07 September 2007

Just a few minutes

There really aren't a lot of words needed for this...mouse over the photo to see how it all happened in just a couple of minutes. (each photo is named according to the date stamp as I took the photo, but the upshot is it all took about half an hour from stoic, silent chrysalis to vibrant life.

And while I was sitting on the wet grass rejoicing in this newest addition to the world, I looked over, and saw another chrysalis I hadn't seen before. The more we look, the more we see.

I'm very grateful that this monarch chose this morning to emerge, and while I was outside checking them too...there will be more over the next few days but I'm unlikely to see them, as I'm busy with preparations for my adventure. More on that this evening.....


  1. speechless with Wow! Thanks for giving us the chance to witness that!

  2. Just phenomenal! I have to put a link to that on my blog & tell people to have a look. Thanks!

  3. That was so neat to see. Great pictures!! Thank you for sharing in such detail.

  4. I say the same wow, this is such cool capture of all stages. Anna :)

  5. What a wonderful progression of photos... thanks so much for sitting there and taking the shots as the buttefly emerged. How cool.

  6. That was really cool. I had never before seen a butterfly cocoon before.

  7. Amazing! So glad you noticed this so we could see it too!

  8. ditto all of the above. What a great experience.
    Thanks for the great photos.

  9. What great pictures, Jodi!

    Kathleen Hamilton

  10. Dear Jodi, you have captured this natural phenomenon so beautifully. It amazing how within few minutes a plain looking cocoon metamorphoses into a lovely butterfly. Thanks for sharing it with us.


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