12 February 2009

Oh, Winter. I wish I could just quit you...

Okay, is there such a thing as winter rage? I'm sure there is. I am sure I don't have it, either, but really this winter is starting to get on my nerves. We've gone from bonechilling cold to that milder weather that was promised. In the form of freezing rain, and then rain, fog, and drizzle. The driveway/dooryard is a skating rink. Up the road, trees are festooned in crystal, but here they shook it off in the fog. The birds are still out and about, and that's very cheery-making, but really, we need a break. 

Some sunlight would be nice to go along with the milder temperatures. Oh, I know. Flowers! They always help. A nice bouquet of winter flowers helps to drive the drearies away. For some inscrutable reason, I really like green button mums. I don't know if they're dyed or natural. I like em anyway. 

This is the coolest houseplant. I got it last fall and it's doing very well. It's called Ixora, and I'd never seen it before, but it spoke to me and you know how it is when plants call our names. We must not refuse. 

That was my excuse today, when I went into a store to buy batteries and a couple of other items. And there was a big load of these indoor roses in pots, wanting to be bought and given to beloveds for Valentine's day. So I got one and told LongSuffering Spouse that he bought it for me. 

These roses never have a name when you find them in stores, but while it didn't have the most roses on it, I wanted it because it reminded me of Morden Sunrise, a lovely Parkland/Morden rose from Manitoba. There really wasn't enough light to take a great photo without flash, but next sunny day I'll take its picture again so you can appreciate the subtle play of yellow, apricot and pink in the flowers. 

Now THIS was a surprise when I went into the living room to water the succulents and cacti and others that live in there over the winter. This yellow-flowered Christmas cactus flowered at Christmas, but apparently felt it should throw a few extra flowers as a midwinter treat for me. It's a bit early for Bloom Day, but Carol won't mind. 

Oh, and this was the other temptation that hit me today as part of my rebellion against winter. There was a whole pallet of Phalaenopsis orchids in the store I went into, nice plants with lots of blooms, buds and leaves, and in handsome clay pots to boot. So I bought IT too, and told Longsuffering spouse he gave me THAT as well. He agreed that was an excellent pre-Valentine's gift. I don't need anything else, but I'll make a nice supper for him on V-Day as a reward. 

Oh, winter, I wish I could just quit you...but I will never quit plants, that's for sure. Especially flowering ones that help us get through winter!


  1. Jodi, It looks like summer at your place! Wonderful!

  2. Flowers do make the most wonderful gifts, and you got some beauties. I'm most intrigued by that Christmas cactus with the *yellow* blooms! It's probably something everyone (but me) has seen -- it's so different from the typical pinks and reds I've seen elsewhere. Maybe it gifted you those new blooms to help compensate for this CRAPPY weather. of course, now it will all refreeze...

  3. Channeling sunshine vibes your way right now, Jodi. :-)

  4. What wonderful and beautiful distractions from the weather outside. I awoke to snow flurries this morning and while it isn't as cold as in the past, we're reading back into minus temperatures tomorrow. I shall have to bring up this post and stare at it instead of out the window! Stay warm and safe, and off the ice!

  5. Jpdi, we are so much alike! I have purchased a great number of flowering plants this winter, just trying to quell the winter blues. And I've purchased a lot of non-flowering houseplants too, anything growing so that I can fool myself into thinking that I am gardening!

  6. Jodi,

    I find that flowers help just about any 'mood' ailments I experience...from 'I have had it with this heat and humidity" to "when is it ever going to rain again". It sound like your beauties are helping already. ...Now if Mother Nature would lend a helping hand and deliver decent weather to you good folks up there~~


  7. You chose the right plants for your Valentine flowers. I am sure LSS will be glad to be off the hook with you being so happy. I would be happy too if I found such lovelies in the store.

  8. I think you caught the subtle colours of that gorgeous rose very well, Jodi.
    And that orchid..well, I'm speechless. Wow! (almost speechless) :)
    Love the Ixora too, and the bouquet is just beautiful.
    Lovely, lovely flowers.
    Now, don't you feel better?
    We had rain and strong winds today. Ick! I need to go plant shopping!

  9. Lovely distractions from the weather.... being west of you I hate to report we had snow flakes in the air all day.... I too have had my fill with the weather.

  10. I know what you mean, winter has got to be over soon or I'm going to go nuts. I finally told the kids at scool this week we would finally have a full week of classes no delays or days off. It was 73 degrees yesterday so what could go wrong!!! Yea right. The wind started around 7 last night, blew trees down all over and power outages like crazy. NO SCHOOL TODAY!!! LOL COME ON SPRING!!!

