23 July 2007

Change is good, when it's positive global change!

You just never know what will happen when you return to your computer after a few hours away. I found this lovely note from Yolanda Elizabet, of Bliss, chatting about plants and then telling me I'd won an award. Well! Deepest and heartfelt thanks to Yolanda Elizabet and the Bliss team for having given me a Bloggers for Positive Global Change award. (and a bouquet, of course) And congratulations to my fellow winners in this.

The BPGC award was created by the wise heads at Climate of Our Future, a positive and inspiring site in itself, to celebrate bloggers who do so in an effort to change the world for the better.

How do my bloomingwritings change the world? Well. My whole raison d'etre is to be a garden cheerleader for others to bloom where they're planted and to rejoice in all green growing things. Well, except for goutweed and the strange goo in the bottom of my fridge. I learn so much from the gardeners around me, and so I keep my blog as a way of giving back to the gardening community.

As a recipient, I now get the delightful honour of nominating five blogs that I feel are worthy of a Bloggers for Positive Global Change award. Before we get to those, here's what you need to do to participate in this meme yourselves:

Meme Rules

It’s easy to participate in this meme. At minimum, you can proudly display the BPGC badge (it’s available in two varieties: Transparent GIF and JPEG with white background) on your blog and bask in the glow of our collective good will. If you are sharing the kudos, however, please make sure you pass this list of rules to the blogs you are tagging.

The participation rules are simple:

When you get tagged, write a post with links to up to 5 blogs that you think are trying to change the world in a positive way.
In your post, make sure you link back to this post so that people can easily find the exact origin of the meme.
Leave a comment or message for the bloggers you’re tagging, so they know they’re now part of the meme.
Optional : Proudly display the “Bloggers For Positive Global Change” award badge with a link to the post that you write up.

Now for the real fun: My winners are:

Wild Flora, author of several blogs but especially Wild Flora's Wild Gardening--friend to all pollinators, and ducks too!

Nancy's Soliloquy blog, which gently asks us to think in challenging yet positive ways.

Layanee, of Ledges and Gardens, whose garden is as big and lovely as her heart.

Sandy whose gardenpath may lead to a small garden in Maine but whose wisdom about wild plants, pollinators and other important garden friends rings round the world.

And Kate, whose smudging in the things she loves gives all her readers joy and encouragement.

I learn from these, friends I may never meet--and they make my world a better place, so they can't help but make positive global change--one word, one photo, one heartfelt posting at a time.

For the many others who also inspire and teach me, bouquets of coneflowers and wild roses--and your further recognition is coming too. You're all winners in my book, of course.


  1. Congrats on your award! I've only recently made it to your blog through comments that made me think "yeah! - what SHE said!" and I love that you call yourself a cheerleader. - Me too! rah rah! (shall we all form a squad?)

  2. Thank you so much, Jodi! You're such a sweetheart. I feel very honored and am really looking forward to adding this symbol to my blog.

  3. You are a sweetie, Jodi! I very much appreciate your nomination ... it is an honour being selected by you!!

    I'm also happy to have a new blog to check out - Nancy's above and I will check on Wild Flor. Layanee and Sandy are on my regular reading list - both blogs, along with yours too, that I love.

    And thank you for the cheering comment in my blog last night.

  4. Congrats to the winners.. I love your furry friends.. They look a little mischevious.. The way I like them..

  5. Jodi:

    I actually had to work today so am returning to the computer after many hours! I am humbled and honored by your kind words and an award! I am unable to post right now as my Typepad is down according to their note to me. Maybe later tonight as I hate to miss a day. We all learn so much from each other and while I don't see myself as a person who can change the world, your words are correct, we can all do it 'one word, one photo, one heartfelt posting at a time'! Kudos to you on your award!

  6. Dear Jodi, what a lovely acceptance speech you've written. ;-)

    Excellent choices and I realise it was not an easy decision as there are so many deserving blogs out there.

  7. Thanks to all of you for dropping by and leaving such nice comments. Kris: I'm with you, let's form a garden cheerleading squad, though I KNOW I can't turn a cartwheel anymore--or do the splits. We'll make our pompoms out of big dahlia flowers, and what shall we use for uniforms? :-)
    As Yolanda Elizabeth notes, there are many deserving blogs out there--one of the nicest ways to acknowledge them is through a link exchange, which is why I have an evergrowing set of garden blog links on the side of this blog. My gardening hat is off to all of you.

  8. congratulations! you do seem to be an unrepentantly happy person... i'm glad to see other people are noticing too.


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