01 May 2007

Top garden centres in NS, repeat

If you're looking for that post on my favourite garden centres, it's back in April...but I'll repost the link here to keep it current. Am still building the master list, but it's slow going in between work that pays the bills.


  1. Hi jodi! Enjoy your website, for sure, but I see you do not have our garden center listed. We are called Garden of Eatin' Farms, and we are located in Paradise, N.S. We have a wide assortment of annuals and perennials, all at very good prices, with taxes included. We strive to keep pricing down, and one of the things that helps us do this is that we carry out an extensive plant pot recycling program. As you know, a significant amount of plastic is generated in this industry, and we strive to minimize our negative impact on the environment.

    Since we do most of our seeding and labour ourselves, we are able to carry a variet of really need plants....just not a whole big bunch of any one thing.

    If, by chance you are interested in any more information, I can be reached at lcornish@acadian.ca. Thanks a lot. - Lynn Cornish

  2. Hi Lynn: Lovely to hear from you! Since I didn't know you existed, it's pretty hard for me to mention your business. No one has sent me information about it before, and I'm really glad you have contacted me. We'll rectify that omission shortly...expect an email first, and a visit as soon as I can clear my desk a bit.

    cheers, jodi

  3. I think it's great that you are compiling a list of garden centres in NS...I wish I lived there and had to such a variety of different centres.

    Thinking of you and hoping your desk is gradually clearing.

    I am still laughing like a loon over your letter to the aunt about the chicken maple syrup pourer!


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