06 March 2008

Garden Blogger's Geography Project: Wrapup Pt 2!

Nothing like supper and a nap to renew one's energy, is there? If we had a prize for "most entertainingly original" post, I think it would have to go to Ottawa Hortiphilia for the highly amusing poem at the beginning of OH's post about our nation's capital city. It's a lovely city, if somewhat challenging for gardeners. Our friend Kylie writes movingly about her part of Ohio on a regular basis, but it's always a treat to read anything she posts from her little acre. Gloria writes about Chicago and the waters that define her fair city over at Pollinators-welcome, her wildlife-friendly blog plot, while thanks to Beckie I learned that Royal, Illinois, got its name from a sign on a railcar advertising baking powder.

The award for blogger-living-closest-to-bloomingwriter would be Nancy at Soliloquey, living 45 minutes from here in the next county, while Shady Gardener in Iowa has the best blog title I've come across yet: "Does everything grow better in my neighbor's Yard?" Gisela at Guildwood, near Toronto, showed us another side of Toronto that is far superior to what the tourist brochures and city hype provide. And the two sisters, Apple and Countrygirl, who garden at the end of Lake Ontario in upstate New York, entice us with castles and parks and friends' gardens to visit.

Historiana has taught me a lot about her plot in Kentucky with her musings, and she currently has a wonderful photo of a daffodil on her sidebar with the exhortation to "Think Spring, People!" Amen, fellow gardener! I bet it's fun doing Veg Plotting in Chippenham with two such affable looking felines as Jess and Skimble to help out. Jim, who gardens in Buffalo, New York, gets the gotcha-award for having Spunky Boomerang get up and bump the monitor: I usually have my volume shut off when writing, so didn't know about the bird songs on his front page. There are a lot of New York state gardeners participating in our meme, as Kerri lives in upstate New York in a region with the delightful name of Central Leatherstocking! The trolls under bridges had better watch out for those Weed Whacking Wenches out in Seattle--they sound like my kinda gardeners, for sure.

Are we there yet? Nope. Bathroom break, and then we're back!

Kris wrote a lovely and moving love story about Rhode Island's Blithewold, a beautiful garden I hope to visit in the not too far future. Another place I hope to see soon is the only province in Canada I've not been to: Saskatchewan, home of Larry's Sherwood Greenhouses but also of bloggin' bud Kate, both in Regina. Rather different from not-so-flat Nova Scotia, but beautiful nonetheless. We had a Bliss-ful experience visiting Yolanda and the Bliss Team's home in Dinteloord, Netherlands, returning to North America to bask in the warmth of another of the Austin Bloggers, Annie at The Transplantable Rose. Since we were sunning ourselves anyway, it was a quick trip down to the Tampa area of Florida to visit Meems at Hoe and Shovel, then skipped back over to Texas to visit Brenda in the Piney Woods of Tyler, in the Lone Star state. Needing a little drier heat, we skipped over to Phoenix in Arizona for a visit with Garden Djinn, where I learned that monsoons in the Sonoran dessert are called haboobs. We're having a Fundy Haboob here tonight, with a drownpour of mild, spring-scented rain, for what it's worth. From there, we headed back north a bit, to central Indiana and Robin's Nesting Place, where we got to enjoy both her fun writing and some utterly exquisite photography.

One of the joyous things about these meme has been getting to meet new-to-me bloggers, including the erudite and definitely amusing Benjamin Vogt of the Deep Middle, in Nebraska. Deciding it was time to skip across the ocean again, we sailed over to Giekau in Germany for a visit with Corinna at her Paradise Found, then caught the red-eye to Melbourne Australia for a visit at From Little Things, where I got sidetracked by the Italian lavender farm.

I could have stayed there permanently, but the cats needed feeding so it was back across the pond and touchdown at Garden Fool's plot near New York City. Since we were in the neighbourhood, so to speak, we skipped over to Lissa's home in Saratoga Springs and took a horse for a gallop down a track. (I did this once, with a retired racehorse while I was a student at Ag College, because the track was right next door to the barn...whoo hooo!) Entangled claims to be geographically challenged, but I'm link challenged, obviously, because I read the post, commented on it....and lost the link somewhere until today. And last but never least, we have a highly entertaining post from Sue Swift, in Milan, Italy, who's longing to be elsewhere.

Well...we've logged a lot of e-air-miles over the past month, and judging by your comments, had a lot of fun learning about our gardening neighbours near and far. I realized it wasn't going to be easy to pick a favourite post, as they're all my favourites...so I just cut up some pieces of paper, wrote each blogger's name on one, and put them all in my gardening hat. The random winner of a copy of The Atlantic Gardener's Greenbook is Frances at Faire Garden. Congratulations, Frances!

If I were independently wealthy, I'd send a copy of my book to each of you. Unfortunately, I can't quite go that far, so I've created a special badge/award for each of you who participated. Now you can all claim to have your very own Meconopsis, or blue poppy! A little story about this: this image is on my business cards, and was created by my uncle Don, a commercial artist in Virginia. So I have utterly unique business cards, and you now share something with a gardener and writer in Nova Scotia, wherever you are. Just right click to save it to your desktop and post on your blog with my admiration for your hard work. (is this better than an "A", Kylee?)

(Edit in the morning: I've made a smaller version, which I was having trouble with last night. Try this is that one is too big for you!)

Again, congratulations and my heartfelt thanks to all of you, and here's hoping we soon see spring wherever we garden. (Except of course for you in the southern Hemisphere, who are waiting for autumn!)


  1. Phew. You wrote all this up in one evening? What a journey. I've found some cool new bloggers, but obviously I'll never get to half of them if blotanical keeps filling in the ranks. Yikes. Oofta. Ya betchya.

