10 April 2008

The good news and the not so good news

Day five of springlike weather here--I'm not even sure if it got down to freezing last night or not. Sunny with some clouds is a good thing.

The bad news...Dexter attacked Mungus last night, and when I went to separate them, he bit me. Hard. As in four punctures and a bruised muscle in my hand. So he's not able to stay here. Happily, my vet who operates the no-kill shelter is taking him. He'll be quarantined for a week or so and then the staff and volunteers who work there will work with him, and determine whether he can be adopted only as a one-child cat-family, or if he can go to a home with more than one. He will NOT be euthanized, which is why I support this particular veternarian and shelter so wholeheartedly. I have even told them I'll pay for his vaccinations and neutering, or at least make a donation of that amount to pay for food etc at the shelter.

We can't know what he's been through elsewhere in his young life. Someone may have abused him, or he may just have had an upset, although everything had been quiet all day yesterday until this incident last night. We're both very sad, but on the other hand we know we can bring kittens into the household and integrate them with no trouble, so maybe we'll adopt a couple of babies a little later. And I'll go in to visit him until he's placed in his 'forever home.'

The funny thing about this is that I was remarking earlier in the week that cats are much more predictable and trustworthy than humans, having had some sort of weird upset with a person I had considered a friend. But just as people can be unstable, animals can be too. The only other time in my life I've ever been bitten by a cat--seriously bitten--was with a very strange cat of my father's, who went postal on us years ago--that one had some real health problems, it turned out, and we finally got him captured and kennelled and to the vet for his final destination.

So Dexter will be fine...just not with us. Meanwhile, it's a good thing I'm on multiple antibiotics anyway. And had a tetanus shot recently. I think my garden needs me this afternoon. The rest of the catchildren know I'm upset, because they're following me around being helpful and comforting. Like real friends do.


  1. shame on Dexter! that sounds really scary, jodi. glad you are OK.

  2. I'm sorry that you got hurt. And I'm sorry that Dexter didn't work out. He may be a little too Alpha - or feral for your household. Sounds like nice cat people are helping him find a safe placement.

  3. He has probably had to fight his way through life and it takes time to change ones' ways! Sorry you were bitten...ouch! He needs a home where he will be king! Gardening does help with upsetting incidents.

  4. I'm glad that you are OK, and that Dexter will have another chance somewhere else. I have a "mean" cat that I wish could have a home away from my other 2 who don't like her. It's frustrating when cats just won't get along and you want to love them anyway.

  5. What a bummer. I'm glad you went to the doctor right away - cat bites can really sneak up on you, as my mom witnessed last summer when she had to be hospitalized for 3 days after not receiving medical care right away. I'm so glad you're ok!

    I'm happy that you will be able to find Dexter a good home through a wonderful-sounding shelter.

  6. Jodi, how sad that Dexter attacked Mungus and you. That is the one reason I was never a cat person, I was bit twice by cats when I was younger and just didn't trust them. My kitty now has totally changed my mind about cats.

    I'm so glad that you are getting springlike weather. That always makes everything better.

  7. How scary for you, Dexter and Mungus. You have chosen the best path for Dexter. I hope you and Mungus recover quickly.

  8. Oh Jodi, I'm so sorry! What a heartbreak for everyone.

  9. How disappointing Dexter wasn't able to co-exist with the others. I'm glad to hear you're OK and that Dexter will have a safe place regardless. How is Mangus?

  10. Jodi, I am so sorry. The rescue and care of him was so generous and loving of you. I'm sure with the love and support of the shelter, he will find his way to a good home. Like people, animals have to learn to trust again.

    Note: We should all do more to support vets and shelters that don't euthanize!

  11. Jodi, it sounds like you've made the best possible choices for everyone concerned. I'm glad you're ok.

  12. You really did what was best. I hope you heal quickly.

  13. I've been following the story of Dexter since you found him; I'm so sorry that it didn't work out. You are very lucky, though, to have such a caring vet to make sure that Dexter finds another home.

  14. No kill shelters are so very rare, it seems, I glad you have one close by. I once had a cat who would chase another around, and one time gave her a nice bloody gash in her leg. We could never figure out why he did that to her because he was a love bug, and she kept to hersefl humbly in the kitchen. Now I've got two cats, mine and me new wife's, and after their introduction decided to play HARD. Never seen cats wrestle, and growl, chew, and jump all over each other like dogs. It looks fierce, but no one ever gets hurt or runs off scared.

  15. You should get those puncures checked out by a doctor ASAP! Cat bites usually get infected and it it is not treated immediatly it can cause a deep seated infection that requires IV antibiotics. I know this because my daugher got bit by one of her cats and she had to have IV antibiotics 3 times a day for 3-4 days. A lady who work at our vets had to have hand surgery due to an infected cat bite.

  16. What a pity. I am so glad you have a no kill shelter for him.

  17. Oh that's too bad, Jodi! I'm sorry you got hurt and hope your hand heals quickly.
    I was bitten badly by cats twice during my childhood, but thankfully still grew up loving them...at least most of them!
    I hope Dexter will find a home where he'll do well. He'll certainly have a good chance of that with shelter that has taken him in.
    I'm glad your catchildren are provided that extra bit of comfort you're needing now :)
    Soak up the spring sunshine, and enjoy your gardens!

  18. How sad! Luckily they'll find a nice home for him. We had some trouble bringing a dog home a few years ago.

  19. I'm so sorry to hear about Dexter and your injured hand. Sounds like he was just too feral/reacting to his rough past, although he was such a handsome boy. I hope your hand heals up quickly, and glad he'll find a new home elsewhere. my best wishes to you and all the other kitties.

  20. Thank you all for your kind words and for your stories. It was a really upsetting morning, but my vet and his staff are just so great, and they're accustomed to dealing with cat behavioural problems because they adopt out as many as they can every month. We ARE very lucky to have a no-kill shelter, but wouldn't it be really neat if every affluent individual who ever complained about a stray cat paid the price for a spay/neuter just ONCE a year? But then of course we'd still have to deal with those who abandon cats, dogs or other companion animals.

  21. Sorry to hear this news but you have done what;s best. It is great you have a no-kill shelter option. I am sure he will find the right home before long.

  22. Gosh, that's so unfortunate about Dexter, and your injuries. When I was a kid, we had a cat that I swear was psychotic. We know he was never abused because we got him as a kitten from our neighbors. After a few of his unprovoked attacks, he was sent to my great-uncle's farm to be a farm cat (there were no animal shelters of any kind near us then).

  23. Oh Jodi, I'm so sorry that Dexter isn't able to stay with you. You and I both aren't having very good kitty days, are we?
    I hope your bite will heal without incident. Barney sliced my leg when I tried to put him in the cat carrier on Wednesday, but it's doing okay.

  24. Get well soon Jodi. Sad that Dexter's had to leave, but at least it looks like there will still be a happy ending to his story...

  25. How upsetting! I'm so sorry it won't work out. Dexter's been through so much already. I'm relieved you have a no-kill shelter. Betting Mungus agrees with me.

    Hope your hand heals quickly.

    You've done an amazing job with Dexter. I'm sure he'll find a good home.


  26. Cat bites are sooo painful. I'm sorry things didn't work with Dexter. With my cats I know there is no way I can integrate an adult cat, but a kitten will work fine.


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