18 July 2007

A little green envy

Many of us have pored over garden centre and mailorder catalogues and websites, and stared at photos of plants and wondered if the blooms are truly that shade of blue/red/purple/green. Sometimes, the tags and catalogue photos boost the colours, and we've all seen that and sometimes it's quite obvious.
Well...when I first saw photos of Echinacea Green Envy I went RIGHT into orbit. Talk about plantlust. I had it in spades. I needed that plant. Even if the photos on labels and in catalogues were an exaggeration I was sure I needed it anyway.

Well...I got it, too. And guess what?

It really IS that green. And pinkish purple, which just makes it more desireable. Now, I have to tell you--mine aren't open this far yet--so this is a photo from one of those at Blomidon. Mine are starting--doing that slow elongation of the petals as the cone raises up from the centre--i figure by the weekend one will be open to almost this point. Isn't it delicious?

Then there is 'Matthew Saul' echinacea, also known as Harvest Moon. It's pretty awesome too. I like it better than Sunrise which I like really well. This is Harvest Moon (sing a little Neil Young along with me!)

I may have to go back to the nursery and get this plant. Confession is always good for the gardener's soul. I have a Harvest Moon--bought it this spring. I planted it, too--SOMEWHERE in the front beds. I can't remember where. And things are doing really, really well--we had some rain and now some heat and it's a case of "stand back, the triffids are on the move." Honestly. Everything is doing splendidly as if to make up for the crappy spring and summer til now. Hostas are enormous, roses are covered in blossoms, perennials are leaping out of the ground in huge sizes (I have a heuchera, Frosted Violet, that is 2 1/2 feet across--and still growing! In its first year here!). Must be the Seaboost coupled with mushroom compost coupled with fog.

Anyway, because of the jungle, I don't exactly know where my Harvest Moon coneflower plant is. I'm going to look carefully through two areas of the garden where it probably is, hidden under a giant monarda or daylily or perhaps the seven foot tall monkshood. and if I can't find it--if it succumbed or is overwhelmed by other plants--I'll admit my mistake and go get another one.

Er, make that my experiment. Because as the slogan goes, there are no gardening mistakes--only experiments.


  1. I NEED that Green Envy Echinacea. I love green flowers. I NEED it!

  2. I'm ENVY-ous! I've wanted this one for some time, but want to find it in a nursery rather than ordering it online and I just haven't seen it here.

    I'm a coneflower NUT, I tell ya. Look for my coneflower post very soon!

  3. Carol: Oh, I understand that NEED. That's what happened when I saw it in a magazine this winter.
    Kylee; I understand about being a coneflower nut. Moi aussi. I have at least a dozen different cultivars and species...hope you find Green Envy somewhere soon. (I'm surprised that we have it and you haven't seen it yet. We're usually behind the US in getting new plants.)

  4. those are fabulous! WANT! i have two coneflowers, but they aren't nearly that amazing. much fight urge to visit nursery...

  5. Thanks for posting this. I saw that on one of the online nursery sites and wondered if it was really green, too. I want one!

  6. I see why they named it 'green envy'. I haven't seen this one at the garden centers but will have to look harder. I had a chuckle over your 'lost' coneflower. I think most of us have done that little trick.

  7. Green Envy, how apt a name. ;-)

    Although I love coneflowers I never had them in my garden but this year I bought 2 at Piet Oudolf's nursery. One purple one with purple stems as well and a white one. Both are starting to flower and look lovely.

    Green Envy would look good in my border too, what a lovely plant Jodi. Good luck with yours and may it flower and delight you for a very, very long time!

    And I quite agree on your take of an experient versus a mistake. ;-)

  8. bs: Resistance is futile. Get the to a nursery, go, and find other coneflowers! :-)
    Gina: You too--we're all hardworking and dedicated gardeners and we deserve little treats like luscious coneflowers, right? (I can justify ANY garden purchase, so just ask if you need a reason to go looking for a new plant...)
    Layanee: I have two famous experiments that go awry--the planting something and forgetting where it is, and of course finding something in the garden that I have NO recollection of having even bought, let alone planted. Must. Make. Maps.
    Yolanda Elizabet: Once you have a coneflower or two in your garden, you're done for. They're just so tidy, handsome, butterfly and bird magnets...and some of them are really nicely fragrant too. They are habit forming...


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