14 August 2007

Garden Bloggers Bloom Day--August

It's that time again already! It's Garden Bloggers Bloom Day, as started by the clever and delightful Carol of May Dreams Garden.

It's Half Past August, a Quarter to Fall--and here's what's going on at our place!

This and the first image is a perennial potentilla, Arc en Ciel--I also have one called Fireball but the flowers are much smaller. These come in shades of red-orange with yellow in the mix too, and they catch a lot of attention even though they're in among the coneflower herd.

I'm just catching on to alliums, although I've been growing a couple of them faithfully for several years now. The bizarre "Hair" is a favourite because of its odd spiky tendrils, but I like the small yellow fireworks of this one too.

I don't know if the monarchs just haven't found the yellow asclepias yet, or if it's not really to their liking, but so far it's remained unscatched. I can't find the orange one, but it's possible I weeded it out, thinking it was something naughty!

Although the light wasn't quite right and I should have used my tripod--I couldn't resist including this photo of a hummingbird facing off with a wasp! It's very bizarre to see the wasp turn and face the hummers, and then CHASE them--but they all share eventually.

You didn't think I'd get through a post of flowers without at least one coneflower, did you? Of course not. Here's Sundown, also known as Evan Saul--I can finally tell them apart because SunSET has a unique lavender cast to its older flowers in cool climates, according to Tony Avent of Plant Delights Nursery.

And of course this is my favourite plant this year, the well-named Green Envy--which elicits just that response in most who see it.

Oh, this is a blissful plant! It's an orienpet lily, a cross between oriental and a trumpet, but I can't remember what it's name is. It's fragrant, it's elegant, it might be Caravan (I'll see if I can find my notes from last year).

I figure that Bloom Day ought to include some of the creatures that our garden relies on for pollination--and which they rely on for food. Here's one of our happy, fat, bumblebees. Okay, yes, I'm anthropomorphizing. It's my blog and if I want to assign moods to bees, I will. Nanner nanner nanner blttttt!

We have a lot of bee balm, mostly in strong colours like red (Jacob Cline) raspberry (Raspberry Wine) and this (Bluestocking). I didn't realize that's what this was until the Bluestocking I bought this year flowered--and looked exactly like this large clump of Monarda. So now there will be two clumps.

As part of my wine-and-chocolate garden, here is Days of Wine; our daylilies are still going strong here on the mountain, and the everbloomers will keep going until frost.

This afternoon I took a walk around the back field looking at wildflowers and other things that interest me, and paused by the pond to watch dragonflies. I didn't feel I had time to sit and wait for a dragonfly to land near me...then when I went back up to the house, here he is, hanging on the autumn clematis!

I have deadlines on the go here, so I will stop for now; but I'm going to do a part 2 to my Garden Blogger's Bloom Day post--and that will be some of the native/naturalized plants that grow around our place. Happy Bloom Day, all!


  1. Simply lovely photos! The Arc en Ciel was breathtaking!

  2. Jodi:

    That is a great hummer photo! The flowers are not bad either! I do love monarda and will have to get some blue stocking to go with my others. Yes, that was a Limelight PG and I do love them! I'm thinking of a lime green garden!

  3. Part 2? Wow, you have so many wonderful flowers, and there's more? Can't wait!

    Thanks for participating in Garden Bloggers' Bloom Day.

    Carol at May Dreams Gardens

  4. Jodi,

    That pic of the hummer and wasp sharing it really cool. I like the dragonfly too. I've had a couple visit the garden this year but not stop long enough to allow me to take a picture of them.

  5. Okay, I have to research that Arc en ciel right away and see if it will survive here. I think I may have to branch out in the echinacea department, all I have are the echinacea purpura and angustifolia, none of the new colors. I have resisted buying them because they seemed rather dear and I wasn't sure how they would perform. You've convinced me to take the plunge. Well, once we pay for the new waterline, anyway.

  6. Wow... I never realized that the potentilla flowers looked so velvety. Beautiful. And that 'Bluestocking' monarda is a wonderful shade--I have seen that available in the garden centers, but never in flower so I have shied away. This may just change my mind.

  7. I loved part one, and now also have bluestocking on my wishlist... your plants have so much personality, Jodi!

    See you for part 2,

    Annie at the Transplantable Rose

  8. Beautiful photos. You certainly captured some wonderful wildlife in the hummer & wasp and the dragonfly.

  9. Hi Jodi,

    Great show of your August blooms. Love the beautiful hummingbird and wasp photo.

  10. Great flower shots, and that dragonfly is one that I have never seen---it must be a Canadian dragonfly!

  11. Wine and chocolate garden? Now there's a thought. You wouldn't get me out of this zone for anything.

    Great pics Jodi. Like everyone else, I loved the hummingbird photo and also you coneflowers.

    Awesome contribution.

  12. your photos are amazing! they inspire me to paint and give me new ideas for color pallettes. beautiful! and your cat's names are hilarious--i love them! i can't wait to look at your blog every day.

  13. i had no idea hummingbirds got harassed by even smaller fliers! that's hilarious. i have both in my yard but i've never seen that. thanks for braving the dogfighters for the photo, i've personally been chased by both!

  14. Lots and lots of yumminess there, jodi! I love the dragonfly photo! I'm a big lover of dragonflies, and that hummer! Good job!

    We have potentilla, too, in similar shades, but not double like yours. Ours is 'Melton Fire' and I grew it by wintersowing two winters ago.

  15. Glad you've all enjoyed our little menagerie. I'm getting ready to post a second part, but also getting ready to go away, so I'm a bit behind in blogging while I do the work what pays the bills....


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