24 February 2009

Sign of the Times...

I used this photo last week in the February issue of The Canning Gazette, (which is why it's in black and white). Looking outside this morning, regarding the shovelling and plowing efforts of my long suffering spouse One. More. Time!, I thought of this photo and decided it would be worth sharing with everyone. Meanwhile, the snowdrifts just get higher and higher and higher...


  1. Thank you Jodi for giving me a good laugh!

    xoxo Tyra

  2. "This too shall pass"! (Love the photo)

  3. Jodi,
    What are we going to do with all this snow you are getting? Maybe if we all get together and send a collective thought out into the universe we can make the snow go away for you. At precisely 3pm central time I shall say "Snow,snow, go away, give Jodi weather like it's May!" :-)Hey... couldn't hurt...LOL--Randy

  4. That's how I felt last year. Fortunately, we've turned a corner with the weather here and, even though there is snow blanketing the ground, it will all melt in the next couple of days.

  5. I feel your pain. We don't have the snow, but the cold has lasted so long now, without a break.

    I have a plowing service for my driveway. I think he earned his money this year. The past few years he's made out like a bandit!

  6. LOL, that is funny. That is one task that we don't have to worry about here.

  7. Love that sign. :) The good folks of Canning have a great sense of humour -- I guess that's all you can have during a winter like this. :) I hope Mungus and LSS are doing better today.

  8. Jodi,
    Just stopped by to let you know I always read the Gazette from cover to cover when it appears in my mailbox. And I got a great kick out of the sign on the front page this week.
    Drop by my blog anytime.

  9. Gotta keep your sense of humor :)
    My hubby had to brave the freezing cold and plow again this morning too.
    We have bright sunshine this afternoon and slightly warmer temps. Hope you're being blessed with the same.

  10. Jodi, Great sign and it expresses his/her sentiments perfectly. Is there a break coming at all? I do hope so...gail

  11. That is funny and I think everyone is feeling the same..

  12. good that they have a sense of humor about all that plowing.

  13. Now that's funny!

  14. LOL ! This really made me laugh, Jodi. Thanks for sharing.

  15. Do you think that there is any mileage in adapting the Snorkel for use in snow drifts?

  16. LOLOLOL! What can you do but laugh? It will be over soon. Hang in there!

  17. I wish I had a sign like that. I feel his pain. I'm glad I can still laugh at the situation but for how much longer? It won't be spring here until early April and we can't forget we always get a whopper snow the first week in April.

  18. Awesome photo Jodi! In Alberta, we just got 10cm of snow yesterday & 5 more this morning. I'm surprised someone isn't selling those signs. They'd be really easy to display - just push a stick into the nearest snowbank.

  19. LOL! Yup, I remember those kind of snow days well. Yup, yup, yup. I'm SO glad I don't have to do that anymore.


  20. Move South except in summer when it's a 100 degrees with 90% humidity and then you go back to Nova land.


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