  11. We had 40 to 60mph winds and a cow went sailing by--we've got cows I thought...odd. Then a school bus went by..even more odd. Maybe it wasn't a cow or a school bus but the leaves and dirt hitting the house sounded like it. MrD was coming back from a trip and he said the big trucks were blowing off the road.

    Other than that, the air was warm. Sorry. I do wish for you a heat wave or 40 degrees at least. At least you are still smart, right? I mean I can't even claim that. I got up this morning at the awful hour of 7am, took my shower, and waited on a friend to come pick me up for a waffle attack breakfast. 9am and still no friend. It's tomorrow! I got to get up at 7am again.

    Your peaches look yummy today. It's one of my fav colors. I like it with hot pink.

  12. You do that too? Tell your longsuffering husband that "he" bought you a gift? I love it. I've been doing this for years, especially with plants. Great husbands we have. Your flowers are lovely. I think the winter-sickness is a form of cabin fever, a more acute strain that causes uncharacteristic seething and scratching at the window and looking skyward and going back to seething.

  13. You have more flowers inside than I do outside, Jodi. They would certainly banish any winter blues at my house. Only at my house I sometimes get the summer blues. ;-) Hang in there; spring is on the way.

  14. No apologies needed for the low light on your rose picture — that's a lovely image just as it stands. Your comment and picture of the ixora got me to looking it up on the web and it seems very interesting. We're going by a large Tropical Greenhouse after visiting our kids for the weekend up here in New England so that will be a plant to check out in person.

  15. Jodi, quiting winter sounds like a great idea. We did just that for a few days here. Sunny, light breezs and temp in the mid 60's. It was glorious. of course it didn't last and were back in the middle of it with snow on the way.

    The rose is just gorgeous. I love the pale apricot color under any light. And the crchid is a neon burple-blue & purple. It's coloring is enough to want to whip on the sunglasses. LLS did a super job on your Valentine gift.

  16. Spring is coming, Jodi. Hang in there. You can do it with all those lovelies in your home. I have all of two houseplants and they are not in the best of shape (bad gardener). I laughed out loud at you buying a rose and telling the hubby he got if for you. My husband does that at Christmas. You've inspired me to look into a few more (durable) house plants, too!

  17. I quite like the pictures of the roses! Spring is coming, I promise. At least you have way more indoor plants than I!

  18. Why is it that winter seems to last forever whereas spring simply zips by. Bummer!

    BTW we have the same orchid.

  19. Jodi, I thought I was the only one who bought gifts for myself from my husband:) Subtle hints don't always work here, so I have taken to buying the gifts I really want.

    Nothing like some indoor blossoms to calm that winter rage! I love the apricot/pink rose.

  20. Beautiful photos. Love the color of the rose. I don't have many houseplants because of the cats but I enjoyed seeing yours. I'm kind of surprised your plants do so well with your kitties.

  21. I wish I could remember where I saw a photo of a snowman built on a bench under a tree with a noose around it's neck. I think you'd appreciate it.

    I woke from a long winter nap only to find I got up too early.

    I love those grocery store mini roses. I've found they're pretty hardy and survive a couple winters when given a spot in the garden.

  22. Winter would probably more tolerable for you this year if you'd actually had a "real" summer, huh? At least you've found some bright spots of floral color for the house. I love how you bought the rose and then told your husband it was from him. Classic!


  23. These flowers are beautiful Jodi!

    I have a question about your blog, will you please contact me via e-mail at your convenience. Thank you.

  24. I am familiar with that buy myself a present technique too, and then tell him that he's bought it for me :) I think though that I may have dropped enough hints for Valentine's Day. Winter is dragging its heels here too Jodi so roll on spring I say.

  25. Ah Jodi, if anyone deserved to quit winter, it would be you. I think your other plan to buy beautiful flowers was the better idea. I love them all. Beautiful.~~Dee

  26. what gorgeous winter blooms Jodi! Love the orchids and roses! I'm still waiting for my lone yellow orchid to send up its flower stalk. If it doesn't start soon, I might have to get a pink one like yours!

  27. I know that flowers can make you
    feel nice, I get to spend lots of time with flowers :) By the way
    those green button mums are called
    Yoko Ono, pretty funny name if you
    ask me. And they don't dry well
    because I've already tried. ;)

  28. You chose well, my friend! You know I totally understand those kinds of temptations.

    I saw Ixora at the Ft. Wayne Botanical Conservatory, although it was reddish orange in color. The peachy one is lovely.

  29. I'm happy to know that I'm not the only one with a love affair flowers. It is my weakness!


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