  2. Jodi- WOW... you just keep impressing me. This was a very fun project and I am so glad I was able to be a part of it. Your round up post is as interesting as all your other writings. I don't know how you got all that straight???

    I'll happily display my blue poppy as it is the only way I'll ever have one- and it is quite a lovely one at that.

    Oh... and congrats to Frances... a very deserving recipient indeed! I still remember reading her post early on giving us great views of her home\gardens from every angle.

    Meems@ hoeandshovel.blogspot

  3. Thanks Jodi for this neat synopsis of all the participants. Now go rest up girl!
    And thank you for the lovely blue poppy :)
    Frances is a lucky girl!

  4. Congratulations Frances! Thanks for the blue poppy award, it is already on the sidebar.

  5. Whew! That's a lot to cover in one post! And you did it swimmingly, my dear Jodi. :)

    Cindy at Rosehaven Cottage

  6. Oh my goodness, what work this was for you! Well done! And I LOVE LOVE LOVE the blue poppy, as you knew I would. Thank you so much! It's proudly displayed right now on my blog. This was such a fun thing for all of us to participate in.

  7. Gosh, thank you for the Blue Poppy award Jodi. Much better than an A. :) This will be the only blue poppy I will ever have.

  8. Thanks to your project we've found quite a few new garden bloggers which is great as there is so much to learn about this world we live in and I get a peek through blogging how it is to live in Nova Scotia or Indiana or the land of Oz etc. I think that having this special window on the world (and its gardens) is one of the best things about blogging.

    Thanks for the lovely blue poppy award, now we have even more in common! :-)

    Congrats to Frances, you lucky woman you, and enjoy the book!

    I'm off doing my blog rounds as I have a lot of catching up to do!

  9. Jodi, that was truly a lucky draw for me! Buckets o' thanks and your book will be devoured and treasured forever! This has been a wonderful lesson in learning about all the wonderful blogger's places. You are the one who deserves an award for all the hard AND creative work you did on this and do everyday with your thoughtful, humorous, human posts. I am honored to receive your book. The blue poppy is up and it will be displayed proudly at Faire Garden. Thanks again,

  10. Fun! Fascinating! Fabulous! I've enjoyed reading about places all over the world, learned tons o' stuff, AND I get a Blue Poppy Award! Life can't get much better than that, except when spring actualy arrives...that is! Congratulations Frances, you lucky duck and thank you Jodi for creating a wonderful project!

  11. Jodi, thanks for your hard work putting this together. I never thought I'd be glad for a rainy weekend weather forecast, but now I may have time to read all the posts.

    And since your blue poppy came from Virginia, it should be happy here. I'll plant it on my blog ASAP ;-)

  12. Thank you Jodi! I, too have my Blue Poppy award now on my blog. What a journey and you are quite the travel guide. It was great fun for us and hard work for you, but oh so grand a tour!

  13. The fun continues since I've had a hard time keeping up. There's never enough time to make all the rounds now that I've discovered so many new places and the people that make them special.

    I posted my cat family the other day - hope you get a chance to meet them.

  14. Jodi: You are a wealth of energy! I enjoyed every one of the geography posts! Good job and give yourself a blue poppy...oh, wait, you actually have them in your garden! Lucky woman!

  15. Being new to garden blogs, I was amazed as I read so many of the geography project posts. They were clearly labors of love. The time, passion, and dedication everyone put into documenting their corners of the world was inspiring to me.

    Thank you for dreaming up this project, Jodi, and for all the work you put into it. It's been a wonderful introduction to the world of garden blogging. Linda

  16. Thanks for everything Jodi - for the "A", for the nice comments, for the award, and - most of all - for organising this in the first place. It's been great fun.

  17. It's been great fun, Jodi - I'm still working my way gradually through the posts. You on the other hand can adapt the old joke for your own journey,
    "I just flew around the world in two days and boy, are my arms tired!"

    Thanks again from Annie at the Transplantable Rose

  18. Thanks for the mention and the poppy. You did ALOT of work on this. And to link to everyone! Must have taken you quite a long time to get it all right. Love all your kitties!

  19. I am so very impressed with you and other bloggers that go so far out of their way and do so much work to coordinate these large multi-blog projects.

    And I'm impressed that Spunky Boomerang, with such refines tastes, likes my blog.

  20. Congrats on pulling this project together with not one but two summary posts. It was a great project to participate in and I thoroughly enjoyed visiting all the participants and their gardens. I totally forgot there was a prize and congrats to Frances for winning. Thanks to you too for the award for each of the bloggers. It will be displayed proudly on my blog.

  21. so much fun....i'm still visiting everyone's corner of the world. great work.

  22. What a beautiful award you have made!

  23. Wow - I'm so impressed by your energy! This wrapping-up of the Garden Blogers Geography Project is perfect - as is the entire initiative. Thanks! And have a great week-end! /Katarina at Roses and stuff

  24. what a fun project -- wish I'd taken the time to participate. Glad I could brighten your winter with my bloom post -- I was a bit worried about seeming too smug out here in the wet warmth (relatively) of the Pacific Northwest, but your response was a generous one.

  25. Wow! That's a lot of work! Thanks for the poppy!

  26. I've only been able to get through about half of the posts but with at least another month until the snow is gone I'll have some interesting reading! This was great fun, thank for hosting and for the blue poppy!


  27. Kudos jodi ... I so enjoyed your awesome endeavor, hoping to jump in and participate. Time eludes me as sole caretaker for my recently blind sister after a year of horrific illness. I know many who participated found time 'multi-tasking' in busy lives and I honor all fellow gardeners able to prioritize.

  28. Thanks, I've put it on my blog. If you're thinking of moving platforms, you might find Wordpress is a lot more flexible, whether hosted or self-installed.


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