07 February 2008

Sharing the Love

Did any of you know I am a ray of sunshine? I didn't (and my longsuffering spouse sure doesn't think so, some mornings before coffee!) Well, the always-sunny Cindy at Rosehaven Cottage thinks so, and she awarded me the Spread the Love Award. She also awarded the even more sunny and well deserving Kylee of Our Little Acre and Yolanda and the whole Bliss Team with this cheery February award.

What a perfect way to chase away the grey days of what I refer to as Farch--that interminable period that starts on February Oneth and ends on March Thirty-Oneth. We're into about day four or five or maybe seventeen of grey, dreary, blah, sunless, cloudy, precipitation of various sorts days...and I'm out of good chocolate! May have to resort to eating chocolate chips when I feel down.

Here's the info on the award:

The Spread the Love Award originated from Mica at Garb-oodles Soup with Mica's purpose being, "I have met so many lovely and very talented ladies here in Blogdom, what more can I do or say to express my humbled heart to each, than to give all my Dearest Readers and Friends a special award filled with Love. So, Spread The Love dear ones, Spread The Love to those you love. Accept my award in which I have specially designed and share it with others. Enjoy the day."

I'm with Mica on this; i've met so many talented and wonderful people (guys too, though they're in a shorter supply in the garden blogger's world, it seems), and some of you have become friends across the miles, including Cindy, Kylee, and Yolanda! So how on earth can I award this (because you have to pass it on!) to only a couple of people?

Well, it's my blog and I'll make up my own rule. I'm going to award it to five bloggers, some of whom I'm just getting to know across the bloggin' miles. They aren't all gardening blogs, either, because I checked back and that's fine. You know me and rules...if I can bend them just a bit, or push them just a bit, it's a great thing.

So; my picks are:

Victoria Cummings at Teachings of the Horse, for her wisdom about horses and the adept way she learns from them;
The entire team at GardeningGoneWild, because they are encouraging us all to become better gardeners, and they take the time to reply to comments, unlike some 'professional' garden writers.
Stuart at Gardening Tips n Ideas, for all his work both with his blog and with Blotanical, where some of us are having just too much fun;
Diane at Alberta Postcards, because her photographs make my heart sing (and she's a great writer too)
and Robin's Nesting Place, because A. I love her blog and her concern for other creatures and B. I had her URL messed up on my sidebar for several weeks!

And two special recipients (because I can) my blogging buddies and fellow Blotanical addicts, Carolyn of Sweet Home & Garden Chicago and Kate of Kate Smudges ; we have this hilarious three-way-gallop going on for top post-picker at Blotanical...none of us sleeps much, obviously.

As far as I know, there's no code for this award; just copy the image above and put it on your blog especially in a post where you share the love forward (if you wish).

And for the other hundred and leventy-three blogs I read--you all deserve it too, so give yourselves a hug from me; you all make me a better gardener, better writer and photographer (because I am inspired by you) and make my life a little richer, in the things that money CAN'T buy. So there.


  1. I fully agree Little Miss Sunshine.

  2. Jodi, thank you for spreading the love my way. I'm honored that you chose Robin's Nesting Place to bestow this lovely award. I never even knew you had my URL wrong.

    Your comment about the chocolate was funny to me. Sometimes, my guys here get so desperate for chocolate they resort to eating the semi-sweet chocolate chips too.

    I always enjoy checking Blotanical's top users to see which of you three is on top.

  3. Thanks for thinking of us at Gardening Gone Wild, Jodi, and for introducing us to some other great blogs, too!

  4. Jodi - I am honored that you chose me for this award! Even though I don't have a gardening blog, I am thoroughly addicted to yours and all your friends' blogs. And Silk and Siete were so pleased to learn that they were being even more loved. They reminded me that they are the ones creating all that gorgeous compost to make the garden grow. Thanks so much!

  5. Well deserved all around! Congratulations to all! That's one cute award. I love it and the reasons that it is given. xo! Debi

  6. What a wonderful compliment. You deserve it Jodi! Glad to see you're getting a bit of emotional warmth during this unrelenting winter.

    But you shouldn't be surprised at receiving the award. After all, aren't you a Sunflower?

    Charmian (who's a snap dragon herself)

  7. Congratulations! I hope this brings a ray of sunshine into your gloomy office. According to a local meterologist, we've just about set the record for the cloudiest start to February around here, so I can sympathize with your malaise/ennui.

  8. Jodi you are such a breath of fresh air every time I read one of your posts. Something always makes me smile because I connect with it. I have to tell you that I daily partake of semi-sweet chocolate chips for medicinal purposes (dead serious). Apparently, 1 oz. of dark chocolate a day helps the body deal with stress better, particularly during the winter months. So go get those chocolate chips, girl!

    Cindy at Rosehaven Cottage

  9. Congratulations! You do bring some sunshine each time I read your blog.

  10. Yeah, you guys are killing everyone else on Blotanical! Glad Stuart fixed the white page of death that comes up when I click the Picks page....now you ladies are in for a world of hurt. But I am too far behind to ever catch up!

    Watching your competition as it unfolds...!

  11. Hi all...

    Lisa--you're saucy! Congrats on also being a recipient, because you're also a ray of sunshine (and I've never seen the movie just on principles).

    Robin, happy to do so! Messing up the URL had to do with reentering all the blogs and other URLs after I did the blog refit. Glad you didn't notice, and hopefully others didn't get lost on their way to you.

    Nan, you at GGW all rock, and you've enspired so many of us!

    Victoria, that's the thing; sharing the love goes across blog topics, that's for sure. Glad the girls were pleased. (Leggo, finally able to get out of the barn, thought that was a nice touch)

    Debi, you deserve this award too! I'm sure it will come round to you soonly; people soon figure out where the good blogs are, and who's real.

    Charmian...you make a perfect snap dragon (bet Andrew thinks so, after the coffee pot fiasco.)

    MMD, it's sure been a rudely cloudy February here, and only just barely 9 days old.

    Cindy...chocolate makes perfect sense to me as a medicinal. So does yoga--I'm seeing some relief in my achy body already.

    Sherry, thanks, glad to be cheery appearing even when I'm rather irritable here (pain makes me grumpy after a while, as does too much lack of sleep) But laughter IS the best medicine...

    Curtis, thanks! Glad to have you visit--I enjoy your blog greatly.

    Katie, reading Blotanical is my cure for insomnia. It doesn't put me to sleep, but when I can't sleep I just read for hours on end. And during the day, it's a good break in my routines. I've learned so much and read some terrific writing, too!

  12. Congratulations! I am little behind I can see with what happened :)
    Yes, your blog is a ray of sunshine.


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