back, and now am editing three magazines for DvL Publishing; Rural Delivery, Atlantic Beef, and Atlantic Forestry. It's a lot of work, but a lot of fun too. I've been privileged to write for Dirk van Loon a good deal over the past number of years-and in fact, he published the first thing I ever had published, a story that was in Atlantic Horse & Pony (where I'm now contributing editor) back in 1990. It's pretty cool. Car's getting quite a bit of mileage, and Spunky is cranky when I'm away, but I'm loving the new challenge.

The goutweed is the only downside, as it's getting out of hand in my garden on the days I'm away. Anyone got a cure for that? We won't be giving away any at the Tree-dy Saturday, however!


  1. I was last in St. Andrews about 1990. It is one of my favourite places in Canada.

    What a nice trip for you--and to have a driver, too! :)

  2. It all sounds good - not. I'd go into a panic if I actually had to write or speak publicly. I'm glad you enjoy it.

    So sorry to hear you have goutweed. I wouldn't give it to my worst neighbor. It would only grow back to my place.

  3. Love the pics, especially that of the back garden of your hosts at St. Andrews. Good to know you're safely back in Liverpool.

  4. What a nice stay at the lower Bay of Fundy. You are so lucky to have your job and the kicks that go along with it. I really enjoyed this post as I do all your post. I just love your writing. I've never had a thing published but am hopeful that the journey with MrD will be one day. It's not at all gardening but is loads of laughter. Maybe my grandkids will read it when I'm gone and it will make me famous even in to the grave--ha!

    Miss you!

  5. Hi Jodi and thank you for sharing this lovely post. That place at St.Andrews is just in my taste, I love to be close to the see and you can hardly get any closer.
    Good luck think your work it sounds most fascinating.

    xoxo Tyra

  6. Wish I could come to the seed exchange. What fun that could be. I love the work of the artist. Those pea pods are spectacular. Like you I would want it in my house and not outside to rot. It souonds like your life is so busy. Take time for yourself, I don't want you to get sick again.

  7. Wonderful pics! The past two days everywhere I turn I'm seeing mermaids. Hmmmmmm I wonder if it's some kind of sign?

  8. Love those sculptures and while we miss your regular posts, the new job sounds like a fantastic opportunity and one for which you are well suited. Don't let the goutweed get you down.

  9. Jody, Good morning...I am mulling over 'they know all about gardening by the sea'...that would be an enjoyable task to learn. I haven't a clue what editing a magazine is like; I suspect you are excellent at it. Thank you for taking us along with you, I had a good time...this gardener needs a trip to the see and a craft fair or two to attend! Thugs are tough to deal with...I've covered vinca with layers of thick cardboard and plastic and it continue to grow. If that's not the hallmark of an invasive! Have a good weekeend!


  10. I loved the look both of the hall and your friends' house, and the sculpture were amazing (and I wouldn't leave them outside, either). I hope editing continues to be more fun than stress, and as for the goutweed: I don't know it (fortunately it seems), but have you tried heavy cardboard/newspaper mulch, or spraying with vinegar?

  11. So THAT is what you're doing in Liverpool. :) Love Rural Delivery, and must admit I haven't read the rest. Continued good luck with this new venture, jodi! And St. Andrews...one of my favourite places in Atlantic Canada. Hands down.

  12. You are a busy and lucky gal, Jodi! Actually, your adventerous life sounds hauntingly romantic partly because of the raw beauty of where you live that speaks to the soul and your gift for writing about it! And ... Gardening By the Sea ... what a great name for a book!

  13. Sounds like a great way to spend a Saturday! But we spent the whole day out in the yard, planting, etc and it was wonderful. My favorite kind of day.


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